Christian baker not backing down after Gov't punishes him for refusing to make gay wedding cake

'Jewish surgeon refuses to operate on Christian baker, man dies on operating table'.

Kristians, this is what your world would look like.

Silly comparison, refusing to perform life threatening operation with someone refusing to bake a cake.

Why is it silly? I mean, if you want to use "my Imaginary Friend in the Sky told me to" as an excuse that exempts you from the law, where does it stop?

Shit. want to get off on a murder? "God Told Me To!"

You could probably even find something in the bible to justify it!

'He was working on the Sabbath. I caught him mowing his lawn, so I shot him, just like God said to in Exodus 31:14"

Because a cake is a big nothing. You can buy one anywhere and decorate it yourself, or even start up your own bakery and even make cakes in the shapes of penises, but no. You want to force your perversions on others with the full force of the government behind you. What's the next step in your agenda? Pederasty, of course. Barriers and traditions have to be destroyed one step at a time on the way to that final goal, right?
'Jewish surgeon refuses to operate on Christian baker, man dies on operating table'.

Kristians, this is what your world would look like.

Silly comparison, refusing to perform life threatening operation with someone refusing to bake a cake.

You parse the entire world to fit an unreality that exists in your head. You have a belief and you mold all things around that belief. The world doesn't work like that.
'Jewish surgeon refuses to operate on Christian baker, man dies on operating table'.

Kristians, this is what your world would look like.
Thanks for showing us what the world looks like through the eyes of an idiot.

Through your eyes, yes we see what the world looks like to an idiot.

You people aren't Christians, you pretend to be 'cuz it makes you feel good. But you aren't. You are fake. And the thing is, you know this.
'Jewish surgeon refuses to operate on Christian baker, man dies on operating table'.

Kristians, this is what your world would look like.
Thanks for showing us what the world looks like through the eyes of an idiot.

Through your eyes, yes we see what the world looks like to an idiot.

You people aren't Christians, you pretend to be 'cuz it makes you feel good. But you aren't. You are fake. And the thing is, you know this.
I'm not a Christian and haven't pretended to be. Like I said ...."idiot".
Appeal to emotion, and a tenuous one at that.

And the solution of "banning guns for everyone except those in power" is not a real solution at all.

except that solution has worked just fine in Japan, Canada, Australia, the UK, France, Germany, Italy...

So yeah, it's not a solution at all, except for all the countries where it actually SOLVED THE PROBLEM.
Because a cake is a big nothing. You can buy one anywhere and decorate it yourself, or even start up your own bakery and even make cakes in the shapes of penises, but no. You want to force your perversions on others with the full force of the government behind you. What's the next step in your agenda? Pederasty, of course. Barriers and traditions have to be destroyed one step at a time on the way to that final goal, right?

Except no one is really advocating that... the problem with Slippery slope arguments is that there's usually not a slope.

Public Accommodation laws are there for a good reason, to make sure that everyone has access to services.

If you really think your Imaginary Friend in the Sky wants you avoid the gay at all cost, you have the option of not being in that business.

Once yous said, "I sell this service", you have to sell it to anyone who asks.
This isn't about laws or rights. It's about intimidating and punishing those who dare to disagree with you.

The laws are the laws. They're there. But PA laws only come into effect if someone chooses to complain.

A reasonable person, told by a religious person that they somehow can't bake a cake, would get the hell out of there and let them be.

Just another intellectually dishonest argument from the Regressive Left.
Appeal to emotion, and a tenuous one at that.

And the solution of "banning guns for everyone except those in power" is not a real solution at all.

except that solution has worked just fine in Japan, Canada, Australia, the UK, France, Germany, Italy...

So yeah, it's not a solution at all, except for all the countries where it actually SOLVED THE PROBLEM.

No, they haven't SOLVED THE PROBLEM. Plus those countries don't have a tradition of armed citizens like us because they come from feudal backgrounds, where only the privileged were allowed the right to arms. We got the people that thought that concept was bullshit.
This isn't about laws or rights. It's about intimidating and punishing those who dare to disagree with you.

The laws are the laws. They're there. But PA laws only come into effect if someone chooses to complain.

A reasonable person, told by a religious person that they somehow can't bake a cake, would get the hell out of there and let them be.

Just another intellectually dishonest argument from the Regressive Left.

Well, let's look at that.

Replace gay with black in that equation, and does it suddenly become unacceptable?

Yes, most people don't complain when they are treated rudely by homophobes or racists. But the laws protect consumers, not sellers.

Caveat vendor, baby! i understand this. Heck, I had a guy who wanted to me to write him a resume so he could apply for a job with the new Trump Administration. I didn't refuse him. (I did tell him I voted for Hillary, though). I offered a service, and I am required to provide that service if someone has the cash to pay for it.

There's really no reason why a religious person can't bake a cake, they simply don't want to. There's no magic pixie in the sky who is going to punish them.

Now, if they really, really, believe that their magic friend in the sky is going to punish them, they should probably just get out of that business.
This isn't about laws or rights. It's about intimidating and punishing those who dare to disagree with you.

The laws are the laws. They're there. But PA laws only come into effect if someone chooses to complain.

A reasonable person, told by a religious person that they somehow can't bake a cake, would get the hell out of there and let them be.

Just another intellectually dishonest argument from the Regressive Left.

Well, let's look at that.

Replace gay with black in that equation, and does it suddenly become unacceptable?

Yes, most people don't complain when they are treated rudely by homophobes or racists. But the laws protect consumers, not sellers.

Caveat vendor, baby! i understand this. Heck, I had a guy who wanted to me to write him a resume so he could apply for a job with the new Trump Administration. I didn't refuse him. (I did tell him I voted for Hillary, though). I offered a service, and I am required to provide that service if someone has the cash to pay for it.

There's really no reason why a religious person can't bake a cake, they simply don't want to. There's no magic pixie in the sky who is going to punish them.

Now, if they really, really, believe that their magic friend in the sky is going to punish them, they should probably just get out of that business.
And one jumps right in to illustrate my point.

No, they haven't SOLVED THE PROBLEM.

54 gun homicides in the UK a year compared to 11,000 in the US? Yeah, they really have solved the problem.

Plus those countries don't have a tradition of armed citizens like us because they come from feudal backgrounds, where only the privileged were allowed the right to arms.

Guy, everyone used to smoke in the office, Mad Men style. No nobody does that anymore, and smoking is going out of style. The idea that you "can't do something" because we've always done it is silly. Of course you can.

We got the people that thought that concept was bullshit.

We got a bunch of slave rapists who pissed in chamber pots who didn't give a fuck about 'the people'. Unfortunately, what they also couldn't do was word a militia amendment properly so that 200 years ago, Rubes would be confused as to what it meant.

The thing is, today we have 78% of the population that doesn't own guns, 18% of the population who buys into the notion guns make you safer because the NRA suppresses the research that proves it doesn't, and 3% of the population that arms itself like the Zombies are coming because they have tiny dicks.

Sadly, it's the last 3% that are making the policies, and we have the mass shooting in preschools to show for it.
No, they haven't SOLVED THE PROBLEM.

54 gun homicides in the UK a year compared to 11,000 in the US? Yeah, they really have solved the problem.

Plus those countries don't have a tradition of armed citizens like us because they come from feudal backgrounds, where only the privileged were allowed the right to arms.

Guy, everyone used to smoke in the office, Mad Men style. No nobody does that anymore, and smoking is going out of style. The idea that you "can't do something" because we've always done it is silly. Of course you can.

We got the people that thought that concept was bullshit.

We got a bunch of slave rapists who pissed in chamber pots who didn't give a fuck about 'the people'. Unfortunately, what they also couldn't do was word a militia amendment properly so that 200 years ago, Rubes would be confused as to what it meant.

The thing is, today we have 78% of the population that doesn't own guns, 18% of the population who buys into the notion guns make you safer because the NRA suppresses the research that proves it doesn't, and 3% of the population that arms itself like the Zombies are coming because they have tiny dicks.

Sadly, it's the last 3% that are making the policies, and we have the mass shooting in preschools to show for it.

Then feel free to move to a country where people feel like you. Here the right of an armed citizenry is one of the tenets of our society, and you seek to impose the opposite of that on them whether they like it or not, you fucking fascist stooge.
Then feel free to move to a country where people feel like you. Here the right of an armed citizenry is one of the tenets of our society, and you seek to impose the opposite of that on them whether they like it or not, you fucking fascist stooge.

Guy, the majority of us are getting sick and tired of your nonsense. Only a matter of time before we take it away from you...

only a matter of time.
Then feel free to move to a country where people feel like you. Here the right of an armed citizenry is one of the tenets of our society, and you seek to impose the opposite of that on them whether they like it or not, you fucking fascist stooge.

Guy, the majority of us are getting sick and tired of your nonsense. Only a matter of time before we take it away from you...

only a matter of time.

A majority? Bullshit. Most states are passing laws making it easier for law abiding peop,e to get firearms. It's only the Blue shitholes that have decided to fuck with their people.

And with a right leaning court, we will see those places taken care of as well.
A majority? Bullshit. Most states are passing laws making it easier for law abiding peop,e to get firearms. It's only the Blue shitholes that have decided to fuck with their people.

You mean the blue states where most of us actually live? Right. ONly in the bizarre world does a lot of empty space get more credence than where people actually live.

And with a right leaning court, we will see those places taken care of as well.

again, guy, Trump is going to make the GOP so unpopular, you'll be wishing for Hoover again.

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