Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks

Do try to stay on topic, segregationist.

Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

I want common sense to dictate that someone's free exercise overrides the need to a specific contracted cake.

Is a Jewish Butcher not selling pork segregation?
No, if they don't sell it at anyone. But if a Jewish butcher sold pork to everyone except for gays or muslims or blacks or women or the handicapped, then it WOULD be discrimination. Why are you struggling over this? Most people mature beyond binary thinking at about....6-8 years old.

Homosexuals have their own bar rooms, Normative folks aren't allowed in, that's fine too

That's because people CHOOSE to take it in the ass. And you aren't making the choice to engage in sodomy, they don't want to see you there.
Seriously? You don't know that straight people can go to gay bars all they want and frequently do. And once again:

Ezekiel 16:49-50
New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

CRC trumpanzees are the sodomites based on the bible.
Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic

Nope. They are OK with serving anyone for point of sale, they just don't want to provide a contracted service for a ceremony they find immoral.

The guy in Colorado won't even make Halloween cakes.

Again an indication that the LGBT Gestapo wants surrender, not coexistence.
So, you think it's ok for some business to be given a business license and then "suddenly" claim their "religion" prevents them from following business law but HOW DARE the government take their license away?

How "sudden" was the concept that marriages could be same sex? This is a legal concept that is only a few decades old.

The law was only recently applied to forcing businesses to serve same sex ceremonies OR ELSE
No it isn't sudden. There's been gay marriage in one form or another for all of history in one place or another.

No there hasn't.

Gay Marriage was invented by the Gay Liberation Movement as a way to parody Normative Marriage.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic

Nope. They are OK with serving anyone for point of sale, they just don't want to provide a contracted service for a ceremony they find immoral.

The guy in Colorado won't even make Halloween cakes.

Again an indication that the LGBT Gestapo wants surrender, not coexistence.
So, you think it's ok for some business to be given a business license and then "suddenly" claim their "religion" prevents them from following business law but HOW DARE the government take their license away?

How "sudden" was the concept that marriages could be same sex? This is a legal concept that is only a few decades old.

The law was only recently applied to forcing businesses to serve same sex ceremonies OR ELSE
No it isn't sudden. There's been gay marriage in one form or another for all of history in one place or another.

No there hasn't.

Gay Marriage was invented by the Gay Liberation Movement as a way to parody Normative Marriage.
Not true at all....for someone who focuses so much on gays and gay sex, you are truly uninformed:

same-sex marriage | History, Status Around the World, & Facts
Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

I want common sense to dictate that someone's free exercise overrides the need to a specific contracted cake.

Is a Jewish Butcher not selling pork segregation?
No, if they don't sell it at anyone. But if a Jewish butcher sold pork to everyone except for gays or muslims or blacks or women or the handicapped, then it WOULD be discrimination. Why are you struggling over this? Most people mature beyond binary thinking at about....6-8 years old.

Nice tap dance there, but it doesn't work.

You are the one thinking binary, total acceptance OR ELSE. you can't stand people out their thinking your lifestyle is sinful, and thus you have to ruin them any way you can.

To force these people to do what you want is to ignore the 1st amendment and free exercise. don't seem to get the fact that it isn't the same. A business not selling a particular product at all is NOT the same as a business that sells a particular product except for a group it arbitrarily decides it doesn't like....based on some flimsy excuse.

To you it's a flimsy excuse, to the people in question it is their faith. Yet you have this pathological need to force them to accept you OR ELSE.

I want a pork hotdog, they just sell beef hotdogs. You want a cake for your SSM ceremony, they only sell cakes for traditional marriage ceremonies.

Only in your case are you such a narcissistic bitch that you want to ruin those who disagree with what you want.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic

Homos, like anyone else can buy a birthday cake, a normative wedding cake, a retirement cake, or a Christmas cake.

Even if someone is Normative, they can't buy a Gay Marriage cake, it isn't part of their catalogue.
Nobody asks for a gay marriage cake
Just a wedding cake same as everyone else gets
Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic

Homos, like anyone else can buy a birthday cake, a normative wedding cake, a retirement cake, or a Christmas cake.

Even if someone is Normative, they can't buy a Gay Marriage cake, it isn't part of their catalogue.
Nobody asks for a gay marriage cake
Just a wedding cake same as everyone else gets

They don't consider same sex marriages to be the same as traditional marriages. Forcing them to comply just shows how much of a fascist twat you are.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic
Using a suddenly discovered "religious" reason for not serving a particular group of people....segregation.
It is pure bigotry just like under Jim Crow
Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with appeasing a customer base that hates gays
Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic
Using a suddenly discovered "religious" reason for not serving a particular group of people....segregation.
It is pure bigotry just like under Jim Crow
Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with appeasing a customer base that sets gays

Your view is bigotry as well, bigotry against those who follow their religious beliefs.
Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic

Homos, like anyone else can buy a birthday cake, a normative wedding cake, a retirement cake, or a Christmas cake.

Even if someone is Normative, they can't buy a Gay Marriage cake, it isn't part of their catalogue.
Nobody asks for a gay marriage cake
Just a wedding cake same as everyone else gets

Its a gay wedding if its 2 dudes.

There are bakeries that will bake you all kinds of novelty cakes. You can buy a cake shaped like genitalia, or whatever. No need to force a Christian baker to do that.
Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic
Using a suddenly discovered "religious" reason for not serving a particular group of people....segregation.
It is pure bigotry just like under Jim Crow
Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with appeasing a customer base that hates gays

I don't know anyone who "hates" gays. I don't approve of their activities, but I don't have hatred in my heart for effeminate pansies at all
Those that believe the Supreme Court is going to rehear Obergefell v. Hodges are fooling themselves as they lack any standing. Those bringing the challenge are going to have to show how the married poofs down the street have harmed them measurably. You're going to need bring more than your hurt feelings, pearl-clutching, and, prognostications of doom if you wish to have the courts even consider the case.

That's certainly a good point. But if you look back at the case of the city of Sodom, where even normative folks like Lot lost his home when Almighty God was pissed at the Gay Community and even lost his wife who was turned into a pillar of sodium chloride.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

Seems to me that today's CRCs are more like Sodomites than any gays are.

Oh, the irony we have in a crack snacker that is a hypocrite!
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

I want common sense to dictate that someone's free exercise overrides the need to a specific contracted cake.

Is a Jewish Butcher not selling pork segregation?
No, if they don't sell it at anyone. But if a Jewish butcher sold pork to everyone except for gays or muslims or blacks or women or the handicapped, then it WOULD be discrimination. Why are you struggling over this? Most people mature beyond binary thinking at about....6-8 years old.

Nice tap dance there, but it doesn't work.

You are the one thinking binary, total acceptance OR ELSE. you can't stand people out their thinking your lifestyle is sinful, and thus you have to ruin them any way you can.

To force these people to do what you want is to ignore the 1st amendment and free exercise. don't seem to get the fact that it isn't the same. A business not selling a particular product at all is NOT the same as a business that sells a particular product except for a group it arbitrarily decides it doesn't like....based on some flimsy excuse.

To you it's a flimsy excuse, to the people in question it is their faith. Yet you have this pathological need to force them to accept you OR ELSE.

I want a pork hotdog, they just sell beef hotdogs. You want a cake for your SSM ceremony, they only sell cakes for traditional marriage ceremonies.

Only in your case are you such a narcissistic bitch that you want to ruin those who disagree with what you want.
Then point out where "do not sell wedding cakes to gay people" is in their bible.

And I can see you still are refusing to get that businesses that DON'T EVER sell pork hotdogs are not under any legal obligation to sell you a pork hotdog. Let me ask, because it's becoming quite obvious, does your "religion" keep you from thinking logically?
Those that believe the Supreme Court is going to rehear Obergefell v. Hodges are fooling themselves as they lack any standing. Those bringing the challenge are going to have to show how the married poofs down the street have harmed them measurably. You're going to need bring more than your hurt feelings, pearl-clutching, and, prognostications of doom if you wish to have the courts even consider the case.

That's certainly a good point. But if you look back at the case of the city of Sodom, where even normative folks like Lot lost his home when Almighty God was pissed at the Gay Community and even lost his wife who was turned into a pillar of sodium chloride.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

Seems to me that today's CRCs are more like Sodomites than any gays are.

Oh, the irony we have in a crack snacker that is a hypocrite!
I actually read what the bible says about Sodom and Gomorrah and why they were destroyed.
We are talking legal try to stay on topic....if you can.

Responding to the bolded part, dippy.
Do try to stay on topic, segregationist.

Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

No. You have the wrong word.
Those that believe the Supreme Court is going to rehear Obergefell v. Hodges are fooling themselves as they lack any standing. Those bringing the challenge are going to have to show how the married poofs down the street have harmed them measurably. You're going to need bring more than your hurt feelings, pearl-clutching, and, prognostications of doom if you wish to have the courts even consider the case.

That's certainly a good point. But if you look back at the case of the city of Sodom, where even normative folks like Lot lost his home when Almighty God was pissed at the Gay Community and even lost his wife who was turned into a pillar of sodium chloride.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

Seems to me that today's CRCs are more like Sodomites than any gays are.

Oh, the irony we have in a crack snacker that is a hypocrite!
I actually read what the bible says about Sodom and Gomorrah and why they were destroyed.

Why? You don't believe in God.

If that were true, why has God not smitten you yet? Just hasn't gotten around to it?
Do try to stay on topic, segregationist.

Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

I want common sense to dictate that someone's free exercise overrides the need to a specific contracted cake.

Is a Jewish Butcher not selling pork segregation?
No, if they don't sell it at anyone. But if a Jewish butcher sold pork to everyone except for gays or muslims or blacks or women or the handicapped, then it WOULD be discrimination. Why are you struggling over this? Most people mature beyond binary thinking at about....6-8 years old.

Homosexuals have their own bar rooms, Normative folks aren't allowed in, that's fine too

That's because people CHOOSE to take it in the ass. And you aren't making the choice to engage in sodomy, they don't want to see you there.
They dont choose at all.
The problem you have is that if people "choose" their sexuality they are sinful. But if they are just wired that way they are just as God made them.
Therefore you are forced to persist with this nonsense despite the lack of any scientific evidence. Your hate must give you a huge amount of pleasure.
We are talking legal try to stay on topic....if you can.

Responding to the bolded part, dippy.
Do try to stay on topic, segregationist.

Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

No. You have the wrong word.
Segregation definition:

Learn to pronounce
  1. the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.
Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

I want common sense to dictate that someone's free exercise overrides the need to a specific contracted cake.

Is a Jewish Butcher not selling pork segregation?
No, if they don't sell it at anyone. But if a Jewish butcher sold pork to everyone except for gays or muslims or blacks or women or the handicapped, then it WOULD be discrimination. Why are you struggling over this? Most people mature beyond binary thinking at about....6-8 years old.

Homosexuals have their own bar rooms, Normative folks aren't allowed in, that's fine too

That's because people CHOOSE to take it in the ass. And you aren't making the choice to engage in sodomy, they don't want to see you there.
They dont choose at all.
The problem you have is that if people "choose" their sexuality they are sinful. But if they are just wired that way they are just as God made them.
Therefore you are forced to persist with this nonsense despite the lack of any scientific evidence. Your hate must give you a huge amount of pleasure.
These so-called religious people used to do the same thing to left-handed people also.

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