Chris Christie makes dirty remark to Female

Referring to females as "chicks" is the same as referring to males as "dudes," but again I don't think you get outside much so I'm not surprised that ypou think it's "misogynistic," lol wow.

You don't think. Period. That's your problem - don't make it mine.

I don't actually believe you're this dumb - I think you're taking the contrarian view of what is pretty much common-sense that he was saying to get your daily fix of being a bitch - as you self-proclaim yourself to be so, why should anyone give three disgusting grizzly Christie shits what you think again, when it's so blatantly obvious you're only here to try to stir pots and nothing more?

A quick search of your last posts in (other) threads is revealing. All you do is enter threads and say something bitchy and then go on from there and ridicule and mock everyone who doesn't think the same as you as somehow all dumb or below your "pay grade" or whatever the fuck your pompass ass has to say. It's really kind of sad - and it's DEFINITELY hypocritical to sit in here saying that you don't do "childish" when that's pretty much the legacy of your posting here - all childish insults about how you're "teh smawter" than everyone and proud to be a "bitch," as though it's NOT immature. pfft. If anyone on these entire boards needs a bitch-smack of get the fuck over yourself- you're Candidate #1.

/end file.

Wow. You spend far more time and effort on me than I do on you. LMAO.

Generally, on this board, I respond in context to the intellectual content of others - so it's pretty much a given that most of my comments will be deriding the intelligence of those posters. It's not my fault that stupid posters write stupid shit. Let's take as an example this very thread. There's your OP taking a stance of 'faux outrage' at some off the cuff remark by Christie. I take a different view. I see nothing overly 'sexual' about the comment, nor do I see it as 'offensive'... unless, of course, you want to be offended. Which does appear to be a common issue - on both sides of the poltiical spectrum. The right take 'offensive' at some harmless remark by a left wing politician and vise versa. Color me shocked. Personally, I tend not to take one off remarks - particularly those made in response to dumb assed comments by an audience - too seriously.

As a rule, I find the level of 'debate' on this forum to be laughable... and I treat it as such.

But the fact that I've pissed you off so much that you would bother to review my posts and rant about them is pretty fucking funny.
That's not what he said to her. He said "it's none of your business". By the way..he's a public official. Part and parcel with that much of his private life is going to be exposed. That's the gig. Don't like it? Don't take the gig.

He could have shown a great deal more respect for a constituent who's life is impacted by his decisions. He didn't.

He could have shown her more respect, agreed. And maybe when he was addressing her - was not when I agreed with his articulation - but what he said to Matt re: why he reacted in such a way to her question made good sense: that because his kids don't go to public schools doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the impact of the cuts he makes.

And he could have explained it that way too. The woman wasn't off base. It's a problem with elected officials these days. That they are so wealthy..they are disconnected from the problems of ordinary folks. Romney recently said that if someone running for office really needs the job..they shouldn't be running. Which means..that Romney thinks only wealthy people should hold office.

And I for not for any sort of Plutocracy or anything else like that..

Fair enough canis lupus dingo
You don't think. Period. That's your problem - don't make it mine.

I don't actually believe you're this dumb - I think you're taking the contrarian view of what is pretty much common-sense that he was saying to get your daily fix of being a bitch - as you self-proclaim yourself to be so, why should anyone give three disgusting grizzly Christie shits what you think again, when it's so blatantly obvious you're only here to try to stir pots and nothing more?

A quick search of your last posts in (other) threads is revealing. All you do is enter threads and say something bitchy and then go on from there and ridicule and mock everyone who doesn't think the same as you as somehow all dumb or below your "pay grade" or whatever the fuck your pompass ass has to say. It's really kind of sad - and it's DEFINITELY hypocritical to sit in here saying that you don't do "childish" when that's pretty much the legacy of your posting here - all childish insults about how you're "teh smawter" than everyone and proud to be a "bitch," as though it's NOT immature. pfft. If anyone on these entire boards needs a bitch-smack of get the fuck over yourself- you're Candidate #1.

/end file.

Wow. You spend far more time and effort on me than I do on you. LMAO.

Generally, on this board, I respond in context to the intellectual content of others - so it's pretty much a given that most of my comments will be deriding the intelligence of those posters. It's not my fault that stupid posters write stupid shit. Let's take as an example this very thread. There's your OP taking a stance of 'faux outrage' at some off the cuff remark by Christie. I take a different view. I see nothing overly 'sexual' about the comment, nor do I see it as 'offensive'... unless, of course, you want to be offended. Which does appear to be a common issue - on both sides of the poltiical spectrum. The right take 'offensive' at some harmless remark by a left wing politician and vise versa. Color me shocked. Personally, I tend not to take one off remarks - particularly those made in response to dumb assed comments by an audience - too seriously.

As a rule, I find the level of 'debate' on this forum to be laughable... and I treat it as such.
But the fact that I've pissed you off so much that you would bother to review my posts and rant about them is pretty fucking funny.

This is what makes you immature for being here, posting, etc.

Get a life if that's what you really think - and move the fuck along.
You don't think. Period. That's your problem - don't make it mine.

I don't actually believe you're this dumb - I think you're taking the contrarian view of what is pretty much common-sense that he was saying to get your daily fix of being a bitch - as you self-proclaim yourself to be so, why should anyone give three disgusting grizzly Christie shits what you think again, when it's so blatantly obvious you're only here to try to stir pots and nothing more?

A quick search of your last posts in (other) threads is revealing. All you do is enter threads and say something bitchy and then go on from there and ridicule and mock everyone who doesn't think the same as you as somehow all dumb or below your "pay grade" or whatever the fuck your pompass ass has to say. It's really kind of sad - and it's DEFINITELY hypocritical to sit in here saying that you don't do "childish" when that's pretty much the legacy of your posting here - all childish insults about how you're "teh smawter" than everyone and proud to be a "bitch," as though it's NOT immature. pfft. If anyone on these entire boards needs a bitch-smack of get the fuck over yourself- you're Candidate #1.

/end file.

Wow. You spend far more time and effort on me than I do on you. LMAO.

Generally, on this board, I respond in context to the intellectual content of others - so it's pretty much a given that most of my comments will be deriding the intelligence of those posters. It's not my fault that stupid posters write stupid shit. Let's take as an example this very thread. There's your OP taking a stance of 'faux outrage' at some off the cuff remark by Christie. I take a different view. I see nothing overly 'sexual' about the comment, nor do I see it as 'offensive'... unless, of course, you want to be offended. Which does appear to be a common issue - on both sides of the poltiical spectrum. The right take 'offensive' at some harmless remark by a left wing politician and vise versa. Color me shocked. Personally, I tend not to take one off remarks - particularly those made in response to dumb assed comments by an audience - too seriously.

As a rule, I find the level of 'debate' on this forum to be laughable... and I treat it as such.

But the fact that I've pissed you off so much that you would bother to review my posts and rant about them is pretty fucking funny.

that's a long way to go to explain that you're just being a snotty bitch because it makes you feel superior.

brevity is the soul of wit.

you may want to write that on your hand. :thup:
You don't think. Period. That's your problem - don't make it mine.

I don't actually believe you're this dumb - I think you're taking the contrarian view of what is pretty much common-sense that he was saying to get your daily fix of being a bitch - as you self-proclaim yourself to be so, why should anyone give three disgusting grizzly Christie shits what you think again, when it's so blatantly obvious you're only here to try to stir pots and nothing more?

A quick search of your last posts in (other) threads is revealing. All you do is enter threads and say something bitchy and then go on from there and ridicule and mock everyone who doesn't think the same as you as somehow all dumb or below your "pay grade" or whatever the fuck your pompass ass has to say. It's really kind of sad - and it's DEFINITELY hypocritical to sit in here saying that you don't do "childish" when that's pretty much the legacy of your posting here - all childish insults about how you're "teh smawter" than everyone and proud to be a "bitch," as though it's NOT immature. pfft. If anyone on these entire boards needs a bitch-smack of get the fuck over yourself- you're Candidate #1.

/end file.

Wow. You spend far more time and effort on me than I do on you. LMAO.

Generally, on this board, I respond in context to the intellectual content of others - so it's pretty much a given that most of my comments will be deriding the intelligence of those posters. It's not my fault that stupid posters write stupid shit. Let's take as an example this very thread. There's your OP taking a stance of 'faux outrage' at some off the cuff remark by Christie. I take a different view. I see nothing overly 'sexual' about the comment, nor do I see it as 'offensive'... unless, of course, you want to be offended. Which does appear to be a common issue - on both sides of the poltiical spectrum. The right take 'offensive' at some harmless remark by a left wing politician and vise versa. Color me shocked. Personally, I tend not to take one off remarks - particularly those made in response to dumb assed comments by an audience - too seriously.

As a rule, I find the level of 'debate' on this forum to be laughable... and I treat it as such.

But the fact that I've pissed you off so much that you would bother to review my posts and rant about them is pretty fucking funny.

CG doubles down.
I don't actually believe you're this dumb - I think you're taking the contrarian view of what is pretty much common-sense that he was saying to get your daily fix of being a bitch - as you self-proclaim yourself to be so, why should anyone give three disgusting grizzly Christie shits what you think again, when it's so blatantly obvious you're only here to try to stir pots and nothing more?

A quick search of your last posts in (other) threads is revealing. All you do is enter threads and say something bitchy and then go on from there and ridicule and mock everyone who doesn't think the same as you as somehow all dumb or below your "pay grade" or whatever the fuck your pompass ass has to say. It's really kind of sad - and it's DEFINITELY hypocritical to sit in here saying that you don't do "childish" when that's pretty much the legacy of your posting here - all childish insults about how you're "teh smawter" than everyone and proud to be a "bitch," as though it's NOT immature. pfft. If anyone on these entire boards needs a bitch-smack of get the fuck over yourself- you're Candidate #1.

/end file.

Wow. You spend far more time and effort on me than I do on you. LMAO.

Generally, on this board, I respond in context to the intellectual content of others - so it's pretty much a given that most of my comments will be deriding the intelligence of those posters. It's not my fault that stupid posters write stupid shit. Let's take as an example this very thread. There's your OP taking a stance of 'faux outrage' at some off the cuff remark by Christie. I take a different view. I see nothing overly 'sexual' about the comment, nor do I see it as 'offensive'... unless, of course, you want to be offended. Which does appear to be a common issue - on both sides of the poltiical spectrum. The right take 'offensive' at some harmless remark by a left wing politician and vise versa. Color me shocked. Personally, I tend not to take one off remarks - particularly those made in response to dumb assed comments by an audience - too seriously.

As a rule, I find the level of 'debate' on this forum to be laughable... and I treat it as such.
But the fact that I've pissed you off so much that you would bother to review my posts and rant about them is pretty fucking funny.

This is what makes you immature for being here, posting, etc.

Get a life if that's what you really think - and move the fuck along.

You think this forum is not 'laughable'? Seriously? Oh. My bad. I had assumed you thought so too... since your input is hardly intellectually stimulating or challenging. Perhaps this will be news to you but take a look at the kind of crap that gets posted as 'thought' on here.... the vast majority of it is mindless drivel, whining, threads about some horseshit produced by some partisan assclown in the media, etc. That might pass for 'political discussion' to you - it doesn't to me. But, unfortunately, since you are not the owner or a Mod, you don't get to decide whether I post here or not.
Wow. You spend far more time and effort on me than I do on you. LMAO.

Generally, on this board, I respond in context to the intellectual content of others - so it's pretty much a given that most of my comments will be deriding the intelligence of those posters. It's not my fault that stupid posters write stupid shit. Let's take as an example this very thread. There's your OP taking a stance of 'faux outrage' at some off the cuff remark by Christie. I take a different view. I see nothing overly 'sexual' about the comment, nor do I see it as 'offensive'... unless, of course, you want to be offended. Which does appear to be a common issue - on both sides of the poltiical spectrum. The right take 'offensive' at some harmless remark by a left wing politician and vise versa. Color me shocked. Personally, I tend not to take one off remarks - particularly those made in response to dumb assed comments by an audience - too seriously.

As a rule, I find the level of 'debate' on this forum to be laughable... and I treat it as such.
But the fact that I've pissed you off so much that you would bother to review my posts and rant about them is pretty fucking funny.

This is what makes you immature for being here, posting, etc.

Get a life if that's what you really think - and move the fuck along.

You think this forum is not 'laughable'? Seriously? Oh. My bad. I had assumed you thought so too... since your input is hardly intellectually stimulating or challenging. Perhaps this will be news to you but take a look at the kind of crap that gets posted as 'thought' on here.... the vast majority of it is mindless drivel, whining, threads about some horseshit produced by some partisan assclown in the media, etc. That might pass for 'political discussion' to you - it doesn't to me. But, unfortunately, since you are not the owner or a Mod, you don't get to decide whether I post here or not.

Ok, that's priceless.
Wow. You spend far more time and effort on me than I do on you. LMAO.

Generally, on this board, I respond in context to the intellectual content of others - so it's pretty much a given that most of my comments will be deriding the intelligence of those posters. It's not my fault that stupid posters write stupid shit. Let's take as an example this very thread. There's your OP taking a stance of 'faux outrage' at some off the cuff remark by Christie. I take a different view. I see nothing overly 'sexual' about the comment, nor do I see it as 'offensive'... unless, of course, you want to be offended. Which does appear to be a common issue - on both sides of the poltiical spectrum. The right take 'offensive' at some harmless remark by a left wing politician and vise versa. Color me shocked. Personally, I tend not to take one off remarks - particularly those made in response to dumb assed comments by an audience - too seriously.

As a rule, I find the level of 'debate' on this forum to be laughable... and I treat it as such.
But the fact that I've pissed you off so much that you would bother to review my posts and rant about them is pretty fucking funny.

This is what makes you immature for being here, posting, etc.

Get a life if that's what you really think - and move the fuck along.

You think this forum is not 'laughable'? Seriously? Oh. My bad. I had assumed you thought so too... since your input is hardly intellectually stimulating or challenging. Perhaps this will be news to you but take a look at the kind of crap that gets posted as 'thought' on here.... the vast majority of it is mindless drivel, whining, threads about some horseshit produced by some partisan assclown in the media, etc. That might pass for 'political discussion' to you - it doesn't to me. But, unfortunately, since you are not the owner or a Mod, you don't get to decide whether I post here or not.

I can find some good discussions on here, sure. If that in your mind makes you somehow superior to me, or anyone - I've got news for you: You're not that smart. Especially in the "wits" department, as it's pretty much a given what Christie was saying despite it being "open" for your disengenuous and/or out of touch interpretation. That's the bottom line, whether you snivel at it or not. Only a prude wouldn't have a clue what he was talking about: credit to the crowd who laughed.

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