Christian Evangelicals: Stop lying to yourselves!

As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
Lol... I didn't vote for him as my pastor. Good grief. I didn't vote for him in the primary either. I did vote for him in the general, because as the rest of the nation concluded, he was better than Hill dog.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.
I beleive he did get the majaroity of the evangelical vote in the primary election. Who else were they going to vote for? Hillary.

I see it kind of similar to feminists that supported Bill Clinton. As long as Bill Clinton supported the policies that the feminists liked, they gave him a pass concerning his personal behavior. The evangelicals are giving Trump a similar treatment.

As long as Bill Clinton supported the policies that the feminists liked, they gave him a pass concerning his personal behavior.

Well no kidding! What a surprise. How come it has never been understood by the right-wing that people support, or don't support, a politician based on whether they approve of or reject the POLICIES that they would be left living with regardless of whether that politician remained in office or not? Bill Clinton never sought or approved legislation that would violate women's right to sovereignty over their bodies and women's right to choose their religion for themselves rather than submit to a government's mandate to submit to a religion of its choosing. Similarly, the repeal of environmental regulations will result in years of pollution, which will cause health problems, will have to be cleaned up, and will cost the taxpayers millions if not billions to do so. This is only a smattering of the policy questions we have to worry about. Matters of policies that we have to live with far outstrip any concern for someone's personal behavior.

Why would any woman, or man for that matter, who believes in freedom and wants to keep our nation clean, free, safe, healthy, and un-involved in unnecessary wars want anything to do with trump?

Everyone has got to learn to speak policy,

So, you admit that when feminists and the media gin up some sex scandal about republicans, that it has nothing to do with the scandal itself, that is just a weapon they use to destroy someone who opposes them politically?

I realized that, a long time ago, but thanks for being honest about that, for those who don't know you, like I do.

You're wrong, as usual. Nobody has to "gin up" any sex scandal about republicans. They are very talented at dropping their pants while simultaneously whining about "morals" and trying to pawn off BS "religion" all by The fat trashy whore currently in the Oval Office has left quite a trail behind him. Same with that slut who ran for Senate in Alabama.

Clinton never tried to push discriminatory policies on Americans, regardless of what he did in his personal life, so the shit Republicans tried to get women on their side solely so that they could push their discriminatory and harmful policies on the U.S. I merely said that one has to weigh the possibility of getting stuck for years with shitty policies before jumping on the "moral outrage" bandwagon. This ploy by the "conservatives" is so cynical and transparent, yet you folks think that women are stupid enough to buy it.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.
I beleive he did get the majaroity of the evangelical vote in the primary election. Who else were they going to vote for? Hillary.

I see it kind of similar to feminists that supported Bill Clinton. As long as Bill Clinton supported the policies that the feminists liked, they gave him a pass concerning his personal behavior. The evangelicals are giving Trump a similar treatment.

As long as Bill Clinton supported the policies that the feminists liked, they gave him a pass concerning his personal behavior.

Well no kidding! What a surprise. How come it has never been understood by the right-wing that people support, or don't support, a politician based on whether they approve of or reject the POLICIES that they would be left living with regardless of whether that politician remained in office or not? Bill Clinton never sought or approved legislation that would violate women's right to sovereignty over their bodies and women's right to choose their religion for themselves rather than submit to a government's mandate to submit to a religion of its choosing. Similarly, the repeal of environmental regulations will result in years of pollution, which will cause health problems, will have to be cleaned up, and will cost the taxpayers millions if not billions to do so. This is only a smattering of the policy questions we have to worry about. Matters of policies that we have to live with far outstrip any concern for someone's personal behavior.

Why would any woman, or man for that matter, who believes in freedom and wants to keep our nation clean, free, safe, healthy, and un-involved in unnecessary wars want anything to do with trump?

Everyone has got to learn to speak policy,

So, you admit that when feminists and the media gin up some sex scandal about republicans, that it has nothing to do with the scandal itself, that is just a weapon they use to destroy someone who opposes them politically?

I realized that, a long time ago, but thanks for being honest about that, for those who don't know you, like I do.

You're wrong, as usual. Nobody has to "gin up" any sex scandal about republicans. They are very talented at dropping their pants while simultaneously whining about "morals" and trying to pawn off BS "religion" all by The fat trashy whore currently in the Oval Office has left quite a trail behind him. Same with that slut who ran for Senate in Alabama.

Clinton never tried to push discriminatory policies on Americans, regardless of what he did in his personal life, so the shit Republicans tried to get women on their side solely so that they could push their discriminatory and harmful policies on the U.S. I merely said that one has to weigh the possibility of getting stuck for years with shitty policies before jumping on the "moral outrage" bandwagon. This ploy by the "conservatives" is so cynical and transparent, yet you folks think that women are stupid enough to buy it.

Selective outrage, only when it gives you a partisan advantage, reveals that you don't actually care about the "scandals" themselves, but are only using them as a weapon.

It reveals that you are dishonest and hypocritical.

Yes, we get that you feel your actions are justified by your belief that the policies of your victims are "bad".

It is interesting though, that you assume you cannot defend your position on these policies honestly and have to use subterfuge to advance your policies.

ON some level, you know that YOUR policies are the ones that are bad, bad FOR people and the nation, yet you support them anyways.
Trump's greatest legacy will be how he destroyed evangelicism and how easy he did it.

Absolute nonsense. Evangelical faith transcends politics. It will ensure long after Trump is fine from the scene.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ‘a Mulligan’ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know what I see Trump's Chumps doing since this all broke? They either A) congratulate him for being a stud or B) blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

They DEFEND him.

The same people who claim homos violate their Christian values and shouldn't get a cake.

If it's a straight white "Christian" guy on the ropes for violating their "Christian values" with regard to sex, these "Christians" totally ignore the situation or back-peddle furiously. Actually, I have found it wonderful that LGBTs have fought so hard to enter solemn legal marriage together. They sure have set an example for heterosexuals who are not quite so enthusiastic, view marriage as a power-trip in which one partner dominates the other, and/or take the institution of marriage so lightly that they are willing to marry, divorce, marry, divorce, and perhaps indulge in a bit of domestic violence along the way.

It can be said that the efforts of the LGBT community to solemnize their relationships with their partners has helped strengthen the institution of marriage.

I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

But boy did they turn their backs on their jesus & fall in line despite his paganistic non believing fornicating behavior once he got the nomination.

They had a choice between a candidate that was trying to build bridges to them, and one that was actively hostile to them and everything they stand for.

They made the right choice in my opinion.

YOur spin on this, is based on nothing but your bitterness over losing and YOUR active hostility to Christians.

Did you think that Christians would never notice that you liberals are actively hostile to them? assume a lot cartoon boy. i am a christian.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

But boy did they turn their backs on their jesus & fall in line despite his paganistic non believing fornicating behavior once he got the nomination.

They had a choice between a candidate that was trying to build bridges to them, and one that was actively hostile to them and everything they stand for.

They made the right choice in my opinion.

YOur spin on this, is based on nothing but your bitterness over losing and YOUR active hostility to Christians.

Did you think that Christians would never notice that you liberals are actively hostile to them? assume a lot cartoon boy. i am a christian.

Yet you are standing with a political movement that is hostile to those who's faith you claim to share.

My point stands.

And your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted. As evidence you are an ass and a loser.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

But boy did they turn their backs on their jesus & fall in line despite his paganistic non believing fornicating behavior once he got the nomination.

They had a choice between a candidate that was trying to build bridges to them, and one that was actively hostile to them and everything they stand for.

They made the right choice in my opinion.

YOur spin on this, is based on nothing but your bitterness over losing and YOUR active hostility to Christians.

Did you think that Christians would never notice that you liberals are actively hostile to them? assume a lot cartoon boy. i am a christian.

Yet you are standing with a political movement that is hostile to those who's faith you claim to share.

My point stands.

And your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted. As evidence you are an ass and a loser.

lol.... your point does not stand. my belief is not of the hypocritical type that the GOP & their fundy filth has enveloped.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

But boy did they turn their backs on their jesus & fall in line despite his paganistic non believing fornicating behavior once he got the nomination.

They had a choice between a candidate that was trying to build bridges to them, and one that was actively hostile to them and everything they stand for.

They made the right choice in my opinion.

YOur spin on this, is based on nothing but your bitterness over losing and YOUR active hostility to Christians.

Did you think that Christians would never notice that you liberals are actively hostile to them? assume a lot cartoon boy. i am a christian.

Yet you are standing with a political movement that is hostile to those who's faith you claim to share.

My point stands.

And your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted. As evidence you are an ass and a loser.

lol.... your point does not stand. my belief is not of the hypocritical type that the GOP & their fundy filth has enveloped.

There is nothing hypocritical about voting against a leader of a movement that is deeply hostile to you, even if the man you are voting for is twice divorced.

YOur point fails. As do you.
But boy did they turn their backs on their jesus & fall in line despite his paganistic non believing fornicating behavior once he got the nomination.

They had a choice between a candidate that was trying to build bridges to them, and one that was actively hostile to them and everything they stand for.

They made the right choice in my opinion.

YOur spin on this, is based on nothing but your bitterness over losing and YOUR active hostility to Christians.

Did you think that Christians would never notice that you liberals are actively hostile to them? assume a lot cartoon boy. i am a christian.

Yet you are standing with a political movement that is hostile to those who's faith you claim to share.

My point stands.

And your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted. As evidence you are an ass and a loser.

lol.... your point does not stand. my belief is not of the hypocritical type that the GOP & their fundy filth has enveloped.

There is nothing hypocritical about voting against a leader of a movement that is deeply hostile to you, even if the man you are voting for is twice divorced.

YOur point fails. As do you.

it goes waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond being twice divorced, nitwit.

your president:

is a serial cheater

& a gambler

has had a long history with the playboy empire

has gone on howard stern many MANY times & has indulged himself with everything that has to do with THAT

he tried to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain , pave it over so he can have a parking lot for his casino

wanted to take away the healthcare of millions of americans

wants to take meal on wheels away from seniors & the disabled

has deregulated environmental laws & the ban on killing much for being charged by god to be good stewards of the earth like the good 'christian' man he is..

you :

are being a ridiculous little man.
The hypocritical fake Christians have chained themselves to Trump, and as a result their religion is in the gutter with him.

Trump has done almost as much damage to Christianity in America as the Klan.

Some tard will be along shortly to mutter something about Klan Democrats, indicating the point has sailed a mile above their heads.

This defense of Trump by alleged Christians is so self-destructive one has to wonder if that was Trump's plan from the get-go.

Trump does have one thing in common with the Klan: They both used to be Democrats.

The hypocritical Christians who consistently rush to defend the whoremonger have totally sabotaged their bible-compliant bakery bullshit.
They had a choice between a candidate that was trying to build bridges to them, and one that was actively hostile to them and everything they stand for.

They made the right choice in my opinion.

YOur spin on this, is based on nothing but your bitterness over losing and YOUR active hostility to Christians.

Did you think that Christians would never notice that you liberals are actively hostile to them? assume a lot cartoon boy. i am a christian.

Yet you are standing with a political movement that is hostile to those who's faith you claim to share.

My point stands.

And your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted. As evidence you are an ass and a loser.

lol.... your point does not stand. my belief is not of the hypocritical type that the GOP & their fundy filth has enveloped.

There is nothing hypocritical about voting against a leader of a movement that is deeply hostile to you, even if the man you are voting for is twice divorced.

YOur point fails. As do you.

it goes waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond being twice divorced, nitwit.

your president:

is a serial cheater


& a gambler


has had a long history with the playboy empire


has gone on howard stern many MANY times & has indulged himself with everything that has to do with THAT


he tried to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain , pave it over so he can have a parking lot for his casino

Agreed. much for being charged by god to be good stewards of the earth like the good 'christian' man he is..

YOur assumption that some one disagreeing with you on policy is immoral, is just you being, a smug and pompous liberal.

you :

are being a ridiculous little man.

No, my point stands. Trump was not a good choice for the Evangelical Christians, but he was far better than someone who is actively opposed to them, ie Hillary THe Vile.

It makes complete sense that they did not back him, until he was the better choice of what was left standing.

That is my point, and you have failed to address it at all.
The hypocritical fake Christians have chained themselves to Trump, and as a result their religion is in the gutter with him.

Trump has done almost as much damage to Christianity in America as the Klan.

Some tard will be along shortly to mutter something about Klan Democrats, indicating the point has sailed a mile above their heads.

This defense of Trump by alleged Christians is so self-destructive one has to wonder if that was Trump's plan from the get-go.

Trump does have one thing in common with the Klan: They both used to be Democrats.

The hypocritical Christians who consistently rush to defend the whoremonger have totally sabotaged their bible-compliant bakery bullshit.

The Klan has faded to insignificance and did not harm to Christianity in America.
The hypocritical fake Christians have chained themselves to Trump, and as a result their religion is in the gutter with him.

Trump has done almost as much damage to Christianity in America as the Klan.

Some tard will be along shortly to mutter something about Klan Democrats, indicating the point has sailed a mile above their heads.

This defense of Trump by alleged Christians is so self-destructive one has to wonder if that was Trump's plan from the get-go.

Trump does have one thing in common with the Klan: They both used to be Democrats.

The hypocritical Christians who consistently rush to defend the whoremonger have totally sabotaged their bible-compliant bakery bullshit.

Interesting watching those on the outside project their desires upon those on the inside, then insist they must abide by said desires. When you are a Christian, let me know and we can discuss how a Christian should vote. Until then, well, you have nothing. assume a lot cartoon boy. i am a christian.

Yet you are standing with a political movement that is hostile to those who's faith you claim to share.

My point stands.

And your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted. As evidence you are an ass and a loser.

lol.... your point does not stand. my belief is not of the hypocritical type that the GOP & their fundy filth has enveloped.

There is nothing hypocritical about voting against a leader of a movement that is deeply hostile to you, even if the man you are voting for is twice divorced.

YOur point fails. As do you.

it goes waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond being twice divorced, nitwit.

your president:

is a serial cheater


& a gambler


has had a long history with the playboy empire


has gone on howard stern many MANY times & has indulged himself with everything that has to do with THAT


he tried to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain , pave it over so he can have a parking lot for his casino

Agreed. much for being charged by god to be good stewards of the earth like the good 'christian' man he is..

YOur assumption that some one disagreeing with you on policy is immoral, is just you being, a smug and pompous liberal.

you :

are being a ridiculous little man.

No, my point stands. Trump was not a good choice for the Evangelical Christians, but he was far better than someone who is actively opposed to them, ie Hillary THe Vile.

It makes complete sense that they did not back him, until he was the better choice of what was left standing.

That is my point, and you have failed to address it at all.

he is not a christian by any means. he was immoral for his entire life. & those that profess to be christians, have sold their souls for a few more bucks in their pocket. you make me laugh.
I'm not sure they are hypocritical. I'm pretty sure I don't view things the same way the maj of white evangelicals (who make up the vast maj of evangelicals overall)

In a national survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute from November 25 to 30, two thirds (66 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree that blacks and other minorities receive treatment equal to whites in the criminal justice system. More than eight in 10 (82 percent) black Protestants disagree with this statement.

Moreover, these divergent attitudes are not limited to the criminal-justice system. For example, white evangelical Protestants not only reject assertions that blacks experience unequal treatment in the criminal-justice system; many claim themselves to be the victims of discrimination. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of white evangelical Protestants agree with the statement, “Today, discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

Will the iPad Kill the Netbook?

So far, 50 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters have been white evangelical, or born again, Christians, based on CBS News polling of voters entering or exiting their polling places since the first contest in January.

White Evangelicals are half of GOP primary voters

I think it's painfully obvious they share Trump's view that Christianity is under attack by gay rights, abortion rights, immigration ... and basically not letting the bible be the law of the land. Obama and W didn't meet their desires. The maj may simply be white bigots. LOL

But with Trump's sins and public statements that he never asks God's forgiveness, may not make them hypocrites. So long as he pushes policies they like, they may feel his relationship with God is not their biz.

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