Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality

As did almost ever pre-modern society, you anti-Christian bigot.

Piss off.
and they still do Christianity has a long a proud history of torture, murder and slaughter .
own it.

That would be catholicism and the Jesuits......catholicism is a cult with pagan rituals and a few Biblical references thrown in for good measure. You really don't know much.

Seriously, you are very ignorant on many things and it comes through loud and clear with your postings. I am not trying to hurt your feelings....just being brutally honest. I bet you are a decent person to hang around with in real time.
You are a pretentious and ignorant asshole .
Not trying to hurt your feelings just stating fact .
In my youth I would have broken you apart for it.
Now it laughable.

I am neither of those things and I have spent lots of time acquiring the knowledge of the things I know so what you say doesn't faze me. In my youth I was benching 305, 3 sets of ten of 225, flat bench press with 105 pounds on each arm and I payed softball on the highest level there was of which there were bench clearing brawls and I never came out second best....I doubt that you would put a scratch on me when you were at your best. Since I am older and wiser, I look back on those days and I am not proud of letting my temper get the best of me...especially over something so trivial as a sporting event. You want to debate me over a topic, bring it me what you know.
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and they still do Christianity has a long a proud history of torture, murder and slaughter .
own it.

That would be catholicism and the Jesuits......catholicism is a cult with pagan rituals and a few Biblical references thrown in for good measure. You really don't know much.

Seriously, you are very ignorant on many things and it comes through loud and clear with your postings. I am not trying to hurt your feelings....just being brutally honest. I bet you are a decent person to hang around with in real time.
You are a pretentious and ignorant asshole .
Not trying to hurt your feelings just stating fact .
In my youth I would have broken you apart for it.
Now it laughable.

I am neither of those things and I have spent lots of time acquiring the knowledge of the things I know so what you say doesn't faze me. In my youth I was benching 305, 3 sets of ten of 225, flat bench press with 105 pounds on each arm and I payed softball on the highest level there was of which there were bench clearing brawls and I never came out second best....I doubt that you would put a scratch on me when you were at your best. Since I am older and wiser, I look back on those days and I am not proud of letting my temper get the best of me...especially over something so trivial as a sporting event. Yiou want to debate me over a topic, bring it me what you know.
Bahahahaha !
You've just proved my point.
That would be catholicism and the Jesuits......catholicism is a cult with pagan rituals and a few Biblical references thrown in for good measure. You really don't know much.

Seriously, you are very ignorant on many things and it comes through loud and clear with your postings. I am not trying to hurt your feelings....just being brutally honest. I bet you are a decent person to hang around with in real time.
You are a pretentious and ignorant asshole .
Not trying to hurt your feelings just stating fact .
In my youth I would have broken you apart for it.
Now it laughable.

I am neither of those things and I have spent lots of time acquiring the knowledge of the things I know so what you say doesn't faze me. In my youth I was benching 305, 3 sets of ten of 225, flat bench press with 105 pounds on each arm and I payed softball on the highest level there was of which there were bench clearing brawls and I never came out second best....I doubt that you would put a scratch on me when you were at your best. Since I am older and wiser, I look back on those days and I am not proud of letting my temper get the best of me...especially over something so trivial as a sporting event. Yiou want to debate me over a topic, bring it me what you know.
Bahahahaha !
You've just proved my point.

I keep it don't like being called out on your bullshit when it gets pointed out. Thems the breaks.

Seriously, you are very ignorant on many things and it comes through loud and clear with your postings. I am not trying to hurt your feelings....just being brutally honest. I bet you are a decent person to hang around with in real time.
You are a pretentious and ignorant asshole .
Not trying to hurt your feelings just stating fact .
In my youth I would have broken you apart for it.
Now it laughable.

I am neither of those things and I have spent lots of time acquiring the knowledge of the things I know so what you say doesn't faze me. In my youth I was benching 305, 3 sets of ten of 225, flat bench press with 105 pounds on each arm and I payed softball on the highest level there was of which there were bench clearing brawls and I never came out second best....I doubt that you would put a scratch on me when you were at your best. Since I am older and wiser, I look back on those days and I am not proud of letting my temper get the best of me...especially over something so trivial as a sporting event. Yiou want to debate me over a topic, bring it me what you know.
Bahahahaha !
You've just proved my point.

I keep it don't like being called out on your bullshit when it gets pointed out. Thems the breaks.
Really? let me know when you start!
Going ? It's all ready gone .

Yeah, seems like everyday we hear of another perversion. I don't get it - but the left fully intends to destroy this country from within - and they seem to be well on their way.
Are you really that ignorant? the perversions
You seem so shocked about have always been here.
Your older than dirt complaint about the country being distroyed/going to hell/ it's was better in the old days steaming pile of fantasy, is as old as the country.
There has always been and always will be a group or groups singing that old and terrible song .
And yet here we are .
Still American
Still great.
Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10
Amen. Deaths are going to happen, I think very soon.
We are standing at the door to the Book of Acts in our time. Jesus commended the Church (in Revelations) who held fast TO THE WORD OF GOD. I do not know how the modern church is going to respond but I suspect that the number who will refuse to compromise the Word of God and join the One World Universal Church (Apostate Church) will be few. The good news is God isn't into numbers (8 people were saved when the flood came) and those few will do mighty exploits in Jesus's name.

I have met many Christians who believe that we will be raptured before the first sign of trouble. I find this to be very dangerous because instead of preparing for the battle ahead they are looking for a departure before anything happens. This has added to the church's "not ready" status. When the Chinese church was watching communism come to power in China they thought they would be raptured.

Their pastors told them not to worry about the rising dangers of communism and to focus on the rapture. Afterwards many were angry with their pastors and didn't understand why thousands of their brethren and family were being executed for their faith. That is what happens when you count on the promises of man rather than the promises of God (In His Word). While the church will not be subject to the wrath of God - like the world will be - we will suffer persecution and that is something that believers need to come to terms with.
This country, as it was written about Israel in the Old Testament, has forsaken morality and God, the result will be total ruin and despair. All your laws and regulations justifying amoral behavior will not stand the test of God's judgment. Your choice, whom do you serve?
This country, as it was written about Israel in the Old Testament, has forsaken morality and God, the result will be total ruin and despair. All your laws and regulations justifying amoral behavior will not stand the test of God's judgment. Your choice, whom do you serve?
Total bullshit!
Ever notice how the pseudo liberal left uses gay insinuations to insult those that have "one-upped" them but yet they claim to be against gay bashing? There are so many things the pseudo liberals are such hypocrites about and yet they scratch their heads and can't figure out why more people don't see things their way? Simply amazing......
Ever notice how the pseudo liberal left uses gay insinuations to insult those that have "one-upped" them but yet they claim to be against gay bashing? There are so many things the pseudo liberals are such hypocrites about and yet they scratch their heads and can't figure out why more people don't see things their way? Simply amazing......
Golly beav that was not a one up it was a one for one .
The next one if it happens could be a one up
Unless it was match.
If it was then the contest continues.

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