Chris Christie: U.S. Must Arm Ukraine Until They Win the War

No, he's a loon because he says crazy stuff about Vaccines and Ukraine and other topics.

Even his own family think he's nuts....

Friends and family of Robert F Kennedy Jr have said they are dismayed at his descent into “fear-mongering” by spreading anti-vaccine conspiracies.

In interviews with The New York Times, two of his surviving siblings said Mr Kennedy’s emergence as one of the most prominent anti-vax activists in the United States was causing anguish among the family.

The nephew of assassinated US president John F Kennedy triggered fresh outrage last month when he suggested attempts to impose vaccine mandates in the US were worse than what happened in Nazi Germany. “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did,” he said at a rally in Washington DC.

He later apologised, after being publicly criticised by his wife Cheryl Hines, who said his Anne Frank remark was “reprehensible”. His sister Kerry Kennedy tweeted at the time: “Bobby’s lies and fear-mongering yesterday were both sickening and repulsive.”

He has claimed 5G towers are being installed across the nation “to harvest our data and control our behaviour”. Mr Kennedy has also cast doubt over whether Sirhan Sirhan murdered his father, the former attorney-general and presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968.
I know you prefer your politicians controlled by billionaires and big business, but most Americans don’t. RFK has many flaws but compared to the others in the race, he’s far better. Plus he’s right on vaccines, Ukraine, and many other issues.

Since you get all your news from the establishment, you’ll never accept the truth.
I know you prefer your politicians controlled by billionaires and big business, but most Americans don’t. RFK has many flaws but compared to the others in the race, he’s far better. Plus he’s right on vaccines, Ukraine, and many other issues.

His own family says he's nuts. He's become the Kennedy clan's crazy uncle. While most of us have to tolerate a crazy uncle at thanksgiving, RFK Jr. does it on a national scale.
His own family says he's nuts. He's become the Kennedy clan's crazy uncle. While most of us have to tolerate a crazy uncle at thanksgiving, RFK Jr. does it on a national scale.
No that’s bull shit. His family is supporting his candidacy. Stop believing propaganda to fit the establishment’s narrative.
So the article where all his relatives call him nuts... the evil establishment is just making that up, eh?
Probably. You’d think at your advanced age you’d know by now the establishment lies. Or maybe you really believe Trump is a Russian agent, Hunter’s laptop is misinformation, and the FBI and other Intel agencies didn’t interfere in recent elections.
Probably. You’d think at your advanced age you’d know by now the establishment lies. Or maybe you really believe Trump is a Russian agent, Hunter’s laptop is misinformation, and the FBI and other Intel agencies didn’t interfere in recent elections.

Well, Trump is more of a useful idiot for the Russians.
Nobody has proven that the laptop is real, just some of the data on it.
And if the FBI really wanted to sink Trump, they could have just released all the shit they knew about him before 2016.
Well, Trump is more of a useful idiot for the Russians.
Nobody has proven that the laptop is real, just some of the data on it.
And if the FBI really wanted to sink Trump, they could have just released all the shit they knew about him before 2016.
Lol. As I thought.
Well, Trump is more of a useful idiot for the Russians.
Nobody has proven that the laptop is real, just some of the data on it.
And if the FBI really wanted to sink Trump, they could have just released all the shit they knew about him before 2016.
The vax is safe and effective too. If you get it, you can’t contract Covid.
I remember when Republicans used to be for defending democracies against Russian Communists.

The Ukraine was a democracy until we bribed the military coup in 2014.
Since all ethnic Russian candidates have been murdered or exiles, there have been no real elections since.
So the Ukraine is about the LEAST democratic country on the planet.
They are controlled by the Azov Battalion racist/fascists, intent on genocide and WWIII.

In contrast, Russia has not been "communist" for over 30 years now.
It has vastly more freedom than the US does.
It has public health care and guaranteed housing.
Well, what can be said after all these 'debates'. One side of the bench, let's call them 'red', wants to stop this war by allowing Putin to have his own backyard with his rules over it.

The other side, let's call them 'blue', are eager to support Ukraine as long as it provides disposable heroes. But it seems that after that ends without much success, all they support will vanish in thin air.

Ukraine has great allies, without a doubt.
Well, what can be said after all these 'debates'. One side of the bench, let's call them 'red', wants to stop this war by allowing Putin to have his own backyard with his rules over it.

The other side, let's call them 'blue', are eager to support Ukraine as long as it provides disposable heroes. But it seems that after that ends without much success, all they support will vanish in thin air.

Ukraine has great allies, without a doubt.
Indeed, Ukraine has both great allies and great leaders.

The decision whether or not to fight has always been Ukraine's alone, so as long as Ukraine wants to go on fighting to liberate its country from the Russian aggressors, it allies will provide it with the means, but if Ukraine decides to stop fighting, then it will not need these weapons. It is true that NATO members would prefer to see Ukraine stop Russian imperialism rather than to have to face Russia at their own borders, but this is by no means a proxy war against Russia, if you are suggesting that.
Indeed, Ukraine has both great allies and great leaders.

The decision whether or not to fight has always been Ukraine's alone, so as long as Ukraine wants to go on fighting to liberate its country from the Russian aggressors, it allies will provide it with the means, but if Ukraine decides to stop fighting, then it will not need these weapons. It is true that NATO members would prefer to see Ukraine stop Russian imperialism rather than to have to face Russia at their own borders, but this is by no means a proxy war against Russia, if you are suggesting that.
Not exactly that. I am suggesting that Ukraine is doomed no matter which side of the bench wins eventually. Your side supports Ukraine in the hopes it can 'defeat' Russia in this war.

When Ukraine says 'Sorry, guys, we have to stop now. It has taken too much already'. Your side 'Okays, lads, it is your choice. We return to our business, deal with Russia by yourself now on'.

So, the outcome is the same. Reds, blues, one hell.

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