Chris Christie: U.S. Must Arm Ukraine Until They Win the War

Your rant about the US hypocrisy and lack of courage makes not sense at all. You rant about the US not doing in Ukraine what it did in Korea and Vietnam only makes sense if you are demanding the US send troops to fight in Ukraine.

You do not advocate for ending active war but only for Ukraine to end fighting and to give a large part of Ukraine and millions of Ukrainian citizens over to Russia. The only security guarantees that could protect Ukraine from more Russian aggression would be boots on the ground and no one has offered to do that or will offer to do that.

There are only two ways this war can end, drive the Russians out of Ukraine or surrender to Putin, and you clearly favor surrender, first of about 20% of Ukraine and then the rest over time.

You keep trying to make up reasons Ukraine can't win because you are so set on surrounding to Putin, but it is obvious your desire to surrender doesn't come from a considered conclusion about Ukraine's chances of winning, but from something else you continue to refuse to tell us.
And you hardly can drive the Russians from Ukraine, at least because the Ukrainians are Russians, too.
Your rant about the US hypocrisy and lack of courage makes not sense at all. You rant about the US not doing in Ukraine what it did in Korea and Vietnam only makes sense if you are demanding the US send troops to fight in Ukraine
That you repeat that in circles over and over again just means you are either a dishonest piece or a dense person. I think the former is true.

Do you want me to admit that I want the US troops fighting in Ukraine? Okay, I do. If only such species like you will be taken by the bottoms and thrown in the trenches.

You do not advocate for ending active war but only for Ukraine to end fighting and to give a large part of Ukraine and millions of Ukrainian citizens over to Russia. The only security guarantees that could protect Ukraine from more Russian aggression would be boots on the ground and no one has offered to do that or will offer to do that
Actually, not necessarily the boots on the ground. There are some other options. But unfortunately the current administration makes only two options possible - boots on the ground or packing your shit and going home under the accompaniment of clapping Russians at the backside.

There are only two ways this war can end, drive the Russians out of Ukraine or surrender to Putin, and you clearly favor surrender, first of about 20% of Ukraine and then the rest over time
Yes, with such allies like you and your bench all that is possible. BTW, what makes you think that after pushing the Russians back from all Ukrainian territory, the Russian regime won't try another war in say 5 or 10 years?

You keep trying to make up reasons Ukraine can't win because you are so set on surrounding to Putin, but it is obvious your desire to surrender doesn't come from a considered conclusion about Ukraine's chances of winning, but from something else you continue to refuse to tell us
Because I can directly speak with the people who were there. And I don't need your fairly tales here.
That you repeat that in circles over and over again just means you are either a dishonest piece or a dense person. I think the former is true.

Do you want me to admit that I want the US troops fighting in Ukraine? Okay, I do. If only such species like you will be taken by the bottoms and thrown in the trenches.

Actually, not necessarily the boots on the ground. There are some other options. But unfortunately the current administration makes only two options possible - boots on the ground or packing your shit and going home under the accompaniment of clapping Russians at the backside.

Yes, with such allies like you and your bench all that is possible. BTW, what makes you think that after pushing the Russians back from all Ukrainian territory, the Russian regime won't try another war in say 5 or 10 years?

Because I can directly speak with the people who were there. And I don't need your fairly tales here.
I keep going back to the same things because you keep dancing spinning trying to deny your original post in which you complained the US is not treating Ukraine the same way it treated Korea and Vietnam, but the only difference is that the US put troops into those fights and will not send troops to Ukraine.

Stop lying. There are no other options for security guarantees than boots on the ground, which is why you were unable to name any. The security guarantees that some people were talking about after the last NATO meeting amounted to building up Ukraine's defenses so it would be better prepared for the next Russian invasion.

The only way to prevent Russia from attacking again is to convince the Russians they can't prevail, and the only way to do this is to defeat them on the battlefield and to continue economic and diplomatic pressure on them until they abandon their imperialist ambitions.

It would appear the people you are getting your information from are either Russians or pro Russian Ukrainians.

Only two things are clear from your posts, you are having a massive temper tantrum, and you are directing it at the US for reasons you are unable to articulate, and you want to surrender to Putin again for reasons you are unable to articulate.
I keep going back to the same things because you keep dancing spinning trying to deny your original post in which you complained the US is not treating Ukraine the same way it treated Korea and Vietnam, but the only difference is that the US put troops into those fights and will not send troops to Ukraine.

Stop lying. There are no other options for security guarantees than boots on the ground, which is why you were unable to name any. The security guarantees that some people were talking about after the last NATO meeting amounted to building up Ukraine's defenses so it would be better prepared for the next Russian invasion.

The only way to prevent Russia from attacking again is to convince the Russians they can't prevail, and the only way to do this is to defeat them on the battlefield and to continue economic and diplomatic pressure on them until they abandon their imperialist ambitions.

It would appear the people you are getting your information from are either Russians or pro Russian Ukrainians.

Only two things are clear from your posts, you are having a massive temper tantrum, and you are directing it at the US for reasons you are unable to articulate, and you want to surrender to Putin again for reasons you are unable to articulate.
Yes, of course. That's our beloved Borderland. As they say:
One Ukrainian is a cheapskate.
Two Ukrainians is a guerilla squad.
Three Ukrainians is a guerilla squad with a traitor.

It's especially true for Buden's incompetent freaks, with the total lack of Russian (and Ukrainian) expertise.
I keep going back to the same things because you keep dancing spinning trying to deny your original post in which you complained the US is not treating Ukraine the same way it treated Korea and Vietnam, but the only difference is that the US put troops into those fights and will not send troops to Ukraine
I did not complain about that, you dishonest piece. I was comparing you and your ilk - cowards and hypocrites and armchair warriors- with those people who really took part in the fight.

Stop lying. There are no other options for security guarantees than boots on the ground, which is why you were unable to name any. The security guarantees that some people were talking about after the last NATO meeting amounted to building up Ukraine's defenses so it would be better prepared for the next Russian invasion
I view these security guarantees not as boots on the ground, but as agreements with Western countries about military supplies, common training, sharing intelligence data etc.

Will this prevent the Russian regime from another high scale invasion? I don't know, maybe not. But Ukraine should be prepared for that - with our 'Surovikin's line', protected storages of ammunition and hardware, professional core of the AFU.

And all that needs to be done yesterday. Ukraine should accumulate military strength, not mindlessly burn it in 'meat attacks' of the WWI style.

It would appear the people you are getting your information from are either Russians or pro Russian Ukrainians
No, idiot. These people were at the frontlines.

Only two things are clear from your posts, you are having a massive temper tantrum, and you are directing it at the US for reasons you are unable to articulate, and you want to surrender to Putin again for reasons you are unable to articulate
Don't equate you - coward and dishonest piece - with the US. I still hope that you and the likes, along with hard-core Putinheads on another spectrum, are just small part of the US population. And there will be sound people who will make right decisions, after all.
I did not complain about that, you dishonest piece. I was comparing you and your ilk - cowards and hypocrites and armchair warriors- with those people who really took part in the fight.
During Korea, America had an upper hand in a nuclear weapons. During Vietnam America and Russia were more or less equal, and that make Vietnam War that ugly. Now the Russians have an upper hand and a number of other advantages. What is even more important most of Americans can't see the difference between good guys and bad guys in Ukraine. Actually, looks like they are same people.

I view these security guarantees not as boots on the ground, but as agreements with Western countries about military supplies, common training, sharing intelligence data etc.
Man, you know it's useless. The question is not who will win the war. We all know that the Russians will. The only question is how many money Biden and Zelenskiy will be able to steal. All this show is a big "Operation Y", just to cover that everything was already stolen.

Will this prevent the Russian regime from another high scale invasion? I don't know, maybe not. But Ukraine should be prepared for that - with our 'Surovikin's line', protected storages of ammunition and hardware, professional core of the AFU.

And all that needs to be done yesterday. Ukraine should accumulate military strength, not mindlessly burn it in 'meat attacks' of the WWI style.
You know, they have a saying in Russia: "Skolko volka ne kormi, a u medvedya vse ravno morda shire". "Doesn't matter how much you feed a wolf, because the bear is stronger anyway". They are dead men anyway, so, there is no reason to waste good weapon for them.

No, idiot. These people were at the frontlines.
Sure. We know.

Don't equate you - coward and dishonest piece - with the US. I still hope that you and the likes, along with hard-core Putinheads on another spectrum, are just small part of the US population. And there will be sound people who will make right decisions, after all.
Americans are quite pragmatic people. And Russia can be much more valuable ally and much more dangerous enemy than Ukraine.
The RINO elaborates winning the war means being able to continue the money laundering, enrich the US defense contractors and refuse to seek a diplomatic solution. Christie tips his hat to the global cabal.

“Chris Christie: U.S. Must Arm Ukraine Until They Win the War”

And Putin’s useful idiots on the American right disagree.
“Chris Christie: U.S. Must Arm Ukraine Until They Win the War”

And Putin’s useful idiots on the American right disagree.
No. Putin's useful idiots agree that it's necessary to arm Ukraine until the last Ukrainian and want US to be distracted from the really important Pacific theater, Africa and Latin America.
I did not complain about that, you dishonest piece. I was comparing you and your ilk - cowards and hypocrites and armchair warriors- with those people who really took part in the fight.

I view these security guarantees not as boots on the ground, but as agreements with Western countries about military supplies, common training, sharing intelligence data etc.

Will this prevent the Russian regime from another high scale invasion? I don't know, maybe not. But Ukraine should be prepared for that - with our 'Surovikin's line', protected storages of ammunition and hardware, professional core of the AFU.

And all that needs to be done yesterday. Ukraine should accumulate military strength, not mindlessly burn it in 'meat attacks' of the WWI style.

No, idiot. These people were at the frontlines.

Don't equate you - coward and dishonest piece - with the US. I still hope that you and the likes, along with hard-core Putinheads on another spectrum, are just small part of the US population. And there will be sound people who will make right decisions, after all.
Aside from being obviously crazy, your only plan is to have Ukraine stop fighting, which means allowing Putin to take whatever he wants, effectively surrendering, making you Putin's best friend.
Aside from being obviously crazy, your only plan is to have Ukraine stop fighting, which means allowing Putin to take whatever he wants, effectively surrendering, making you Putin's best friend.
Why not? For most of Ukrainians Putin is not a Lich King leading the horde of -Z-ombies, -V-ampires and -O-rks (as he is usually depicted by the British propaganda), he is not even a really foreign invader. The practical difference between Zelenskiy and Putin for them hardly more than the difference between Trump and Biden for the Americans. You can prefer one or another, but it's definitely not a reason to fight and die.
Why not? For most of Ukrainians Putin is not a Lich King leading the horde of -Z-ombies, -V-ampires and -O-rks (as he is usually depicted by the British propaganda), he is not even a really foreign invader. The practical difference between Zelenskiy and Putin for them hardly more than the difference between Trump and Biden for the Americans. You can prefer one or another, but it's definitely not a reason to fight and die.
Apparently you and ESay think alike.
Aside from being obviously crazy, your only plan is to have Ukraine stop fighting, which means allowing Putin to take whatever he wants, effectively surrendering, making you Putin's best friend.
My plan is no more crazy than yours relying on endless 'meat assaults' with dubious results.
Your "plan" is to surrender to Putin. Let's just hope the Ukrainian police pick you up along with the other collaborators.
But Biden's plan is also "To allow Putin take the whole Ukraine", (because Putin is ready to use nukes, and Biden is not). The only question is the price to be paid by the Russians (including Ukrainians) and Americans (both Democrats and Republicans).
But Biden's plan is also "To allow Putin take the whole Ukraine", (because Putin is ready to use nukes, and Biden is not). The only question is the price to be paid by the Russians (including Ukrainians) and Americans (both Democrats and Republicans).
In other words, you can see no way Russia can "win" without nuclear war. Interesting.

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