Zone1 Christian Artist Amy Grant Hosting LGBT Wedding

And again, this is why theocracies are so dangerous.
I am not advocating a theocracy. I am advocating people actually following their religion's teachings in their own lives. For example, Catholic marriage--no remarriage after divorce. Jewish marriage--remarriage after divorce is permitted.

No theocracy needed.
There is nothing wrong with what you call bigotry if its for the right reasons

I am bigoted against pedophiles and make no apologies for it

Drag Queen Story Hour is perverts attacking innocent unsuspecting children and it should be stopped
Why aren't we hearing about children being attacked by drag queens? Did they punch the children? Hit them with bats? Did the children have to go to the hospital for their injuries?
I am not advocating a theocracy. I am advocating people actually following their religion's teachings in their own lives. For example, Catholic marriage--no remarriage after divorce. Jewish marriage--remarriage after divorce is permitted.

No theocracy needed.
Isn't it funny how our SECULAR laws mean the rest of us don't have to follow Catholic or Jewish religious teachings?
Yeah, I do have to agree there seems to be a definite agenda of exposing children to drag queens.
But I also think for the most part those calling themselves Christians are looking the other way.
I'm pretty sure that God would not be happy with any 'Christian" who fails to actively defend the commandments and Bible principles.
"exposing children to drag queens"

What's so scary about drag queens. They are a tradition going back to Shakespeare.......even farther.
Are you serious? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Uh...yes I am.

Like I said, that alone does not make a President invalid.
Nor is it really yours or anyone elses business.
IIRC, the left media said all kinds of stupid shit. Russia! Russia! Russia!

Are you saying you believe everything the Left media feeds you? That would be sad.
Perhaps because the Bible says to normalize this stuff.

liberals are always selectively quoting Scripture (or what you claim is that.. haven't gone to that site you give and won't)

How about these Scriptures:

Jesus: "Go and sin NO MORE" (emphasis added [?])

All liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire
(presumably worse sins like adultery, abortion, homosexual acts.. ditto)--Bk of Revelation

He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him

Seems nowadays, we are all supposed to think that queers are "without sin"

Right... God changed. . you bet
Right. That's not great for the gay couple, but important for religious freedom.

Also--I'm finding the gay couple living in a deep red state a real stretch. I think at the very least they would have their wedding out of town...but yes, the former statement of mine applies. It's in the First Amendment.
Is Texas a red state?
Many errant Christians have been deceived about what the Bible says concerning homosexuality and Jesus's stance on the subject..

Jesus was a Rabbi (teacher) and taught the Torah (OT) laws.
He said the Torah was perfect and unchanging.
The Torah law Jesus taught the people says:
Leviticus 18:22:
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13:
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.
(by put to death, meant stoning)
Thank you for that. I knew it was there but didn't know where

The New T speaks against it also.. in the context of being turned over to their reprobate minds to do... (homosexual acts.. presumably other perversions)
being gay is the worst sin; goes against the nature of God and man to procreate.

Actually as others have already pointed out in this thread no it's not. Almost every other sin is worse than homosexuality, but it still doesn't excuse it.
Does sin matter?

If you're a true child of God it does.

So being gay is worse than murder, rape, pedo, animal cruelty? That is messed up.

For once I actually agree with you. Like I said before though, it still doesn't excuse it.

If people sin aren't you still supposed to love them?

Yes, but loving them doesn't mean condoning their sin or lying to them that it's perfectly acceptable when the Bible says otherwise.

Who's the asshole in the video?

I don't know but he's telling the truth. Jesus, Trump,... That seems to be a trend with you people as anybody who is a truth teller apparently is also an asshole. Okay, so maybe Trump is a little bit, but that's completely beside the point.

I don't know. Maybe it's because she loves her neighbour as she loves herself.

Weird, eh?

So how does lying to somebody that you're supposed to love sound to you?

Do you have REAL source? That moron spent most of the time promoting his own YouTube videos.

Ask and ye shall receive.

You know I really want to know why when it comes to sins like murder and thievery we all seem to be on the same page about it, but if it has to do with homosexuality the left believes it should be glorified. A sin is a sin.
Revelation 22:15 in the Bible talks about "dogs" being denied entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven after death.
This verse confuses many people and they wonder why God hates dogs?
No, he doesn't hate dogs.
The translation of the word "dogs" used in this and several other verses in both the OT and NT., is a broad term referring to homosexuals, sorcerers, murderers, and basically those engaged in immorality and perversion.
Dont answer a question with a question
Are you too blaming anything bad in red states on libs?




liberals are always selectively quoting Scripture (or what you claim is that.. haven't gone to that site you give and won't)

How about these Scriptures:

Jesus: "Go and sin NO MORE" (emphasis added [?])

All liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire
(presumably worse sins like adultery, abortion, homosexual acts.. ditto)--Bk of Revelation

He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him

Seems nowadays, we are all supposed to think that queers are "without sin"

Right... God changed. . you bet
How about Ezekiel 16:

49 Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
You know I really want to know why when it comes to sins like murder and thievery we all seem to be on the same page about it, but if it has to do with homosexuality the left believes it should be glorified. A sin is a sin.
Glorified? How so? Any more than heterosexuality is con-stantly glorified?

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