Chris Christie

I can't think of anyone on the left or right who has a chance of bringing such a politically divided country together...Christie might stand a chance of bridging that gap at least a little bit.
What are your thoughts on him?

The fat man is a thin-skinned bully and a loose cannon; all mouth and no action. Porky Pig has a better shot at the presidency.

April 10 Rutgers-Eagleton poll: Big favorables for sucking up to Obama to grub money for halfwits living in tidal area, but only 42% positive about his handling of employment and the economy.​
Christie Jobs Record Attacked as Growth Trails Neighbors - Bloomberg
Since January 2010 the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen by 2.2 percentage points, to 7.6 percent in March, while New Jersey’s has fallen 0.7 percentage point to 9 percent. New York (USUSNY) has 8.4 percent unemployment and Pennsylvania (USUSPENN), 8.1 percent.
What are your thoughts on him?

Penultimate politician.

Sad but true.

I will never ever forgive Coulter or Laura for supporting him. And I will and I shall make a play back play on those two.

Not even touching what I want to do with Laura and Annie and I used to be fans of theirs.

They begged their base to support Romney as well.....

No more.

Hate their guts.
I can't think of anyone on the left or right who has a chance of bringing such a politically divided country together...Christie might stand a chance of bridging that gap at least a little bit.

No one can.

Life for years continued on the "maybe we can all get along train" until fly over country FINALLY realized New Yorkers and LA freaks hated their guts.

There is no making nicey. They HATE US. No big smurf but they hate our guts.
He's a politician, but I have appreciated his blunt attitude. I wouldn't have really thought he'd hold significant national appeal until now...people are becoming desperate for someone who they can believe, even if they don't agree with all of their policies.

He started showing his true colors what people see in him now is what they saw in McCain a Rhino, he represents status-quo most on the Right know the last thing this country needs is a continuation of the status-quo.
He's a politician, but I have appreciated his blunt attitude. I wouldn't have really thought he'd hold significant national appeal until now...people are becoming desperate for someone who they can believe, even if they don't agree with all of their policies.

He started showing his true colors what people see in him now is what they saw in McCain a Rhino, he represents status-quo most on the Right know the last thing this country needs is a continuation of the status-quo.

The far right are the RINOs know and shrinking in % of the party. We need the left of center to the right of center far more than we now need the reactionaries. Those days are over.
He's a politician, but I have appreciated his blunt attitude. I wouldn't have really thought he'd hold significant national appeal until now...people are becoming desperate for someone who they can believe, even if they don't agree with all of their policies.

He started showing his true colors what people see in him now is what they saw in McCain a Rhino, he represents status-quo most on the Right know the last thing this country needs is a continuation of the status-quo.

The far right are the RINOs know and shrinking in % of the party. We need the left of center to the right of center far more than we now need the reactionaries. Those days are over.

Chris Christie as the "status quo." Need one say more about the gop?
What are your thoughts on him?

Penultimate politician.

Sad but true.

I will never ever forgive Coulter or Laura for supporting him. And I will and I shall make a play back play on those two.

Not even touching what I want to do with Laura and Annie and I used to be fans of theirs.

They begged their base to support Romney as well.....

No more.

Hate their guts.

Nice to find something that we can agree on.
I like Christie, he is everything Obama is not, especially an empty suit.

Which begs the question as to how many suits could you make for Obama out of one of Christie's?

Aside from his weight, being a bully and being completely tone deaf as to how he comes across he has some good points. If the GOP fails to nominate him in 2016 it will be their loss as he is by far the best candidate they currently have.
I like Christie, he is everything Obama is not, especially an empty suit.

Which begs the question as to how many suits could you make for Obama out of one of Christie's?

Aside from his weight, being a bully and being completely tone deaf as to how he comes across he has some good points. If the GOP fails to nominate him in 2016 it will be their loss as he is by far the best candidate they currently have.

Just so.
If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

Nonsense. Established, corrupt pols like the status quo and don't want anyone in office who will clean house.

The republicans get their asses kicked every time they run a democrat lite.

Conservatives won't vote for them. Why should they?

Statist proles constantly try to sell that "moderate" bullshit. No one's buying.

The GOP lost in 1996, 2008 and 2012 because they ran the person who was next in line. They messed up in 2000 by running Bush jr instead of McCain who was next in line. That almost cost them the election. Running McCain in 2008 when he was past his sell-by date was another mistake. They should have had McCain in 2000 and 2004 and then Jeb in 2008. Since McCain would not have invaded Iraq the odds are that Jeb would have stood a good chance of winning. Sticking with the "next-in-line" strategy means either Santorum or Gingrich. Neither stands a chance in 2016.
I like Christie, he is everything Obama is not, especially an empty suit - both literally and figuratively..

It's not empty suit, it's empty chair

Remember the empty chair that kicked your ass in the last election?
I like Christie, he is everything Obama is not, especially an empty suit.

Which begs the question as to how many suits could you make for Obama out of one of Christie's?

Aside from his weight, being a bully and being completely tone deaf as to how he comes across he has some good points. If the GOP fails to nominate him in 2016 it will be their loss as he is by far the best candidate they currently have.
I like how you libs always encourage us to nominate the squishy rinos who always lose. Good strategy. Dole, McCain, Romney...
CaféAuLait;7281091 said:
I believe the most amazing aspect of aaronleland's post is he attacked Locke for stating the Hilary Clinton or any democrat for that matter, would beat both Bush and Christy if either won the republican nomination.

I am still trying to figure out where the hate came from.

Far Left Winger....

My opinion of Locke is based on other posts of his I have read, as well as his adoration of that scumbag neo-con Breitbart. But I love how you assume my political affiliation just because I'm not a political hack like most of the other USMB Republicans.

My first pick in 2012 was Ron Paul. After the GOP rejected him for the neo-con Romney I voted for Gary Johnson. I can't stand Hilary, and if the GOP gave the nomination to Christie or Rand Paul I would easily vote GOP again. The GOP's current problem is that they give us the choices of neo-cons (Romney), or far right nut jobs (Bachmann), and throw any reasonable candidates under the bus.

a Rep/Con would not have classified locke like you did "a Wacko"....but a lefty would of.....i have seen Locke say some pretty moderate things.....just because you might have some pretty Conservative views while still having many moderate ones does not make you a "Right Wing Wacko" spite of what you might think....
He's a politician, but I have appreciated his blunt attitude. I wouldn't have really thought he'd hold significant national appeal until now...people are becoming desperate for someone who they can believe, even if they don't agree with all of their policies.

He started showing his true colors what people see in him now is what they saw in McCain a Rhino, he represents status-quo most on the Right know the last thing this country needs is a continuation of the status-quo.

The far right are the RINOs know and shrinking in % of the party. We need the left of center to the right of center far more than we now need the reactionaries. Those days are over.

Let reason prevail Jake, both inside and outside of your head. You need to calm the voices. ;)
Far Left Winger....

My opinion of Locke is based on other posts of his I have read, as well as his adoration of that scumbag neo-con Breitbart. But I love how you assume my political affiliation just because I'm not a political hack like most of the other USMB Republicans.

My first pick in 2012 was Ron Paul. After the GOP rejected him for the neo-con Romney I voted for Gary Johnson. I can't stand Hilary, and if the GOP gave the nomination to Christie or Rand Paul I would easily vote GOP again. The GOP's current problem is that they give us the choices of neo-cons (Romney), or far right nut jobs (Bachmann), and throw any reasonable candidates under the bus.

a Rep/Con would not have classified locke like you did "a Wacko"....but a lefty would of.....i have seen Locke say some pretty moderate things.....just because you might have some pretty Conservative views while still having many moderate ones does not make you a "Right Wing Wacko" spite of what you might think....

I never said I was a right wing wacko. I said many on the left may have considered me one based on my past Presidential picks. The wackos on the right are the likes of Michelle (pray the gay away) Bachmann. Rick (fetus sleeper) Santorum, and Andrew (may the Dark Lord welcome him) Breitbart. On the other end the GOP supports dishonest political hacks like Mitt Romney, and then throws them under the bus the moment they lose.

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