Christian Evangelicals: Stop lying to yourselves!

Yet you are standing with a political movement that is hostile to those who's faith you claim to share.

My point stands.

And your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted. As evidence you are an ass and a loser.

lol.... your point does not stand. my belief is not of the hypocritical type that the GOP & their fundy filth has enveloped.

There is nothing hypocritical about voting against a leader of a movement that is deeply hostile to you, even if the man you are voting for is twice divorced.

YOur point fails. As do you.

it goes waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond being twice divorced, nitwit.

your president:

is a serial cheater


& a gambler


has had a long history with the playboy empire


has gone on howard stern many MANY times & has indulged himself with everything that has to do with THAT


he tried to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain , pave it over so he can have a parking lot for his casino

Agreed. much for being charged by god to be good stewards of the earth like the good 'christian' man he is..

YOur assumption that some one disagreeing with you on policy is immoral, is just you being, a smug and pompous liberal.

you :

are being a ridiculous little man.

No, my point stands. Trump was not a good choice for the Evangelical Christians, but he was far better than someone who is actively opposed to them, ie Hillary THe Vile.

It makes complete sense that they did not back him, until he was the better choice of what was left standing.

That is my point, and you have failed to address it at all.

he is not a christian by any means. he was immoral for his entire life. & those that profess to be christians, have sold their souls for a few more bucks in their pocket. you make me laugh.

Yeah, you said that. I responded, and addressed it.

Now you just repeated yourself.

THat's the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion,

which is A. an admission that you can't refute anything I said and B. you being an ass.

Thus my point stands as the final word.

Trump was not a good choice for the Evangelical Christians, but he was far better than someone who is actively opposed to them, ie Hillary THe Vile.

It makes complete sense that they did not back him, until he was the better choice of what was left standing.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

Mm. So then a Christian type person should have voted for whom then? What would have been your recommendation when having to make a choice between a big fat douche and a giant turd sand which?
I'm not sure they are hypocritical. I'm pretty sure I don't view things the same way the maj of white evangelicals (who make up the vast maj of evangelicals overall)

In a national survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute from November 25 to 30, two thirds (66 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree that blacks and other minorities receive treatment equal to whites in the criminal justice system. More than eight in 10 (82 percent) black Protestants disagree with this statement.

Moreover, these divergent attitudes are not limited to the criminal-justice system. For example, white evangelical Protestants not only reject assertions that blacks experience unequal treatment in the criminal-justice system; many claim themselves to be the victims of discrimination. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree with the statement, “Today, discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

Will the iPad Kill the Netbook?

So far, 50 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters have been white evangelical, or born again, Christians, based on CBS News polling of voters entering or exiting their polling places since the first contest in January.

White Evangelicals are half of GOP primary voters

I think it's painfully obvious they share Trump's view that Christianity is under attack by gay rights, abortion rights, immigration ... and basically not letting the bible be the law of the land. Obama and W didn't meet their desires. The maj may simply be white bigots. LOL

But with Trump's sins and public statements that he never asks God's forgiveness, may not make them hypocrites. So long as he pushes policies they like, they may feel his relationship with God is not their biz.

I find it interesting that if Christians only vote for Christian candidates, they're trying to create a theocracy, and they're bad. If they don't, however, vote for Christian candidates, they're hypocrites and bad.
I'm not sure they are hypocritical. I'm pretty sure I don't view things the same way the maj of white evangelicals (who make up the vast maj of evangelicals overall)

In a national survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute from November 25 to 30, two thirds (66 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree that blacks and other minorities receive treatment equal to whites in the criminal justice system. More than eight in 10 (82 percent) black Protestants disagree with this statement.

Moreover, these divergent attitudes are not limited to the criminal-justice system. For example, white evangelical Protestants not only reject assertions that blacks experience unequal treatment in the criminal-justice system; many claim themselves to be the victims of discrimination. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree with the statement, “Today, discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

Will the iPad Kill the Netbook?

So far, 50 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters have been white evangelical, or born again, Christians, based on CBS News polling of voters entering or exiting their polling places since the first contest in January.

White Evangelicals are half of GOP primary voters

I think it's painfully obvious they share Trump's view that Christianity is under attack by gay rights, abortion rights, immigration ... and basically not letting the bible be the law of the land. Obama and W didn't meet their desires. The maj may simply be white bigots. LOL

But with Trump's sins and public statements that he never asks God's forgiveness, may not make them hypocrites. So long as he pushes policies they like, they may feel his relationship with God is not their biz.

I find it interesting that if Christians only vote for Christian candidates, they're trying to create a theocracy, and they're bad. If they don't, however, vote for Christian candidates, they're hypocrites and bad.

Which shows that both complaints are bullshit.
I voted for Trump for a change in Washington. That thought and action has been validated as evidenced by Washington's defiance since the election, and the same by the liberal elite via liberal media.
I'm not sure they are hypocritical. I'm pretty sure I don't view things the same way the maj of white evangelicals (who make up the vast maj of evangelicals overall)

In a national survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute from November 25 to 30, two thirds (66 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree that blacks and other minorities receive treatment equal to whites in the criminal justice system. More than eight in 10 (82 percent) black Protestants disagree with this statement.

Moreover, these divergent attitudes are not limited to the criminal-justice system. For example, white evangelical Protestants not only reject assertions that blacks experience unequal treatment in the criminal-justice system; many claim themselves to be the victims of discrimination. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree with the statement, “Today, discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

Will the iPad Kill the Netbook?

So far, 50 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters have been white evangelical, or born again, Christians, based on CBS News polling of voters entering or exiting their polling places since the first contest in January.

White Evangelicals are half of GOP primary voters

I think it's painfully obvious they share Trump's view that Christianity is under attack by gay rights, abortion rights, immigration ... and basically not letting the bible be the law of the land. Obama and W didn't meet their desires. The maj may simply be white bigots. LOL

But with Trump's sins and public statements that he never asks God's forgiveness, may not make them hypocrites. So long as he pushes policies they like, they may feel his relationship with God is not their biz.

I find it interesting that if Christians only vote for Christian candidates, they're trying to create a theocracy, and they're bad. If they don't, however, vote for Christian candidates, they're hypocrites and bad.

Which shows that both complaints are bullshit.
I dunno. It seems a flip side to the accusation by some who claim to be Christians accusing others who claim to be Christians of being hypocrites because they have had sex with people they aren't married to and support abortion and gay rights.

The only distinction being is that by definition an evangelical believes the bible literally is a guide for how to act in life. Frankly that's just never seemed to me to be possible, and it certainly is a recipe for failure to give it a try. LOL But by itself it doesn't make them hypocrites.
I'm not sure they are hypocritical. I'm pretty sure I don't view things the same way the maj of white evangelicals (who make up the vast maj of evangelicals overall)

In a national survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute from November 25 to 30, two thirds (66 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree that blacks and other minorities receive treatment equal to whites in the criminal justice system. More than eight in 10 (82 percent) black Protestants disagree with this statement.

Moreover, these divergent attitudes are not limited to the criminal-justice system. For example, white evangelical Protestants not only reject assertions that blacks experience unequal treatment in the criminal-justice system; many claim themselves to be the victims of discrimination. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree with the statement, “Today, discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

Will the iPad Kill the Netbook?

So far, 50 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters have been white evangelical, or born again, Christians, based on CBS News polling of voters entering or exiting their polling places since the first contest in January.

White Evangelicals are half of GOP primary voters

I think it's painfully obvious they share Trump's view that Christianity is under attack by gay rights, abortion rights, immigration ... and basically not letting the bible be the law of the land. Obama and W didn't meet their desires. The maj may simply be white bigots. LOL

But with Trump's sins and public statements that he never asks God's forgiveness, may not make them hypocrites. So long as he pushes policies they like, they may feel his relationship with God is not their biz.

I find it interesting that if Christians only vote for Christian candidates, they're trying to create a theocracy, and they're bad. If they don't, however, vote for Christian candidates, they're hypocrites and bad.

Which shows that both complaints are bullshit.

Exactly. Christians are ordinary people too, and many factors determine for whom they vote. A Christian living in the inner city has a significantly different set of priorities than does one living in the country.
I'm not sure they are hypocritical. I'm pretty sure I don't view things the same way the maj of white evangelicals (who make up the vast maj of evangelicals overall)

In a national survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute from November 25 to 30, two thirds (66 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree that blacks and other minorities receive treatment equal to whites in the criminal justice system. More than eight in 10 (82 percent) black Protestants disagree with this statement.

Moreover, these divergent attitudes are not limited to the criminal-justice system. For example, white evangelical Protestants not only reject assertions that blacks experience unequal treatment in the criminal-justice system; many claim themselves to be the victims of discrimination. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree with the statement, “Today, discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

Will the iPad Kill the Netbook?

So far, 50 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters have been white evangelical, or born again, Christians, based on CBS News polling of voters entering or exiting their polling places since the first contest in January.

White Evangelicals are half of GOP primary voters

I think it's painfully obvious they share Trump's view that Christianity is under attack by gay rights, abortion rights, immigration ... and basically not letting the bible be the law of the land. Obama and W didn't meet their desires. The maj may simply be white bigots. LOL

But with Trump's sins and public statements that he never asks God's forgiveness, may not make them hypocrites. So long as he pushes policies they like, they may feel his relationship with God is not their biz.

I find it interesting that if Christians only vote for Christian candidates, they're trying to create a theocracy, and they're bad. If they don't, however, vote for Christian candidates, they're hypocrites and bad.

Which shows that both complaints are bullshit.
I dunno. It seems a flip side to the accusation by some who claim to be Christians accusing others who claim to be Christians of being hypocrites because they have had sex with people they aren't married to and support abortion and gay rights.

The only distinction being is that by definition an evangelical believes the bible literally is a guide for how to act in life. Frankly that's just never seemed to me to be possible, and it certainly is a recipe for failure to give it a try. LOL But by itself it doesn't make them hypocrites.

A person can judge an adulterous Christian as a bad Christian and be sincere about that.

ON the other hand, if someone attacks Christians both for voting for Christians, and for voting for not Christians, then that person is a hypocrite and neither of his complaints should be considered as serious.
Mm. So then a Christian type person should have voted for whom then? What would have been your recommendation when having to make a choice between a big fat douche and a giant turd sand which?

Wow, someone who has a cartoon view of politics... that's nice.

Here's the thing. They should have voted for someone who wasn't clearly a crazy person.
The whole country knew of Trumps past well before Election Day the idea Christians voted for because they thought he was some deeply religious or morale person is more than a little silly.
The whole country knew of Trumps past well before Election Day the idea Christians voted for because they thought he was some deeply religious or morale person is more than a little silly.

No, they voted for him hoping he would let them impose their backward ass superstitions on the rest of us.

And they'll scratch their heads when the banks foreclose on their houses in the next recession.
The whole country knew of Trumps past well before Election Day the idea Christians voted for because they thought he was some deeply religious or morale person is more than a little silly.

No, they voted for him hoping he would let them impose their backward ass superstitions on the rest of us.

And they'll scratch their heads when the banks foreclose on their houses in the next recession.
Ah another great example of the liberal respect and tolerance for others. Fuck off.
Mm. So then a Christian type person should have voted for whom then? What would have been your recommendation when having to make a choice between a big fat douche and a giant turd sand which?

Wow, someone who has a cartoon view of politics... that's nice.

Here's the thing. They should have voted for someone who wasn't clearly a crazy person.

They did.
The whole country knew of Trumps past well before Election Day the idea Christians voted for because they thought he was some deeply religious or morale person is more than a little silly.

No, they voted for him hoping he would let them impose their backward ass superstitions on the rest of us.

And they'll scratch their heads when the banks foreclose on their houses in the next recession.

You need to meet real people.
Ah another great example of the liberal respect and tolerance for others. Fuck off.

It's hard to have respect for people who vote against their own best interests..

Hey, ever notice Abortion never gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts?

I have.

You don't know what's in somebody else's best interest. They do.

What you don't respect is someone having an opinion different from yours.
You don't know what's in somebody else's best interest. They do.

What you don't respect is someone having an opinion different from yours.

No, I just don't respect stupidity.

someone who votes for people to disband their union, make it easier for their boss to fire them without recourse, and for predatory banks to take advantage of them- all things that happen when Republicans are in Charge - so they can get an abortion ban that never, ever is going to happen, are beyond stupid.
Ah another great example of the liberal respect and tolerance for others. Fuck off.

It's hard to have respect for people who vote against their own best interests..

Hey, ever notice Abortion never gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts?

I have.

Voting against best interest= not giving the Gov control of your life

You're an idiot who accepts that only the Government can save us from ourselves.
Ah another great example of the liberal respect and tolerance for others. Fuck off.

It's hard to have respect for people who vote against their own best interests..

Hey, ever notice Abortion never gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts?

I have.
Who are you to decide what is in someone else’s best interest? Maybe you try respecting people enough to let them decide what is in their best interest instead of thinking you know.
Voting against best interest= not giving the Gov control of your life

You're an idiot who accepts that only the Government can save us from ourselves.

No, I expect government to make the playing field more even dealing with people who have more power and more money.

NOW, if you want to live in a world where we have no government, and if your boss screws you over, you can shoot him during the exit interview, I'm totally down with that.

It would be anarchy, but man, that's what you Libertarians say you want, right?

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