Chris Wallace.... Let it Go!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

Well, he has a point, you know. Why hasn't Rump taken Covid 19 seriously enough. And Why has Rump just tried to use Covid 19 to garner the sympathy vote when he didn't have it in the first place? Easy answer. He's a Huckster and just running another con.
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

So what was the answer the "person" gave?
Don't be half-assed here.
Tell the whole story, don't be a TrumpTard.
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!
He is fuming that his fake reputation as a real news man is toast. Maybe he can land a spot with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

Yeah, Chris Wallace = The ONLY real journalist left at Fox asked a GREAT question!
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!
He is fuming that his fake reputation as a real news man is toast. Maybe he can land a spot with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

Aha...the Republicans eating their own is such a lovely sight.
I bet you used to love the guy until Wallace decided, like Shepard Smith, that he was done kissing your lord's fat ass.
I don't think its a hoax....but I do think its just a flu a tad worse than h1n1 and the swine flu. Much ado about a flu. And, I don't/won't wear a mask either.

You been drinking the Koolaid again. And if it weren't a hoax, we wouldn't see hide nor hair of Rump for the next 2 weeks minimum. And there would be a chance that Article 25 would have to be temporarily enacted. But Rump ran another Con being the Huckster he is. No free rides.
I don't think its a hoax....but I do think its just a flu a tad worse than h1n1 and the swine flu. Much ado about a flu. And, I don't/won't wear a mask either.

Then why doesn't Dr. Conley say it's the flu?
Get fucking real.
They put him on Dexamethasone, which is a serious steroid for reducing inflammation. Makes you feel like a million bucks, ergo Trump's spontaneous joyride today.
They put him on it because they think he's got lung damage.
Well fuck, we know he's got brain damage.
Now the COV-IDIOT probably has brain fog, too.
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

Well, he has a point, you know. Why hasn't Rump taken Covid 19 seriously enough. And Why has Rump just tried to use Covid 19 to garner the sympathy vote when he didn't have it in the first place? Easy answer. He's a Huckster and just running another con.
And that could have been answered the first five times he asked! Trump said today that he is learning more about COVID 19. He admitted he wasn't being careful enough. NOw wallace has another doctor, and he is asking him the same thing. What do you think of Trump not wearing a mask. Again again and again.
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

Well, he has a point, you know. Why hasn't Rump taken Covid 19 seriously enough. And Why has Rump just tried to use Covid 19 to garner the sympathy vote when he didn't have it in the first place? Easy answer. He's a Huckster and just running another con.
And that could have been answered the first five times he asked! Trump said today that he is learning more about COVID 19. He admitted he wasn't being careful enough. NOw wallace has another doctor, and he is asking him the same thing. What do you think of Trump not wearing a mask. Again again and again.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Rump ran out of shame long ago. No more free rides to the Huckster.
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

Well, he has a point, you know. Why hasn't Rump taken Covid 19 seriously enough. And Why has Rump just tried to use Covid 19 to garner the sympathy vote when he didn't have it in the first place? Easy answer. He's a Huckster and just running another con.
And that could have been answered the first five times he asked! Trump said today that he is learning more about COVID 19. He admitted he wasn't being careful enough. NOw wallace has another doctor, and he is asking him the same thing. What do you think of Trump not wearing a mask. Again again and again.

That was the question....what was the answer given?
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

Weasel Wallace is China First. He can go fly a kite in a thunderstorm for all I care.
Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

Well, he has a point, you know. Why hasn't Rump taken Covid 19 seriously enough. And Why has Rump just tried to use Covid 19 to garner the sympathy vote when he didn't have it in the first place? Easy answer. He's a Huckster and just running another con.


This is the problem when you tell thousands upon thousands of lies--all confirmed by the way.
You have no credibility

The way the right wing thinks about the press--without confirmation--is how the world thinks about the blob.
A President should not be expected to demonstrate leadership or honesty when a deadly virus that has killed 200,000+ Americans and is not slowing down.

This great President loves each and every one like we were his children. When he lies to us and refuses to lead on safety, it is a demonstration of his love, because he knows we are strong, free Americans and that we would not expect help from government or science.

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