Chris Christie is gonna be our next president

Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.
That's right. More of that Party-over-country nonsense that the Republicans have become synonymous for in the last 20 years.

Keep it up. :thup:

non sequitur
Christie will most likely be the GOP nominee....but there's very little chance of him beating hillary clinton.

1. Clinton is practically running as an incumbent

2. The electoral college will favor the Democrats even MORE in 2016

Aside from her last name Hillary Clinton brings to the table WHAT?
Please provide examples which support your claims.
Christie will most likely be the GOP nominee....but there's very little chance of him beating hillary clinton.

1. Clinton is practically running as an incumbent

2. The electoral college will favor the Democrats even MORE in 2016

Aside from her last name Hillary Clinton brings to the table WHAT?
Please provide examples which support your claims.

1. She knows how the White House and how the Presidency works. She lived there for 8
years and can ask her husband for advice if she has any questions.

2. She knows how the Congress works. She was a Senator.

3. She understands global politics, diplomacy and international relationships, treaties, etc.
because she was a Secretary of State.
Dubya was a good President

No, he wasn't. He doubled the national debt. He dragged us into an unnecessary war. He presided over policies that resulted in an economic collapse and put millions of people out of work. He expanded the federal government at that time more than any president since LBJ.

Why didn't you add that Obama is at least twice as bad when you look at his numbers?

I agree Obama is worse, but so what? That's like saying solid shit is preferred to diarrhea. They're both still messy and stink.
Dubya inherited conditions from Clinton that caused 9-11 and the war.
Dubya's economy was reflective of and caused by Clinton policies related to inflated housing loans and false stock market bubbles.

They had plenty of time to change the housing loan issues. In fact, Bush was out there touting the record number of home ownership, particularly among minorities.

Let's also not forget that Alan Greenspan, a Republican appointee, played a huge roll in the housing bubble by taking down interest rates to historically low levels.
I suspect Hillary will be our next president.

Not sure if Christie can get through the primaries, he will be tarred and feathered in the South.

If he somehow becomes the GOP candidate, he might have a chance to beat Hillary, but in the end I think she'll be the next prez.
Christie will most likely be the GOP nominee....but there's very little chance of him beating hillary clinton.

1. Clinton is practically running as an incumbent

2. The electoral college will favor the Democrats even MORE in 2016

Aside from her last name Hillary Clinton brings to the table WHAT?
Please provide examples which support your claims.

1. She knows how the White House and how the Presidency works. She lived there for 8
years and can ask her husband for advice if she has any questions.

2. She knows how the Congress works. She was a Senator.

3. She understands global politics, diplomacy and international relationships, treaties, etc.
because she was a Secretary of State.

Don't bother them with facts.
Return of the practical white male leader. I love it

NOpe, this country is far to critical for that to happen. He is too fat. Sorry. There will be a woman before there is a fat man in the oval office.

Mark my words on that.

We've already elected fat presidents, but thanks for sharing your ignorance.

Within the last 70 years?


Christie's weight really shouldn't be an issue, by the way.

But it will be. :eusa_shifty:
NOpe, this country is far to critical for that to happen. He is too fat. Sorry. There will be a woman before there is a fat man in the oval office.

Mark my words on that.

We've already elected fat presidents, but thanks for sharing your ignorance.

Within the last 70 years?


Christie's weight really shouldn't be an issue, by the way.

But it will be. :eusa_shifty:

I don't think it will be much of an issue.

It's not like he's a Mormon or anything.
If a Mormon can be nominated, Christie has no serious impediments unless he does something incredibly stupid in the next two plus years.

I am glad to see you on the left very worried about Christie: you have every right to be.
It is three years until the election, for chrissakes. Give it a rest.

Christie is the flavor of the week. Let's not get all hot and bothered every 7 days for the next thousand days over the pol du jour.
Not if I have anything to say about it. I'd vote for myself before I'd vote for him.

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