Chris Christie: U.S. Must Arm Ukraine Until They Win the War

The problem with people like JoeB and White 6 is that they feel ashamed to come out as super patriotic american clowns.

They don't have the courage to say outloud:

I believe in two different sets of rules: one for America and the other for the rest of the world.

When foreign powers try and use America's neighborhood to surround her borders the US has every right to finance invasions and blockades (Cuba), support bloody proxy wars (Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador) and military dictatorships (Chile and Brazil), etc, etc...

But when the West does the same to Russia or any other country in the world they have the right to bend over and take it.

If you start a debate on the Internet feeling ashamed of what you really are I can assure you:

You already lost the debate before the discussion even started.
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Not even comparable.

Vietnam was an internal dispute between the Vietnamese about what kind of government they wanted, but even our own leaders knew Ho Chi Mihn would have won a national vote in the south if he were allowed on the ballot. He was seen as a national hero who fought the French and Japanese, while the people we kept trying to prop up were seen as French Collaborators.

The Ukraine, on the other hand, is a democratically elected government that we should be supporting, dope!

But you Trump cultists live in mortal fear that if Putin it toppled, we might finally find out what he had on Trump.
Got-dammit are you a stupid fuck.

It's a foreign war where this nation has no national interest and where we haven't been attacked.

And Ukraine isn't a "democracy"....Tenpercentskyy is a tin pot dictator, who has outlawed all opposition, meathead,
Great! Calling a state that came into being as a result of an illegal armed coup led by neo-nazis "democratically elected"? That's right, you're an idiot.
And after that, morons like you call the events of January 6 the worst crime against democracy.
What a disgusting, hypocritical scum you are...
He's a stupid fuck on purpose.....He could know better, but spewing party boi blabbering points relieves him of the torturous process of thinking.
Strange how the left has become so pro-war. Why do you think this 180 degree flip has occurred?
Dude, nobody in 68 year ever said I was part of the left, until November of 2021, when I joined this board, not liking Donald Trump and the crooks he brought to office to further screw up departments of interior, education, environment, as well as attempting to implement his policy of holding back foreign aide to coerce Ukraine into investigating a political rival for his own benefit. By that time he was on his 4th or 5th republican Attorney General, because A. He couldn't hire worth a crap. B. He wanted them to do things as if they were his attorney. C. He wanted them to be as unethical as he was and they would not. The only decent legal person he hired while in office was his first White House counsel and McGahn quit him because Trump unethically wanted him to carry his water and fire people that didn't work for him, because he didn't want to do it himself, his firing techniques matching his hiring techniques, as in not worth a crap. So my problem is not with Republicans, but trump and Trumpers. That does not make me a part of the left. I support and have always supported a strong foreign policy and that includes a strong military, same as all conservatives and the Republican Party until now. So, you will have to get somebody else to explain to you why "the left" supports a strong military.
You’d think you’d learn from history, but you merely parrot state run media.

We all know if Trump were escalating this easily avoided war your media sources would condemn his actions and you would too.

Yeah, because Trump would have fucked it up.

Biden has reorganized NATO, and while people in February 2022 were predicting a Ukrainian defeat, we now have the Russians back on their heels.

Great! Calling a state that came into being as a result of an illegal armed coup led by neo-nazis "democratically elected"? That's right, you're an idiot.
And after that, morons like you call the events of January 6 the worst crime against democracy.
What a disgusting, hypocritical scum you are...

Um, it was the disgraced Yanukovych who ordered his troops to fire on protestors in 2014. After that, Parliament voted 328-0 to remove him.

Babbling about Neo-Nazis... is this what they are telling you to type on the Russian Troll Farm.

I’ve tried to educate him but alas, he’s a hard case.
YOu realize that guy's a Russian Troll, right?
Got-dammit are you a stupid fuck.

It's a foreign war where this nation has no national interest and where we haven't been attacked.

And Ukraine isn't a "democracy"....Tenpercentskyy is a tin pot dictator, who has outlawed all opposition, meathead,

No, it's standing up for an international principle that we support the territorial integrity of borders.

This is pretty much the bulwark of international relations since the end of WWII. You don't invade your neighbors to take their territory.
Dude, nobody in 68 year ever said I was part of the left, until November of 2021, when I joined this board, not liking Donald Trump and the crooks he brought to office to further screw up departments of interior, education, environment, as well as attempting to implement his policy of holding back foreign aide to coerce Ukraine into investigating a political rival for his own benefit. By that time he was on his 4th or 5th republican Attorney General, because A. He couldn't hire worth a crap. B. He wanted them to do things as if they were his attorney. C. He wanted them to be as unethical as he was and they would not. The only decent legal person he hired while in office was his first White House counsel and McGahn quit him because Trump unethically wanted him to carry his water and fire people that didn't work for him, because he didn't want to do it himself, his firing techniques matching his hiring techniques, as in not worth a crap. So my problem is not with Republicans, but trump and Trumpers. That does not make me a part of the left. I support and have always supported a strong foreign policy and that includes a strong military, same as all conservatives and the Republican Party until now. So, you will have to get somebody else to explain to you why "the left" supports a strong military.
The posts you react upon in principle and in vast majority, and even amend (censoring) other peoples posts (like mine) is when the thread's and posts are clearly anti left&lib - or exposing a blatant lefty&lib racist like IM2. That Trump is a human scumbag is understood - at least by me, and many others on the Republican or Conservative side.
Despite me having posted numerous times that Trump IMO is a human scumbag - those posts have NEVER been edited or censored - by a MOD that might be a Trump or MAGA supporter.

Any analysis of your posts and actions - clearly shows, that you favor the Lefty&Lib agenda and mindset. Just because you post/stating that you are a gun owner (At least you play that part well) can't hide your lefty&lib preferences.

Everyone is entitled to his own political conviction - but then at least one should stand up to them, if confronted.
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All these criminals neocons warmongers, like Chris Christie and Lady Lindsay Graham, Nikki Haley too, won't be happy until the last Ukranian man is dead.

These people are evil, evil and corrupt to the bone! :mad-61:
Yeah, because Trump would have fucked it up.

Biden has reorganized NATO, and while people in February 2022 were predicting a Ukrainian defeat, we now have the Russians back on their heels.

Um, it was the disgraced Yanukovych who ordered his troops to fire on protestors in 2014. After that, Parliament voted 328-0 to remove him.

Babbling about Neo-Nazis... is this what they are telling you to type on the Russian Troll Farm.

YOu realize that guy's a Russian Troll, right?
Maybe but your an ignorant American warmonger.

Why have you lefties abandoned your core values?
Yeah, because Trump would have fucked it up.

Biden has reorganized NATO, and while people in February 2022 were predicting a Ukrainian defeat, we now have the Russians back on their heels.

Um, it was the disgraced Yanukovych who ordered his troops to fire on protestors in 2014. After that, Parliament voted 328-0 to remove him.

Babbling about Neo-Nazis... is this what they are telling you to type on the Russian Troll Farm.

YOu realize that guy's a Russian Troll, right?
Refreshing to hear a real leader and statesman speak. No doubt lost on you.
Maybe but your an ignorant American warmonger.

Why have you lefties abandoned your core values?

Not a leftie.
11 years in the Armed Forces, certainly not a dove.

Refreshing to hear a real leader and statesman speak. No doubt lost on you.
RFKJr. is a loon. He's only getting attention because he is his father's son.

Again, got to ask, do you go down to the rape crisis center and slut shame the rape victims?

We all know Ukraine was dressing like a whore, and that's why Russia had to invade her.
The posts you react upon in principle and in vast majority, and even amend (censoring) other peoples posts (like mine) is when the thread's and posts are clearly anti left&lib - or exposing a blatant lefty&lib racist like IM2. That Trump is a human scumbag is understood - at least by me, and many others on the Republican or Conservative side.
Despite me having posted numerous times that Trump IMO is a human scumbag - those posts have NEVER been edited or censored - by a MOD that might be a Trump or MAGA supporter.

Any analysis of your posts and actions - clearly shows, that you favor the Lefty&Lib agenda and mindset. Just because you post/stating that you are a gun owner (At least you play that part well) can't hide your lefty&lib preferences.

Everyone is entitled to his own political conviction - but then at least one should stand up to them, if confronted.
Not true. If you want to discuss me censoring you in some way, PM me. It is not for open board.
The RINO elaborates winning the war means being able to continue the money laundering, enrich the US defense contractors and refuse to seek a diplomatic solution. Christie tips his hat to the global cabal.

You! Alt-right loser!.jpg
Not a leftie.
11 years in the Armed Forces, certainly not a dove.

RFKJr. is a loon. He's only getting attention because he is his father's son.

Again, got to ask, do you go down to the rape crisis center and slut shame the rape victims?

We all know Ukraine was dressing like a whore, and that's why Russia had to invade her.
Of course he’s a loon. After all, that’s exactly what the establishment says of him and you can’t be expected to think otherwise.
Of course he’s a loon. After all, that’s exactly what the establishment says of him and you can’t be expected to think otherwise.

No, he's a loon because he says crazy stuff about Vaccines and Ukraine and other topics.

Even his own family think he's nuts....

Friends and family of Robert F Kennedy Jr have said they are dismayed at his descent into “fear-mongering” by spreading anti-vaccine conspiracies.

In interviews with The New York Times, two of his surviving siblings said Mr Kennedy’s emergence as one of the most prominent anti-vax activists in the United States was causing anguish among the family.

The nephew of assassinated US president John F Kennedy triggered fresh outrage last month when he suggested attempts to impose vaccine mandates in the US were worse than what happened in Nazi Germany. “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did,” he said at a rally in Washington DC.

He later apologised, after being publicly criticised by his wife Cheryl Hines, who said his Anne Frank remark was “reprehensible”. His sister Kerry Kennedy tweeted at the time: “Bobby’s lies and fear-mongering yesterday were both sickening and repulsive.”

He has claimed 5G towers are being installed across the nation “to harvest our data and control our behaviour”. Mr Kennedy has also cast doubt over whether Sirhan Sirhan murdered his father, the former attorney-general and presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968.

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