Chris Matthews calls conservatives "wild-eyed creatures"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist. In november 2012, Matthews said he was glad hurricane sandy hit because it helped obama win re-election. !!!

Chris Matthews on Conservatives: 'Wild-Eyed Creatures,' 'Full Mooners' | CNS News

March 7, 2014 - 7:35 AM

( - "Do you remember the bar scene in 'Star Wars,' with all those wild-eyed creatures from every part of the solar system?" MSNBC's Chris Matthews asked at the beginning of Thursday's "Hardball."

"Well, today here in Washington, the whole tapestry of weirdness was reenacted at the annual convention of something called CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee.

"Well, actually, 'conservative' doesn't quite capture this out-of-this-world jamboree," Matthews continued. "At CPAC, it's the far-out sharing space with the even further out, a place for the crazy car to fill up with the usual suspects -- Cruz and Paul and Rubio and Bobby Jindal -- while gassing up with the craziest bunch of ideas since Rick 'Oops' Perry couldn't remember that list of government agencies he wanted to kill..."
Tweety is the rush limbaugh of the left but at least rush admits he's an entertainer not a jouirnalist.
Reactionaries, the wild animal park of American Politics, busy eating their own and shitting on all that is worthy.
If that's Matthew's being "honest", Paint...then he's showed his honest self to be a colossal asshole.
I wonder if Obama's cock sucker spent any time on his low rated TV show talking about his past comments ridiculing Romney and conservatives warnings about "Putin and Russia."

Talk about irony.


Chris Matthews calls conservatives "wild-eyed creatures"

Chris Matthews was invited to CPAC, but security would not let him in when he took off all his clothes at the metal detector.
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist.

You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

Even the far left does not know about Chris Mathews other than his far left cheerleading.
Well, at least I know he's never been a journalist, or claimed to be one.

He proudly talks - all the time - about how he was a staffer for Tip O'Neil, in the House. He's never worked for a newspaper. He started Hardball as a left wing pundit.

Same with Lawrence O'Donnell, only from the Senate side. Has never been a journalist.

So the OP is flawed, like the OP author - just another retard who thinks he can talk about politics intelligently, yet can't even get the simple basics correct.

Talk about irony.



Hilarious, thanks for the laugh :)

I just love these outrageous sophists trying to pass themselves off as journalists that we have flooding the media nowadays...non-stop comedy.

"The juggle of sophistry consists, for the most part, in using a word in one sense in all the premises, and in another sense in the conclusion." -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
He gets a thrill up his leg when he sees his 1/2 black boyfriend on TV.
Tweety is the rush limbaugh of the left but at least rush admits he's an entertainer not a jouirnalist.

Journalists are not by definition held to being objective news reporters. Charles Krauthammer, for example, is commonly referred to as a journalist.
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist.

You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

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