Zone1 Christian Artist Amy Grant Hosting LGBT Wedding

Right. That's not great for the gay couple, but important for religious freedom.

Also--I'm finding the gay couple living in a deep red state a real stretch. I think at the very least they would have their wedding out of town...but yes, the former statement of mine applies. It's in the First Amendment.
Gay couples are everywhere.
I am pointing out if things were as you described, there would be no big wedding. Now, let's back to reality. No one has to tell the baker why they want the cake. No one has to tell those who rent out facilities what it is for. If no one in town plans gay weddings, do the planning out of town. Wedding planners cost money, and if one has the funds for a wedding planner, then an out-of-town wedding planner shouldn't be an issue.
Wedding cakes are usually personalized are they not? Steve and Steve rather than Steve and Stacy. What you are saying is that they would be required to go elsewhere or pay more for the same services other members of the community are able to get locally. What if that applied to black people?

There is no reason to create problems where none exist. If one would not force a person of the Jewish faith to make them a ham sandwich, why the need to force those of Christian beliefs to do what is uncomfortable and off-putting for them. Is that what makes someone feel good about their wedding, knowing the cake was grudgingly made, the the wedding planner's heart was not in it, etc.? A demand for respect with no intent to be respectful in return is not the best way to proceed.
But that should be a matter of personal choice. If you provide a routine service for the public then it should not discriminate among members of the public.

If you are a decent person, you might take into account the feelings of the service provider and look for one more suited to what want. But what about a person who chooses a baker on the basis of his the reputation as the best, not out of a desire to antagonize? He is not being disrespectful.
Since when does the word "marriage" belong only to a "religion"?
Did you miss my point? If people of any religion are uncomfortable with how the words 'marriage' and 'wedding' are defined, then nothing is stopping the religious to use words which specifically adhere to unions between a man and a woman.

Everyone, of course, could still use 'marriage' and 'wedding' but for those who are uncomfortable with them, nothing prevents the religious from using different words. How would you feel about that?
Did you miss my point? If people of any religion are uncomfortable with how the words 'marriage' and 'wedding' are defined, then nothing is stopping the religious to use words which specifically adhere to unions between a man and a woman.

Everyone, of course, could still use 'marriage' and 'wedding' but for those who are uncomfortable with them, nothing prevents the religious from using different words. How would you feel about that?
Since when does the word "marriage" belong only to a "religion"?
Wait until Christians are denied service because people say it is against their religion and we'll see how many discrimination law suits are filed.
Actually, I'm waiting for so-called 'christians' to say they don't have to follow health or safety laws because of their religion. We were and are on the cusp of that with these anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.
Does a Muslim, who opposes alcohol and chooses to work in an establishment that routinely serves it be allowed to refuse to serve it?
Up to the people who employ him. If he wants a job and the establishment is desperate for employees (and many are these days) a way could be found for someone else to deal with the alcohol. Otherwise, the worker can find another employer and the employer can find another employee.

As a client, I can either ask for another server, or offer to pick up my own drink from the bartender, or find another place to eat.

There is never only one way of doing something.
Oh it will be worse than that. We know it's coming. Sadly, people like you will cheer the day.

Then...The End

And it will be BECAUSE of the court rulings that 'christians' have pushed. That's called "being hoisted on your own petard".
Likewise, does a pharmacist have the right to to refuse to issue prescribed medication to a patient because he disapproves of that person’s presumed lifestyle?
A pharmacy definitely has the right not to supply specific medications. Go to another pharmacy. If it is a worker at a national pharmacy, see what I wrote about servers.

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