Chris Wallace.... Let it Go!

Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!

I watched that this afternoon. What a disgrace. It's clear that Wallace is now a Trump hater based on that interview. He kept pushing for him to say that Trump was not doing as well as the doctors said when they addressed the country. I also believe it was that interview that got Trump to take a ride to thank all his supporters.

He pointed out that Trump went on television and said he's feeling super. He pointed out the prognosis of the doctors. Yet Wallace kept pushing the issue that everybody else was lying.

If not for his father, Wallace may be writing Dear Abby articles for some suburban newspaper. He certainly wouldn't be on a major news network.
Chris Christie advised Trump to bully and badger Biden in the belief it would trigger Biden’s stutter. it didn't work
here we go.....that's better.:)

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Well, when assholes don't know how to spell, are too stupid to know our POTUS is DJTrump or to accept it, and use language like a 12 year old in describing someone they don't like..then I know its time to slap their sorry asses on ignore permanently. Dude is not worth my time when I come to read here. Therefore..poof.
There are two extremes of men, one an asshole the other a dick. Assholes get shit done, often bluntly honest, stand to be respected, while dicks are just jerkoffs. A picture speaks a thousand words.
A President should not be expected to demonstrate leadership or honesty when a deadly virus that has killed 200,000+ Americans and is not slowing down.

This great President loves each and every one like we were his children. When he lies to us and refuses to lead on safety, it is a demonstration of his love, because he knows we are strong, free Americans and that we would not expect help from government or science.
You need a hug man........cough ....sniffle......cough......come on man give me a will all be better.

Let's go hug some Chinamen prove our Wokeness isn't Racist.

Reported. Personal.
why didnt he ask Joe why he sniffs and grabs little girls in front of the camera and their parents? FOR DECADES?

I guess for the same reason he asked Trump about his white supremacy stance, but never asked Joe what he meant when he said he wouldn't send his kids to a racial jungle. Or that poor kids are just as bright as white kids. Or what he meant when he said they wanna put y'all back in chains. Or what he meant when he said Obama was articulate and clean. Or you're not really black if you don't vote for me.
I don't think its a hoax....but I do think its just a flu a tad worse than h1n1 and the swine flu. Much ado about a flu. And, I don't/won't wear a mask either.

You been drinking the Koolaid again. And if it weren't a hoax, we wouldn't see hide nor hair of Rump for the next 2 weeks minimum. And there would be a chance that Article 25 would have to be temporarily enacted. But Rump ran another Con being the Huckster he is. No free rides.
Repeat after me c u n t President Donald J. Trump is still my president

Because you don’t know how to work a comma, you just called Impeached Trump a "cunt."

Wallace is interviewing a member of Trumps campaign. For 10-15 minutes he is saying the same thing. Why is Trump sick and why hasn't he had a mask on all the time. It's getting ugly. He won't let it go. The person answered the same questions over and over, What a jerk!
He's got a touch of 'Hillary' in him.... :p
Aha...the Republicans eating their own is such a lovely sight.
I bet you used to love the guy until Wallace decided, like Shepard Smith, that he was done kissing your lord's fat ass.

Eating their own? WTF? When was Wallace anything but a Demonrat propagandist?

You're just another TDS Fueled© hater with an obsession over Trump's body parts.

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