chris christie takes helicopter to son's game, gets limo ride for 100 yards to field

I look at it that as our Governor, Christie gives up a lot of his personal comes with the job. For him to use the state helicopter so that he could attend an important game for his son and then get back to another meeting is acceptable on an occaisional basis.

As a resident, I don't see Christie abusing his perks as Governor. An occaisional personal use of the helicopter is not excessive

I agree.

I would not hammer anyone for doing this a couple of times a year.

If it were a democratic Gov you can be sure the right would not have been so diplomatic about it.

I don't look at it as Democrat/Republican. I look at it as the guy being a parent and wanting to be involved in his childrens lives.

I pay for the helicopter and I pay for the gas. I look at it as if previous governors had 50 helicopter trips a year and Christie is only taking 35, I don't care if some of it is for his personal use as a father. From what I have been told, Christie is very judicious in his use of perks.
his wife used the same helicopter to the leave in the middle of the game...

Gov. Christie arrives at son's high school baseball game in State Police helicopter |


Another Jane swift...he gets it by watching obama's lead. Use and abuse taxpayer funded transportation at all costs.

He should have just taken a limo all the way??? **

Obama administration officials are riding in style.

A new report from a watchdog group shows that the number of limousines owned by the federal government rose by 73 percent during the first two years of President Obama's administration. The State Department was the recipient of most the new luxury vehicles.

Read more: 'Limousine Liberals' Report Shows Government Limo Fleet Swelling -

Feds Stock Up on Limos | FrumForum
According to General Services Administration data, the number of limousines in the federal fleet increased from 238 in fiscal 2008, the last year of the George W. Bush administration, to 412 in 2010. Much of the 73 percent increase–111 of the 174 additional limos–took place in fiscal 2009, more than eight months of which corresponded with Obama’s first year in office. However, some of those purchases could reflect requests made by the Bush administration during an appropriations process that would have begun in the spring of 2008.

BTW, your Winston Churchill quote is false. He never said it.


Quotes Falsely Attributed

These quotes make for good story-telling but popular myth has falsely attributed them to Churchill.

"Conservative by the time you're 35"

"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

Quotes Falsely Attributed
his wife used the same helicopter to the leave in the middle of the game...

Gov. Christie arrives at son's high school baseball game in State Police helicopter |


Some of the perks of high office. No big deal.

Then the Obama's should be reimbursed for this...

March 30, 2009

Obamas Paying for White House Renovations

Though new presidents "are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office," New York magazine reports "the First Couple isn't spending that money."

Said a spokeswoman: "They are not using public funds or accepting donations of goods for redecorating their private quarters."

"The White House declined to disclose the budget, saying that all expenses would remain private as a result of the Obamas' decision to absorb the cost."

Obamas Paying for White House Renovations
Yes it would have made the news just like it did here.

We will just see how you react the next time Pelosi takes a plane ride.

I live 20 minutes from NJ.

So I actually know that it wouldn't have, since it never did. At least not until the economy tanked.

And keep in mind, it costs hundred of thousands for Pelosi to go home b/c she insisted on a better Jet and higher standards and used it on a regular basis.
Oh Gawd! Socialist/Progressive wankas whining about this? Maybe it's just me but this post sounds very petty & disingenuous. Since when do Socialists/Progressives have a problem with Government spending money on transportation for politicians? My God,just go back and see how many extravagant parties Pelosi threw on our Military Planes. I didn't see any Socialists/Progressives complaining about that stuff. In fact i only saw them defending Pelosi. This post just seems very suspect. It looks like manufactured outrage. I'm sure Christie had good reason to travel this way to his son's game. This is just more petty politics. Christie is cleaning up an awful Democrat mess in New Jersey. He's a good man. I wish him the best of luck.
his wife used the same helicopter to the leave in the middle of the game...

Gov. Christie arrives at son's high school baseball game in State Police helicopter |


Some of the perks of high office. No big deal.

Then the Obama's should be reimbursed for this...

March 30, 2009

Obamas Paying for White House Renovations

Though new presidents "are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office," New York magazine reports "the First Couple isn't spending that money."

Said a spokeswoman: "They are not using public funds or accepting donations of goods for redecorating their private quarters."

"The White House declined to disclose the budget, saying that all expenses would remain private as a result of the Obamas' decision to absorb the cost."

Obamas Paying for White House Renovations

I love it when the tools get burned on their threads. In this case trying to change the subject. Funny thing is that this change mentioned isn't quite accurate:

To be clear, 'The Obama's didn't 'absorb' the costs':

White House Oval Office Is Redecorated -

President’s Office Takes On New Neutral Tones, but Keeps Its Familiar Shape
Published: August 31, 2010

...The makeover was not done at taxpayer expense. The White House said costs were covered by the nonprofit White House Historical Association, through a contribution from the committee that paid for Mr. Obama’s inauguration.

The administration will not disclose how much the redesign cost, except to say the price was “in line with” what Mr. Obama’s two most recent predecessors had spent. (President Bill Clinton’s Oval Office had a bright blue rug and couches striped in candy cane white and red.)

Still, given the hard economic times facing the nation, Mr. Obama is bound to face questions, chief among them, Why now?

When he arrived for work at the White House in January of last year, the president said he thought the office was fine and saw no need for new furnishings.

And when he unveiled his budget the next month, Mr. Obama cautioned that the government would have to make hard choices about spending.

“There are times where you can afford to redecorate your house,” the president said then, “and there are times where you need to focus on rebuilding its foundation.”
Now lets all remember how the right treated Pelosi when she needed a plane.

And she deserved crap for that just like Christie deserves crap for this. Please try and understand what your saying before you make a "point".

I like the crickets from my last response (this is not directed at you TM)
Manufactured Outrage can be so tiresome & boring. I'm sure there are good reasons Christie traveled to his Son's Game this way. He's obviously trying to clean up an awful mess left by years of Democratic corruption and incompetence. He bitch-slaps the usual suspects on a daily basis so of course they seize on this kind of manufactured outrage stuff. The Democrats truly hate Christie. Their hate for Christie is beginning to resemble their PDS & BDS stuff. I really do wish the man the best of luck in New Jersey. He's gonna need it.
Oh Gawd! Socialist/Progressive wankas whining about this? Maybe it's just me but this post sounds very petty & disingenuous. Since when do Socialists/Progressives have a problem with Government spending money on transportation for politicians? My God,just go back and see how many extravagant parties Pelosi threw on our Military Planes. I didn't see any Socialists/Progressives complaining about that stuff. In fact i only saw them defending Pelosi. This post just seems very suspect. It looks like manufactured outrage. I'm sure Christie had good reason to travel this way to his son's game. This is just more petty politics. Christie is cleaning up an awful Democrat mess in New Jersey. He's a good man. I wish him the best of luck.

WHY is it with you right wing parrots, we can never talk about differing opinions because we have to clear up your FACTS. When will YOU begin to question the sources you get these lies from?

Sliming Pelosi |
Yes it would have made the news just like it did here.

We will just see how you react the next time Pelosi takes a plane ride.

I live 20 minutes from NJ.

So I actually know that it wouldn't have, since it never did. At least not until the economy tanked.

And keep in mind, it costs hundred of thousands for Pelosi to go home b/c she insisted on a better Jet and higher standards and used it on a regular basis.

Stop lying. You Rs are always stretching a story.

She wanted a plane that didn't have to stop and refuel so that she could get home quicker. We all want the fastest way home at the end of the week, these political figures are no different.

She was second in line of succession, she deserved a plane that would get her home without landing to refuel.
And how much Golf does the Hopey Changey One play on our Dime? Thank God Christie doesn't play Golf. This kind of manufactured outrage stuff can go on and on. Christie has been left with a historical mess by the Democrats in New Jersey. Their years & years of terrible corruption and incompetence has brought New Jersey to its knees. So i'm just not buying Democratic outrage on this one. Where were they when their Democrats were destroying New Jersey? Christie is an absolute Angel compared to past Democrats who controlled New Jersey. He's doing his best to bring New Jersey back. I hope he's successful. The People of New Jersey need Governor Christie. And that's the fact Jack!
On a side note...

I don't know how well the son took his baseball game being interrupted so that his father could show up in a helicopter

If I were a kid, I'd be mortified
On a side note...

I don't know how well the son took his baseball game being interrupted so that his father could show up in a helicopter

If I were a kid, I'd be mortified

I'd not like it in front of my friends, but I'd be glad that my parents made it. Face it, as a parent, like a governor you just can't win. ;)
Years and Years of awful Democratic corruption & incompetence in New Jersey and this is all the outrage some can muster over Christie? I consider that a good thing. Christie must be doing something right in New Jersey. Just go back and look at the previous Democrats who ran New Jersey into the ground. Christie really is an Angel in comparison. The usual suspects hate him and are just engaging in petty partisan politics on this one. If this is all they have,Christie is the big Winner.

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