Chris Matthews wtf??

Why is he so obssessed by race......liberals have a race obsession.....its racist in and of itself

Chris was probably having a thrill up his leg moment. :p

Indeed "liberals" are obsessed with race and gender because exploiting these elements gives motivation to what they perceive as power. And let's face it, the power of the MSM and "liberal" academia is how Barry "The Butthurt" Obama got into office. They thought they could use this power to prevent The Donald from getting where he is. They failed. Look for increased bizarre material from the MSM as they try to come to terms with the fact that they only influence low information viewers to their and their handlers' point of view.
Matthews is the poster boy for how incompetence and stupidity wins in the liberal MSM.
I watched that ... the black guy waked around the GOP convention hall wearing a t shirt and a cap, carrying his Iphone taking pics and asking the question to white Republicans " have you seen any suspicious minority people around here"

now do you girls really want to talk about race?
an hour later ZERO responses from the Trumpbots.

I didn't think so.


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