Chris Christie: U.S. Must Arm Ukraine Until They Win the War

Vietnam started like this, dope.

Not even comparable.

Vietnam was an internal dispute between the Vietnamese about what kind of government they wanted, but even our own leaders knew Ho Chi Mihn would have won a national vote in the south if he were allowed on the ballot. He was seen as a national hero who fought the French and Japanese, while the people we kept trying to prop up were seen as French Collaborators.

The Ukraine, on the other hand, is a democratically elected government that we should be supporting, dope!

But you Trump cultists live in mortal fear that if Putin it toppled, we might finally find out what he had on Trump.
Yes, because Appeasement works so well.... just ask the Czechs.
Lol. Stuck in WWII mentality, like so many duped Americans.

Is appeasement recognizing the security concerns of the world’s largest nuclear armed nation?

Is appeasement stopping expansion of NATO to avert a war that has caused massive death, destruction, and suffering?

You think Putin is Hitler, just as you’ve been told to believe by state run media. Yet, he can’t even conquer Ukraine.

No, you remember when Russia was a convenient excuse for war mongering, money laundering politicians to instigate foreign wars.
This whole Ukraine issue reminds me of President Woodrow Wilson and WW1 - also a democrat.

The USA had invested huge sums into England (arms and loans) and without an Entente victory - there was no way for England to ever repay those loans.
The USA had also been embarking onto a colonial and imperialistic policy since 1898 (initially US investments in Cuba were threatened). Therefore the First World War offered the USA a unique chance to rid themselves of global competition and get their foot into shaping/influencing European politics. And again a ship was used as a pretext to declare war in the case of war with Spain and Imperial Germany. - just as with Vietnam. And most likely also in regards to a possible confrontation with China.

Ukraine is part of the US - NATO expansion doctrine - and offers the exact same "advantages" towards eliminating competition.
Not even comparable.

Vietnam was an internal dispute between the Vietnamese about what kind of government they wanted, but even our own leaders knew Ho Chi Mihn would have won a national vote in the south if he were allowed on the ballot. He was seen as a national hero who fought the French and Japanese, while the people we kept trying to prop up were seen as French Collaborators.

The Ukraine, on the other hand, is a democratically elected government that we should be supporting, dope!

But you Trump cultists live in mortal fear that if Putin it toppled, we might finally find out what he had on Trump.
The democratically elected government of Ukraine was overthrow by your beloved Messiah. Ukraine isn’t democratic. It’s a Fascist oligarchy controlled Nazi infested mess, massively armed for war with Russia by the West. It massacred 14,000 Russians in the Donbas since the Nuland coup.

I don’t suppose you know any of this. Rachel forgot to inform you.
Lol. Stuck in WWII mentality, like so many duped Americans.

Is appeasement recognizing the security concerns of the world’s largest nuclear armed nation?

There's no security concern here. The real problem is not that former Soviet satellites and republics want to join NATO because they are out to get Russia, they want to join because they don't trust Russia to respect their borders.

Is appeasement stopping expansion of NATO to avert a war that has caused massive death, destruction, and suffering?

Do you go down to the rape crisis center and slut-shame sexual assault victims? People are suffering because Putin launched an invasion.

You think Putin is Hitler, just as you’ve been told to believe by state run media. Yet, he can’t even conquer Ukraine.
So Putin being like Hitler is okay if he's less competent?
This whole Ukraine issue reminds me of President Woodrow Wilson and WW1 - also a democrat.

The USA had invested huge sums into England (arms and loans) and without an Entente victory - there was no way for England to ever repay those loans.
The USA had also been embarking onto a colonial and imperialistic policy since 1898 (initially US investments in Cuba were threatened). Therefore the First World War offered the USA a unique chance to rid themselves of global competition and get their foot into shaping/influencing European politics. And again a ship was used as a pretext to declare war in the case of war with Spain and Imperial Germany. - just as with Vietnam. And most likely also in regards to a possible confrontation with China.

Ukraine is part of the US - NATO expansion doctrine - and offers the exact same "advantages" towards eliminating competition.

Sweet Evil Jesus, where did you learn your history from?
There's no security concern here. The real problem is not that former Soviet satellites and republics want to join NATO because they are out to get Russia, they want to join because they don't trust Russia to respect their borders.

Do you go down to the rape crisis center and slut-shame sexual assault victims? People are suffering because Putin launched an invasion.

So Putin being like Hitler is okay if he's less competent?
We can’t debate if your uninformed.

Do you think the US would allow Soviet military bases in Canada and Mexico, if the Warsaw Pact still existed and claimed to be defensive?

Are you so dumb to believe NATO is a defensive military alliance, ignoring all the offensive ops they’ve performed?

Do you know nothing of the history? I suspect so.
We can’t debate if your uninformed.

Do you think the US would allow Soviet military bases in Canada and Mexico, if the Warsaw Pact still existed and claimed to be defensive?

The Soviet Union is gone. The fact is, we DID allow Soviets to set up camp in Cuba for decades, didn't we? In fact, Cuba is still communist long after the USSR is gone.

It's a moot point, because Ukraine wasn't going to get NATO membership before the war started. It probably will join after Russia is defeated for no other reason than to keep whoever succeeds Putin from trying this again.

Are you so dumb to believe NATO is a defensive military alliance, ignoring all the offensive ops they’ve performed?

Which offensive ops are those? YOu mean against a genocidal government in Serbia? Or a terrorist government in Afghanistan? Those "Offensive' ops?

Do you know nothing of the history? I suspect so.
I have a degree in history from the University of IL, what do you have?
The truth is often difficult for the ignorant to accept.

Not at all. His statement was full of ignorance.

Let's review, shall we? I wasn't going to embarass the idiot, but since you asked.

The USA had invested huge sums into England (arms and loans) and without an Entente victory - there was no way for England to ever repay those loans.

The British has an entire Empire to draw resources from, they'd have had no problem repaying those debts eventually. Russia outright defaulted on her loans. The US was fine.
The reason why the US entered the war was because Germany broker her promises on unrestricted submarine warfare and started sinking American ships. The Germans did this KNOWING it would bring the US into the war, but the Military Dictatorship of Hindenburg and Ludendorff convinced the Kaiser they could win the war before the US got geared up. Germany trying to incite Mexico into attacking the US (the Zimmerman Telegram) probably didn't help matters, either.

The USA had also been embarking onto a colonial and imperialistic policy since 1898 (initially US investments in Cuba were threatened).

Um, we went into Cuba because the Spanish were committing horrid human rights abuses. As far as Imperialism, the US tried to do some imperialism in the Philippines, and we quickly lost our appetite for it. (Beating up the Philippines was like kicking a puppy, you just couldn't help but feel guilty about it.)

Therefore the First World War offered the USA a unique chance to rid themselves of global competition and get their foot into shaping/influencing European politics. And again a ship was used as a pretext to declare war in the case of war with Spain and Imperial Germany.

Except... we didn't do that. in fact, the minute the war was over, we refused to join the League of Nations, signed truly idiotic disarmament treaties like the Washington Naval Treaty, and largely distangled ourselves from Europe and Asia.

Ukraine is part of the US - NATO expansion doctrine - and offers the exact same "advantages" towards eliminating competition.

Except no one was offering the Ukraine NATO membership before this started.
The democratically elected government of Ukraine was overthrow by your beloved Messiah. Ukraine isn’t democratic. It’s a Fascist oligarchy controlled Nazi infested mess, massively armed for war with Russia by the West. It massacred 14,000 Russians in the Donbas since the Nuland coup.

I don’t suppose you know any of this. Rachel forgot to inform you.

I was well aware of the 2014 deposing of the corrupt Russian stooge. The problem is, that guy ran on a promise of closer ties to Europe, and instead tried to subordinate the country to Putin, which is why his own people rose up against him. Ukraine has had several election since then, and no other Russian stooges got elected. (Of course, 3 million Russians in the Crimea opting out probably made that impossible.)
The Soviet Union is gone. The fact is, we DID allow Soviets to set up camp in Cuba for decades, didn't we? In fact, Cuba is still communist long after the USSR is gone.

It's a moot point, because Ukraine wasn't going to get NATO membership before the war started. It probably will join after Russia is defeated for no other reason than to keep whoever succeeds Putin from trying this again.

Which offensive ops are those? YOu mean against a genocidal government in Serbia? Or a terrorist government in Afghanistan? Those "Offensive' ops?

I have a degree in history from the University of IL, what do you have?
Apparently you’re slow. You missed my point even though it was dumbed down specifically for you.

Now you admit you don’t of NATO’s offensive operations. See? Get informed before posting.

This war never happens if our criminal government hadn’t pushed for Ukraine joining NATO. No doubt you think hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians, half the population leaving, and massive destruction of their nation is worth joining NATO. Dumb!

Much like Madeline Halfbright saying all those dead Iraqi children was worth it.
This war never happens if our criminal government hadn’t pushed for Ukraine joining NATO. No doubt you think hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians, half the population leaving, and massive destruction of their nation is worth joining NATO. Dumb!

Dude, I have to ask, do you go down to the Women's Shelter and slut shame the rape victims?

The only bad actor here is Putin. Putin chose to arm terrorists in the Ukraine. Putin chose to invade the Ukraine because it moved closer to Europe.
Dude, I have to ask, do you go down to the Women's Shelter and slut shame the rape victims?

The only bad actor here is Putin. Putin chose to arm terrorists in the Ukraine. Putin chose to invade the Ukraine because it moved closer to Europe.
You’d think you’d learn from history, but you merely parrot state run media.

We all know if Trump were escalating this easily avoided war your media sources would condemn his actions and you would too.

No doubt you feared Trump would start WWIII but it looks like Biden will, and you cheerlead for war.
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The Ukraine, on the other hand, is a democratically elected government that we should be supporting, dope!
Great! Calling a state that came into being as a result of an illegal armed coup led by neo-nazis "democratically elected"? That's right, you're an idiot.
And after that, morons like you call the events of January 6 the worst crime against democracy.
What a disgusting, hypocritical scum you are...
Great! Calling a state that came into being as a result of an illegal armed coup led by neo-nazis "democratically elected"? That's right, you're an idiot.
And after that, morons like you call the events of January 6 the worst crime against democracy.
What a disgusting, hypocritical scum you are...
I’ve tried to educate him but alas, he’s a hard case.

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