Chris Christie

I don't usually agree with him, but he doesn't seem mentally unwell, which is a breath of fresh air for that party.
Christie is an effective leader. Willing to cross the aisle to reach bipartisan decisions. Straight shooter who takes no crap. Gets things done. Can be quite funny. He had surgery and is losing quite a bit of weight

On the negative: He is a bully. Can't let any insult go unchallenged. He is often rude and says things in the heat of battle that shouldn't be said
Christie is the only GOP who can win against Hillary if she runs, but that is not a given: will be a tough race. He's a leader, he's not afraid of anyone, but he does not think sometimes before he speaks.

Americans and real Republicans rejected the far right reactionaries in the last major election. The GOP will no longer nominate reactionaries to national tickets.
What are your thoughts on him?

If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

Locke is a far right wing wacko? sounds like you Aaron are a far left wing wacko....just sayin...
CaféAuLait;7281091 said:
You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

I always have to laugh when someone on the Left declares that "America has rejected the right", meanwhile groups like the Tea Party are still gaining strength and scare the left so much that they had to break the laws to keep them silent for the past two elections.

I believe the most amazing aspect of aaronleland's post is he attacked Locke for stating the Hilary Clinton or any democrat for that matter, would beat both Bush and Christy if either won the republican nomination.

I am still trying to figure out where the hate came from.

Far Left Winger....
The far left has its haters just as our far right reactionary wing does.

If we work on minimalizing them in both parties, the better of we all are as Americans.
What are your thoughts on him?

He's regional, like the Soprano's or Jersey Shore. You know, Boardwalk Empire. ;)

Hey, the Shore is open, don't forget to bring your wallet, and drink responsibly. Thinking of lowering that Blood Alcohol Level, ya know. :) ;)
The far left has its haters just as our far right reactionary wing does.

If we work on minimalizing them in both parties, the better of we all are as Americans.

If we avoid making the hard decisions, maybe, everyone will like us??? Fail. Same fail as leading from behind.
The far left has its haters just as our far right reactionary wing does.

If we work on minimalizing them in both parties, the better of we all are as Americans.

If we avoid making the hard decisions, maybe, everyone will like us??? Fail. Same fail as leading from behind.

Nope. You are blinded by doctrinaire uniformity. Which is fine, because we are a country of all types.
CaféAuLait;7281091 said:
I always have to laugh when someone on the Left declares that "America has rejected the right", meanwhile groups like the Tea Party are still gaining strength and scare the left so much that they had to break the laws to keep them silent for the past two elections.

I believe the most amazing aspect of aaronleland's post is he attacked Locke for stating the Hilary Clinton or any democrat for that matter, would beat both Bush and Christy if either won the republican nomination.

I am still trying to figure out where the hate came from.

Far Left Winger....

My opinion of Locke is based on other posts of his I have read, as well as his adoration of that scumbag neo-con Breitbart. But I love how you assume my political affiliation just because I'm not a political hack like most of the other USMB Republicans.

My first pick in 2012 was Ron Paul. After the GOP rejected him for the neo-con Romney I voted for Gary Johnson. I can't stand Hilary, and if the GOP gave the nomination to Christie or Rand Paul I would easily vote GOP again. The GOP's current problem is that they give us the choices of neo-cons (Romney), or far right nut jobs (Bachmann), and throw any reasonable candidates under the bus.
If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

I always have to laugh when someone on the Left declares that "America has rejected the right", meanwhile groups like the Tea Party are still gaining strength and scare the left so much that they had to break the laws to keep them silent for the past two elections.

Teabaggers are old, white, half dead bitter crazies. Youth aren't buying their snake oil but are mocking them. as we have seen in this past election:eusa_whistle:
He's a politician, but I have appreciated his blunt attitude. I wouldn't have really thought he'd hold significant national appeal until now...people are becoming desperate for someone who they can believe, even if they don't agree with all of their policies.
You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

I always have to laugh when someone on the Left declares that "America has rejected the right", meanwhile groups like the Tea Party are still gaining strength and scare the left so much that they had to break the laws to keep them silent for the past two elections.

Teabaggers are old, white, half dead bitter crazies. Youth aren't buying their snake oil but are mocking them. as we have seen in this past election:eusa_whistle:

The TPM is gaining steam in certain isolated locales. It will not have the punch next year that it had even in 2012. Overall it is slowing down significantly.
Early on, he killed a needed tunnel expansion between NJ and Manhattan for cutting taxes regressively, which was one of the stupidist things I've ever seen, and contrary to neoliberal economics of using govt to promote free markets.

However, taking on public sector unions was a winner. He has done something to slow property tax increases.

He's going along with medicaid expansion because the federal money will help his state, even though he'd have not voted for Obamacare.

He's not tied to the RW lunacy on gays, women, mexicans, etc.

My state will go gop regardless, but he's the one guy offhand that I'd vote for. I'd vote for Hill too. Labels don't matter. I just want competence, rationality and no bug eyed bat shite crazy.
He's a politician, but I have appreciated his blunt attitude. I wouldn't have really thought he'd hold significant national appeal until now...people are becoming desperate for someone who they can believe, even if they don't agree with all of their policies.

I've never seen another man or woman on the planet who I agree with on EVERY issue.
I pick the one I agree with most.
Right now, Christie is at the top of my list.

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