Chris Wallace cant get an Answer from Fiorina

Holy Shit! She answered!! Not her fault you Progressives are too fucking dumb to understand it!

How the fuck are you supposed to have a conversation with people too fucking stupid to understand things out in the trillion column?

What was her answer?
Her answer, given in the last half minute, was she would form a commission to examine the problem, like Obama has done and she condemned earlier when asked about it by Wallace 3 minutes in.

"What I think we need to do to engage the American people in a conversation about entitlement reform, is to have a bipartisan group of people who come together and put every solution on the table, every alternative on the table"
Question asked by Wallace can't be answered with yes or no. I think that Fiorina gave the best possible answer by saying that waste has to be cut. True, Obama said something similar, but he hasn't done it, he actually expanded it.
All pols dance around the "what specific program(s) or entitlements would you cut?" They always say we need a bi-partisan commission (to share the blame).

That wasn't journalism, that was just killing time looking for a gaffe. Hillary danced around questions calling them "gotcha politics".

The only guy who knows how to do the hard work is Christie in NJ, because he has a record of balancing budgets. The others are bullshitters.
I don't care for her or Boxer.

all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.
I don't care for her or Boxer.

all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.

Any proof of that?
I don't care for her or Boxer.

all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.

I've read her bios. She seems equally disastrous as Boxer. Californians really have no choice in this one. How's she gonna interefere with people's bodies, jillian? She's pro choice isn't she?
How about HUD, Education, and any other program that has no Constitutional basis for existing?

How about the military existing off American soil? That seems unconstitutional to me, for if you are not defending Americans in America, you must be running a mercenary military for corporate use.
So on a tactical standpoint, how should America protect its vital interests overseas without our military presence?

Economic pressure. "Stop doing that, or we cut off your access to American markets, immediately".

How dare he look down his nose at...No, hold own

She doesnt have to answer questions just to please the liber...Wait, I'll think of one that fits

At first he wanted her to tell him what she would do to cut spending...then later when she didn't say cut entitlements he demanded a yes or no on if she would cut entitlements.

She obviously knows more about economics then Chris Wallace does and she tried to answer the question but he kept interrupting her.

I think he was trying to set her up and she didn't fall for it.
They're all running on the same old formula:

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and then make some massive politically impossible cuts somewhere else that will balance the budget.

It's the GOP's modern day version of alchemy.

What's sad is, most sensible conservatives know (in their hearts and minds) that it's nonsense, but they pretend to believe it anyway.

What's sad is that democrats refuse to face the reality that 1.3 trillion dollar annual budget deficits are unsustainable and will lead this country to it's economic demise.

Most of the deficit is attributable to lost revenue from the recession and the cost of ongoing Bush policies.
I don't care for her or Boxer.

all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.

Of course. You're always nice to someone you're about to fuck.:eusa_angel:
I think she did quite well; never allowed herself to be forced to shoot herself in the foot.

If not allowing herself to shoot herself in the foot means dodging and ducking the question then yes. She gave non-answers instead of real answers. If I were a supporter of her, I'd seriously reconsider after watching that pathetic display.

I agree, but like all of them, they won't let themselves say something that will ostensibly negate any sppt. from anyone, in other words if she spelled it out, she'd be hammered by someone.
Then again, thats what they get paid for. Dumb. She should have been prepared.

In the end I agree with Zander ( boxer took a pass on what her feelings were on state referendums Senate campaign: After voting, Boxer declines to state positions on five propositions - - Politics btw)....shes got to be a step up from Boxer.
They're all running on the same old formula:

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and then make some massive politically impossible cuts somewhere else that will balance the budget.

It's the GOP's modern day version of alchemy.

What's sad is, most sensible conservatives know (in their hearts and minds) that it's nonsense, but they pretend to believe it anyway.

What's sad is that democrats refuse to face the reality that 1.3 trillion dollar annual budget deficits are unsustainable and will lead this country to it's economic demise.

Most of the deficit is attributable to lost revenue from the recession and the cost of ongoing Bush policies.


The 2010 Spending Record
In two years, a 21.4% increase.

Review & Outlook: The 2010 Spending Record -
I don't care for her or Boxer.

all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.

hum, my understanding is, the Compaq merger actually worked to HP's benefit, big time.
I don't care for her or Boxer.

all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.

hum, my understanding is, the Compaq merger actually worked to HP's benefit, big time.

It didn't. Most companies are dumping mainframes. You might find a bank or hospital still using them..but for the most was a big mistake for HP.
all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.

hum, my understanding is, the Compaq merger actually worked to HP's benefit, big time.

It didn't. Most companies are dumping mainframes. You might find a bank or hospital still using them..but for the most was a big mistake for HP.

I don't care for her or Boxer.

all i can say is that the only interaction i ever had with senator boxer was a positive one and she was nice to me.

and while i may not agree with boxer on a lot of issues, given the choice, Fiorina, the failed CEO, would get the thumbs down from me....

mostly b/c she was pretty disastrous as CEO.

and she's just another rightwinger who claims to be for small govenment but wants government to interfere with our bodies.

hum, my understanding is, the Compaq merger actually worked to HP's benefit, big time.
Read up. You do not have to be uninformed - it's a choice:

Carly Fiorina's troubling telecom past - Fortune Tech
What's sad is that democrats refuse to face the reality that 1.3 trillion dollar annual budget deficits are unsustainable and will lead this country to it's economic demise.

Most of the deficit is attributable to lost revenue from the recession and the cost of ongoing Bush policies.


The 2010 Spending Record
In two years, a 21.4% increase.

Review & Outlook: The 2010 Spending Record -
Typical CON$ervoFascist dishonesty. Instead of using Bush's last budget the CON$ go back 2 budgets. That is an immediate RED FLAG that spending was DOWN from Bush's 2009 budget!!!!!!

From your own link:

Spending rolled in for the year that ended September 30 at $3.45 trillion, second only to 2009's $3.52 trillion in the record books.

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