Chris Christie is just too unhealthy to serve...

I really don't understand why Chris Christie is running for POTUS! We all know that he has absolutely NO CHANCE of getting the Republican Nomination. I won't talk about his Weight. It's very obvious! His condemnation of Marco Rubio is senseless. It will serve him no purpose! Shame on you, Chris!!
Hillary has a Thyroid Problem so bad she has to stop in the middle a speech to cough up a hairball, Has Brain Damage from hitting her head when she fell, and is described by her own staff as 'frequently confused' (which is always what you look for in someone who will have their finger on the nuclear button :p) ... but let's talk about Christie....who doesn't have a shot at winning, anyway.
.. Look at sanders.
Do you realize that anime' porn is a way of depicting a child-figure doing sex acts? Big eyes, child's face. I want you to remove that streaming animation in your signature or I'm going to report you to the mods.
Uh, Hillary Clinton's a flab-ass and has brain damage. When's she pulling out?

I doubt you'll see HIS letter from his physician about his state of health.... He's a heart attack in a size 108" waist band.

It's racist to say anything about his weight...

What race does weight belong to?
Is your assessment of Christie's health based on your vast medical knowledge and thorough examination of his medical records or your partisan B.S.?
Having a medical background isn't necessary to see that he is one quadruple bypass cheeseburger --- hold the lettuce --- away from a major chest buster. All it takes is a pair of eyes.

As far as giving him a thorough examination: eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, just thinking about that makes me want to barf.

I mean come on, who wants a guy like that running the country when he doesn't even have enough willpower to cut back on shoveling food down his gullet, even with his stomach tied off.

Have another 10 boxes of twinkies big boy.
Is your assessment of Christie's health based on your vast medical knowledge and thorough examination of his medical records or your partisan B.S.?
Having a medical background isn't necessary to see that he is one quadruple bypass cheeseburger --- hold the lettuce --- away from a major chest buster. All it takes is a pair of eyes.

As far as giving him a thorough examination: eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, just thinking about that makes me want to barf.

I mean come on, who wants a guy like that running the country when he doesn't even have enough willpower to cut back on shoveling food down his gullet, even with his stomach tied off.

Have another 10 boxes of twinkies big boy.
That's one in the partisan BS column.
Uh, Hillary Clinton's a flab-ass and has brain damage. When's she pulling out?
Yeah, this thread was started by a dem who fears a Christie run. Rachael Maddow also seems to really ratchet up the demonizing of Christie whenever it smells like he might pull ahead. She fears him, greatly. And well she should. Christie is the Trump equivalent in that he says exactly what he's thinking, but thinks about it first, unlike Trump who just blurts wild crap out of his squirming mind without processing at all..

Christie could easily assimilate Trump's flock and run in for a touchdown. He appeals to the middle and that's where the votes are folks. You can't work your program if your pony doesn't make it into the harness.
Is your assessment of Christie's health based on your vast medical knowledge and thorough examination of his medical records or your partisan B.S.?
Having a medical background isn't necessary to see that he is one quadruple bypass cheeseburger --- hold the lettuce --- away from a major chest buster. All it takes is a pair of eyes.

As far as giving him a thorough examination: eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, just thinking about that makes me want to barf.

I mean come on, who wants a guy like that running the country when he doesn't even have enough willpower to cut back on shoveling food down his gullet, even with his stomach tied off.

Have another 10 boxes of twinkies big boy.
That's one in the partisan BS column.
No. That's one that goes in the you can see it with your own eyes column.
Rachael Maddow also seems to really ratchet up the demonizing of Christie whenever it smells like he might pull ahead. She fears him, greatly. And well she should.
Cool, we have another Rachael Maddow viewer.

I doubt you'll see HIS letter from his physician about his state of health.... He's a heart attack in a size 108" waist band.

It's racist to say anything about his weight...

What race does weight belong to?
The same "race" gays belong to...

Big dummy, you really don't know the definition of racism.
Do tell me what real racism is??

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