Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

Persecution comes naturally with you liberals
It's you and most others on the right who wish to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, a right defended by liberals.

Bigotry and intolerance toward gay Americans manifests mostly on the right.
Nonsense. We support the right of gay men to marry. The opposite sex.
. In case you didn't notice, they are man and woman.
. Another example of losing the argument.
So you treat people differently based on whether they can reproduce?

And btw gays marrying brings down the so called disease excuse that you and others like to throw around. You must be as perfect as Jesus to pronounce others of their sins

You're for minority groups, right? Those groups so downtrodden that your rallying call would be for all to gather around them and lift them up...yes?

So, how do you feel about the last demographic besides illegal aliens who can't vote, who have the most subdued voices of all? Children? Do you support their right to have both a mother and father in the marriage contract they implicitly share with adults?

Unless of course their parent is single and all of sudden your standard doesn't apply anymore. Thank the stars nobody is bound by your self-serving bullshit.
Why do you idiots keep saying that? Of course they aren't a race.
Then you need to ejumakate your fellow butt humping fag buddies so we dont have to correct them all the god damned time.

No- we just keep pointing out the bull shit your bigots pull our of your ass.

Sexual orientation is not race- no more than religion is race- no one tries to make that connection except for the usual collection of idiot bigots.
Nope, fags compare themselves to black people all the time, as if their is an equivalence.
No they don't. They compare racial discrimination in marriage to sexual discrimination in marriage.

It's equally stupid.
As much as I and many others may hate it, you are right for practical purposes, the constitution says what the courts and ultimately the supreme court interpret it to say. I will not be surprised if the next ruling says that the constitution means "pineapple".

This isn't a 'liberal/Conservative' thing. THe justice I'm quoting that explicitly contradicts the 'religion trumps civil law' meme is Justice Scalia. Arguably the most conservative justice on the court until his passing. This is well established in our system of law. And frankly, should be.

As 'free excercise' doesn't mean immunity to any law you disagree with. If it did, we'd be 'courting anarchy', as Scalia put it. As religion is so diverse and the standard of 'religious belief' so utterly subjective that virtually all law would be voluntary. Its essentially a religiously based 'Sovereign Citizen' argument.

Worse, faux 'religious liberty' Christians don't think this through. If religious belief alone allows Christians to be exempted from any law they disagree with......the same is true of any religious person. Sharia law is suddenly elevated as supreme over all US civil law. With any Muslim being the sole arbiter of whether or not any US law applies to them.

Oh, and I love your handle. Its hilarious!
In the past, I have been on the side of the Christian baker. I don't think they should be compelled to make or decorate a specific cake that would somehow violate their religion. What I would like to know is how the wedding cake for the gay couple would be any different than the cakes made for heterosexual couples. Did the lesbians want two brides on top of the cake? I believe the baker should have the final artistic control the cakes she decorates and thus be able to deny to make cakes decorated in a manner she finds offensive.

On the other hand, if the wedding cake for the lesbian couple was not different than a wedding cake for a straight couple, then the baker should have made the cake. Suposely, they had no problem selling off the shelf baked goods to the couple for a while. Its just a cake damnit!

Did they refuse to sell apple pies to teenage boys (ref. The movie American Pie)
If it didn't matter, then the gay couple could have bought any cake off the shelf and called it a wedding cake.

I go to a Muslim owned bakery in Westwood. I've been in there when a gay couple tried to order a wedding cake and got told to choose any cake on the shelf.
Traditional couples usually special order wedding cakes.
The gay couple tried to special order a cake. The bakery doesn't do special orders. Just take one off the shelf.

The bakery does special orders, just not for everyone who walks in the door. Special orders for special people.

It's funny that anyone believes Tipsy and his mythical muslim baker.
The Cruz or Trump Court will require that a constitutional amendment be passed to allow Gay marriage.

Ummm there is so much ignorance of the Constitution packed into that sentence that you truly are Conservative.
You wont be laughing next January, I'm sure of that.

Is that the 'use by' date for gay marriage? lol

The primary concern I have and others who appreciate our Western Civilization is that we restore Christian norms to society, as the current secular norms are hideous, evil and self destructive.

So all I see any of us having as a goal is to restore the recognition of fags as perverts in the popular culture and to changing the laws so that at best you fags have Civil Unions, not marriage.

Failing that there is the option of pushing the 'Covenant Marriage' concept, making that the norm for Christians in this country and making it too odious for fags to get involved in.

No one plans on tossing your sorry asses into ovens, etc.
The primary concern most Americans have is that your sort of fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate concerning gay Americans never again be codified in state or Federal law.

Indeed, it was the errant perception of 'Christian norms' by most on the right that facilitated laws and measures hostile to gay Americans.

And 'separate but equal' is just as un-Constitutional as denying same-sex couples access to marriage law.
As much as I and many others may hate it, you are right for practical purposes, the constitution says what the courts and ultimately the supreme court interpret it to say. I will not be surprised if the next ruling says that the constitution means "pineapple".

This isn't a 'liberal/Conservative' thing. THe justice I'm quoting that explicitly contradicts the 'religion trumps civil law' meme is Justice Scalia. Arguably the most conservative justice on the court until his passing. This is well established in our system of law. And frankly, should be.

As 'free excercise' doesn't mean immunity to any law you disagree with. If it did, we'd be 'courting anarchy', as Scalia put it. As religion is so diverse and the standard of 'religious belief' so utterly subjective that virtually all law would be voluntary. Its essentially a religiously based 'Sovereign Citizen' argument.

Worse, faux 'religious liberty' Christians don't think this through. If religious belief alone allows Christians to be exempted from any law they disagree with......the same is true of any religious person. Sharia law is suddenly elevated as supreme over all US civil law. With any Muslim being the sole arbiter of whether or not any US law applies to them.

Oh, and I love your handle. Its hilarious!
In the past, I have been on the side of the Christian baker. I don't think they should be compelled to make or decorate a specific cake that would somehow violate their religion. What I would like to know is how the wedding cake for the gay couple would be any different than the cakes made for heterosexual couples. Did the lesbians want two brides on top of the cake? I believe the baker should have the final artistic control the cakes she decorates and thus be able to deny to make cakes decorated in a manner she finds offensive.

On the other hand, if the wedding cake for the lesbian couple was not different than a wedding cake for a straight couple, then the baker should have made the cake. Suposely, they had no problem selling off the shelf baked goods to the couple for a while. Its just a cake damnit!

Did they refuse to sell apple pies to teenage boys (ref. The movie American Pie)
If it didn't matter, then the gay couple could have bought any cake off the shelf and called it a wedding cake.

I go to a Muslim owned bakery in Westwood. I've been in there when a gay couple tried to order a wedding cake and got told to choose any cake on the shelf.
Traditional couples usually special order wedding cakes.
The gay couple tried to special order a cake. The bakery doesn't do special orders. Just take one off the shelf.

The bakery does special orders, just not for everyone who walks in the door. Special orders for special people.
If the baker didn't do special orders, then there never would had been an issue.
Agreed. The Judicial can't add things to the Constitution.
In this case, like others, it didn't need to. The concept of Equality was already there, which is a shame for your kind.
Your argument fails because in your twisted world a man can marry his goat because he wants equal rights. Matters not what the goat wants.
The argument doesn't fail. That is just wishful thinking on your part.

Men can't marry goats unless goats are considered people. Your argument is hyperbole. Thus it isn't an argument at all but an appeal to emotion
Agreed. The Judicial can't add things to the Constitution.
In this case, like others, it didn't need to. The concept of Equality was already there, which is a shame for your kind.
Your argument fails because in your twisted world a man can marry his goat because he wants equal rights. Matters not what the goat wants.

Another Conservative unclear on the concept of consent.
Maybe the goat wants it.
So you treat people differently based on whether they can reproduce?

And btw gays marrying brings down the so called disease excuse that you and others like to throw around. You must be as perfect as Jesus to pronounce others of their sins

I personally have no problems with working with gays, adulterers, drug addicts or cowards, etc..

Just like I personally have no problems with working with Christians, adulterers, alcoholics or bigots, etc.

The difference is between us is that you want to attack gays while I merely want people like you to stop attacking them.

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