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Chris Stevens Mother Tells Trump and Republicans To STFU!

And that gives her the right to order people to not discuss matters of national security? And frankly, I don't have much respect for her as mother at this point. It's been how many years? She's past the grieving stage. She knows (or ought to know) the depths of Hillary's inhumanity and corruption. I don't respect someone enabling someone as evil as HIllary. She can go to hell with her son's murderers for all I care. I know the face of evil; and I don't tolerate people like her trying to enable it.
Wow. She can go to hell??? WTF is wrong with you?? You've changed since I've been gone.. you're a nasty vile person now.. I hope you find your way back to some semblance of a human being.

You know how much blood is on Hillary's hands? Do you? She should be leading the charge against Hillary; not being an apologist. I think she's dishonoring her son's death and America; and grieving is not an excuse for that, this many years after the fact.

Yes, I do know and I loathe that BITCH.. I think she should stand trial for treason, involuntary manslaughter, aiding abetting, bribery, perjury and I think she should FUCKING HANG... but I won't ever use a grieving mother's wish to go after a political enemy.

I'm not "using" her in any way. She put out the request and endorsement of Hillary. But the reality as you allude to is this: Hillary did not take the call at 3 AM. Hillary was part of the stand down effort. Hillary lied to Americans and this woman when she sold the phony narrative of a video. And she did this b/c she had a lot of blood money on the line. And she callously screeched what difference does it make after the fact.

She has been in bed with dictators and warlords and fascists to the tune of billions of dollars. And I frankly don't think that her position as mother gives her the right to quiet us about all this in any capacity no matter how hard her travails may be. I put myself in the shoes of the dead CHRIS STEVENS who doesn't get a voice; but he would certainly not be covering up for Hillary if I were to speak to him beyond the grave. I can't see him saying don't talk about this; don't use my name. I can't see the other dead Americans saying, temper your outrage. I'm sorry; maybe my initial rhetoric could have been a little more graceful; but this sh** pisses me off. You should be much more mad at the people chasing the all mighty dollar who think this is mere collateral damage than someone like me who has pure righteous outrage for this.
I'm not mad at you.. disappointed. I knew you as a man of honor.. There is a line we can all cross. I'm done posting in this thread and I hope it dies out.. it's disgraceful.

I just gave you my outright position; and you can't find fault with what I said there. So, get off your high horse.
Wow. She can go to hell??? WTF is wrong with you?? You've changed since I've been gone.. you're a nasty vile person now.. I hope you find your way back to some semblance of a human being.

You know how much blood is on Hillary's hands? Do you? She should be leading the charge against Hillary; not being an apologist. I think she's dishonoring her son's death and America; and grieving is not an excuse for that, this many years after the fact.

Yes, I do know and I loathe that BITCH.. I think she should stand trial for treason, involuntary manslaughter, aiding abetting, bribery, perjury and I think she should FUCKING HANG... but I won't ever use a grieving mother's wish to go after a political enemy.

I'm not "using" her in any way. She put out the request and endorsement of Hillary. But the reality as you allude to is this: Hillary did not take the call at 3 AM. Hillary was part of the stand down effort. Hillary lied to Americans and this woman when she sold the phony narrative of a video. And she did this b/c she had a lot of blood money on the line. And she callously screeched what difference does it make after the fact.

She has been in bed with dictators and warlords and fascists to the tune of billions of dollars. And I frankly don't think that her position as mother gives her the right to quiet us about all this in any capacity no matter how hard her travails may be. I put myself in the shoes of the dead CHRIS STEVENS who doesn't get a voice; but he would certainly not be covering up for Hillary if I were to speak to him beyond the grave. I can't see him saying don't talk about this; don't use my name. I can't see the other dead Americans saying, temper your outrage. I'm sorry; maybe my initial rhetoric could have been a little more graceful; but this sh** pisses me off. You should be much more mad at the people chasing the all mighty dollar who think this is mere collateral damage than someone like me who has pure righteous outrage for this.
I'm not mad at you.. disappointed. I knew you as a man of honor.. There is a line we can all cross. I'm done posting in this thread and I hope it dies out.. it's disgraceful.

I just gave you my outright position; and you can't find fault with what I said there. So, get off your high horse.
I tried to be polite with you but that doesn't work so FUCK OFF and don't post to me again..
I may be the lone voice here but I believe she's earned the right to have her wishes respected. I cannot even fathom losing my child.. Politics should play no part in honoring her wishes, regardless of her motive, if she has one.

I think you can discuss the Benghazi issue without using his name. Just respect the poor woman's request. Trump doesn't even have to respond to the request. Just stop using his name.
Notice little fat frankie no brains thinks its a winner that the mother should pound sand, real goyish

Kind of like you and the all progressives that tell Patricia Smith to go pound sand.
That woman has been abused and brainwashed by you scum.

She was brainwashed into believing Hillary told her that her son died because of a video?

Hillary and the Hussein told the entire country that a video was responsible. They lied, period.

You're clearly delusional if you can't accept such facts that are public record. The only one "brainwashed" is yourself.

She was brainwashed into believing Hillary told her that her son died because of a video? Possibly. What did Hillary Clinton tell families in Benghazi case?

Hillary and the Hussein told the entire country that a video was responsible. They lied, period. In the early days after the attack, the video was very much considered a reason behind the attack. It sparked protests the SAME DAY in over 100 countries and the only captured terrorist from Benghazi said he was there because of the video.

You're clearly delusional if you can't accept such facts that are public record. The only one "brainwashed" is yourself. Please take a moment to be angry at the terrorists, the ones who actually killed our people. I know you've let them slide for 4 years, but please consider that they might be the guilty ones.

I've let them slide? I'm not the one defending Islam every time those maniacs kill. Hillary lied to those families and to the American people.
Why don't you just admit you don't care and you are voting for Hillary no matter what.
He was this Nation's ambassador as well as a Son and Brother. The negligence that cost his life is most certainly an appropriate subject for discussion. And that is especially true if the person responsible is running for President.
Notice little fat frankie no brains thinks its a winner that the mother should pound sand, real goyish

Kind of like you and the all progressives that tell Patricia Smith to go pound sand.
That woman has been abused and brainwashed by you scum.

She was brainwashed into believing Hillary told her that her son died because of a video?

Hillary and the Hussein told the entire country that a video was responsible. They lied, period.

You're clearly delusional if you can't accept such facts that are public record. The only one "brainwashed" is yourself.

She was brainwashed into believing Hillary told her that her son died because of a video? Possibly. What did Hillary Clinton tell families in Benghazi case?

Hillary and the Hussein told the entire country that a video was responsible. They lied, period. In the early days after the attack, the video was very much considered a reason behind the attack. It sparked protests the SAME DAY in over 100 countries and the only captured terrorist from Benghazi said he was there because of the video.

You're clearly delusional if you can't accept such facts that are public record. The only one "brainwashed" is yourself. Please take a moment to be angry at the terrorists, the ones who actually killed our people. I know you've let them slide for 4 years, but please consider that they might be the guilty ones.

If it wasnt for your comedy value you'd have been on ignore a longtime ago....
Mother of Ambassador Killed in Benghazi Asks Donald Trump to Stop Using His Name

The mother of the late U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens—who was killed in the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya—has called for an “immediate and permanent stop” to the use of her son’s name by GOP leaders and Donald Trump in his presidential campaign, calling the practice “opportunistic and cynical.”

“As Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’s mother, I am writing to object to any mention of his name and death in Benghazi, Libya, by Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party,” Mary Commanday said in a letter-to-the-editor published in the New York Times on Saturday.

“I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection. I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign.”

Republicans have repeatedly criticized presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for the way she handled the Benghazi attack as then-Secretary of State.

Commanday’s request echoes the sentiments of Stevens’ sister, Anne Stevens, who said she doesn’t blame Clinton for her brother’s death and doesn’t “see any usefulness in continuing to criticize her.”
“I do not blame Hillary Clinton or [Former Secretary of Defense] Leon Panetta,” she said in an interview with the New Yorker last month. “They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had.”

She also criticized the way the Benghazi attack has been politicized and used in the current presidential campaign, according to the magazine.

“With the many issues in the current election, to use that incident—and to use Chris’s death as a political point—is not appropriate,” Anne Stevens said.
Did she also tell that woman who spoke at the convention to STFU?
What personal monetary and political gain is that woman seeking?
First answer if she is the same woman that spoke at the RNC? If she is...then she opened up that can of worms. If it was not her, did she tell that mom to STFU too?
Again, is that woman seeking political and monetary gain by abusing the death of this woman's child? If not, I doubt she has anything to say to her.
I don't get it. That woman spoke at the RNC stating Hillary & Co lied to her. What was her motive? TRUTH maybe? So the one calling for Trump & Co to STFU should say the same to the other victims of Benghazi to STFU too, don't you think?
It's a different woman, Gracie.
We've already covered this. She can pound sand.
Those of you in the right only want to use these deaths to attack people you hate. You care nothing of them. You are despicable.
And the left..like Hillary who lied to the faces of the loved ones. Is Hillary honoring the wishes of Mrs Smith?
No , Hillary honors no one and nothing but that doesn't mean we should follow her or anyone else who suffers the loss of a child. Why are we stooping to behave like liberals now? I don't get it. Since when did crossing lines of abject humanity become ok?
I have no problem not mentioning his name...or the names of any of the others...the name are part of recorded history. Just don't forget the failures of those responsible. The only reason the op brings up the subject is to distract.

Woke up from a deep sleep....going back there now. Goddam iPad.
Sweet dreams *hug
Thanks...I slept well...dreamed about Tim Kaine singing a Mexican lullaby...
“I do not blame Hillary Clinton or [Former Secretary of Defense] Leon Panetta,” she said in an interview with the New Yorker last month. “They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had.”

Wow, she just bought the company line hog wash. We live in the greatest country in the world. Lack of resources? Give me a fucking break. If Hillary wasn't busy taking bribes for her Clinton Foundation, she might have gotten around to securing the men and women in her care.
So stupid.

Hey why did you delete the comment vilifying this poor mother? I was about to use it to prove my earlier point and the forum wouldn't let me. What's the deal? Tell us how you really feel!
I'm so glad she's not my mother, if she was I would curse the gods for losing the genetic lottery so badly. My mother would want to know why I was murdered, why assets that could have saved me were deliberately withheld, why my many requests for more security were denied, and why my death was blamed on a video so that a politician could cover her ass.

That's because my mother loves me and would be an implacable fiend to whoever caused my death. Not all mothers are saints and some of them have no moral code whatsoever. I feel sorry that Ambassador Stevens had such a shitty mother. He deserved better.
“I do not blame Hillary Clinton or [Former Secretary of Defense] Leon Panetta,” she said in an interview with the New Yorker last month. “They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had.”

Wow, she just bought the company line hog wash. We live in the greatest country in the world. Lack of resources? Give me a fucking break. If Hillary wasn't busy taking bribes for her Clinton Foundation, she might have gotten around to securing the men and women in her care.
So stupid.

Hey why did you delete the comment vilifying this poor mother? I was about to use it to prove my earlier point and the forum wouldn't let me. What's the deal? Tell us how you really feel!
I'm so glad she's not my mother, if she was I would curse the gods for losing the genetic lottery so badly. My mother would want to know why I was murdered, why assets that could have saved me were deliberately withheld, why my many requests for more security were denied, and why my death was blamed on a video so that a politician could cover her ass.

That's because my mother loves me and would be an implacable fiend to whoever caused my death. Not all mothers are saints and some of them have no moral code whatsoever. I feel sorry that Ambassador Stevens had such a shitty mother. He deserved better.

Your sweet mom sounds an awful lot like Sean Smith's mom.
Notice little fat frankie no brains thinks its a winner that the mother should pound sand, real goyish

Kind of like you and the all progressives that tell Patricia Smith to go pound sand.
That woman has been abused and brainwashed by you scum.

She was brainwashed into believing Hillary told her that her son died because of a video?

Hillary and the Hussein told the entire country that a video was responsible. They lied, period.

You're clearly delusional if you can't accept such facts that are public record. The only one "brainwashed" is yourself.

She was brainwashed into believing Hillary told her that her son died because of a video? Possibly. What did Hillary Clinton tell families in Benghazi case?

Hillary and the Hussein told the entire country that a video was responsible. They lied, period. In the early days after the attack, the video was very much considered a reason behind the attack. It sparked protests the SAME DAY in over 100 countries and the only captured terrorist from Benghazi said he was there because of the video.

You're clearly delusional if you can't accept such facts that are public record. The only one "brainwashed" is yourself. Please take a moment to be angry at the terrorists, the ones who actually killed our people. I know you've let them slide for 4 years, but please consider that they might be the guilty ones.

If it wasnt for your comedy value you'd have been on ignore a longtime ago....
Then you have 1 more reason to keep me off ignore than I do to keep you off ignore
“I do not blame Hillary Clinton or [Former Secretary of Defense] Leon Panetta,” she said in an interview with the New Yorker last month. “They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had.”

Wow, she just bought the company line hog wash. We live in the greatest country in the world. Lack of resources? Give me a fucking break. If Hillary wasn't busy taking bribes for her Clinton Foundation, she might have gotten around to securing the men and women in her care.
So stupid.

Hey why did you delete the comment vilifying this poor mother? I was about to use it to prove my earlier point and the forum wouldn't let me. What's the deal? Tell us how you really feel!
I'm so glad she's not my mother, if she was I would curse the gods for losing the genetic lottery so badly. My mother would want to know why I was murdered, why assets that could have saved me were deliberately withheld, why my many requests for more security were denied, and why my death was blamed on a video so that a politician could cover her ass.

That's because my mother loves me and would be an implacable fiend to whoever caused my death. Not all mothers are saints and some of them have no moral code whatsoever. I feel sorry that Ambassador Stevens had such a shitty mother. He deserved better.
Yep the vilification is ramping up
Howey........nobody cares

True story....... :cool:
Republicans seemed to care when they paraded Patricia Smith, an unstable woman who can't get past the death of her son who has fallen victim to GOP propaganda across the stage for political reasons.
Oh, let me correct that. They cared they thought they could score political points but do they give a fig about that woman or her dead son? Of course. They danced a jig and jumped for joy they could score points with this tragedy.
That is truly the extent of their feelings.
Howey........nobody cares

True story....... :cool:
Republicans seemed to care when they paraded Patricia Smith, an unstable woman who can't get past the death of her son who has fallen victim to GOP propaganda across the stage for political reasons.
Oh, let me correct that. They cared they thought they could score political points but do they give a fig about that woman or her dead son? Of course. They danced a jig and jumped for joy they could score points with this tragedy.
That is truly the extent of their feelings.
Demoizing Patricia smith is what makes you democrats filthy amoral animals.
As far as I'm concerned, Hillary is at least partly responsible for those mens' deaths.
Because everyone would be ignoring it?

Agreed. I can't even fathom a mother of the deceased coming out in favor of Hillary. If people want to give her the benefit of the doubt that grief is out-weighing common sense, I have a hard time giving that any credence four years after the fact. She knows how phony and callous Hillary has been.

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I tried to be polite with you but that doesn't work so FUCK OFF and don't post to me again..

Yea, you're not "mad." Pst.

This was the previous post of which, it is valid and on subject:

She has been in bed with dictators and warlords and fascists to the tune of billions of dollars. And I frankly don't think that her position as mother gives her the right to quiet us about all this in any capacity no matter how hard her travails may be. I put myself in the shoes of the dead CHRIS STEVENS who doesn't get a voice; but he would certainly not be covering up for Hillary if I were to speak to him beyond the grave. I can't see him saying don't talk about this; don't use my name. I can't see the other dead Americans saying, temper your outrage. I'm sorry; maybe my initial rhetoric could have been a little more graceful; but this sh** pisses me off. You should be much more mad at the people chasing the all mighty dollar who think this is mere collateral damage than someone like me who has pure righteous outrage for this.


And as to your request, you can feel free to block me. I don't take requests to have my right to speech taken away though. Of course, you didn't want us to have an opinion on this public subject either; so, I 'm not surprised.
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