Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks

These so-called religious people used to do the same thing to left-handed people also.
They are so fucking stupid. I would like to see a list of other groups they wont serve based on their "religious beliefs". I doubt it would take me long to read it.
I remember just recently, another so-called christian business holding up their "religious beliefs" to excuse refusing to serve people of another color.


There is no link.

That's because taking it in the caboose and being an African American have nothing in common.

Don't believe me, talk to the men hanging on the corners in the ghetto
Oklahoma restaurant owner says he won’t serve gay or black customers

Increasing Support for Religiously Based Service Refusals | PRRI
Great news for the God Hates Fags crowd

Jesus tells me not to serve you
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.

Just because someone is in the general business of "Baking cakes" doesn't mean that they bake every kind of cake out there. Could a customer force a baker to make a cake like this one? Naughty Adult Birthday Cake, Camo Cake With Boons & Penis | Le Petit Empire DESIGNER CAKES SINGAPORE

There has always been a subdivision of the bakery business that made provocative pastries

These people either advertised wedding cakes or cakes for all occasions. Sounds like false advertising.
Not procreating is a very courageous and wise decision for a growing number of traditionally married couples. I commend them for thinking it through.
Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
You want separation based on sexual orientation when it comes to treatment under the law. That's segregation. Surely you knew what the word meant, right?

No. You have the wrong word.
Segregation definition:

Learn to pronounce
  1. the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.

OK, now you should see the difference in segregation and discrimination, which you later used correctly.

Segregation is physical. Segregated seats in buses, cars on trains, neighborhoods, etc.
Attempt at separating gays and straights when it comes to marriage and all it involves.

Segregation is physical. What part of "apart" in your definition do you not understand, dumbass?
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

I will never understand people who believe they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives within our laws.

Yet these are the same people who scream they are the only ones who believe in freedom, liberty and loving the constitution.

It's all a bunch of garbage. If a conservative couldn't lie they wouldn't have much to say.

Child pornography, sex with children, beastiality and prostitution
should be legalized...and it will
"Evangelical Christian" is a dog whistle for Democrat bigots

No. Evangelicals are an out-of-control, arrogant, authoritarian cult that does not have much to do with anything Jesus taught. They think that they are entitled to rule the U.S., other Christians and non-Christians alike. They are intent on destroying the Christian faith from within.
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide
Where is the ominous part of the letter ? Clickbait garbage to inspire the lefts constant artificially induced outrage.
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide
Where is the ominous part of the letter ? Clickbait garbage to inspire the lefts constant artificially induced outrage.
The ominous part of the letter stems from the fact that this guy is attempting to tell county clerks that the Obergefell decision does not constitute the law of the country and that the clerks are in danger of doing something unconstitutional if they follow it.

He represents only some members of the clergy in some religious group who contend, without foundation, that the decision somehow compromises their freedom of speech, when they can still say what they want to and no one is forcing them to perform some ritual that they don't want to perform..
Not procreating is a very courageous and wise decision for a growing number of traditionally married couples. I commend them for thinking it through.
Then what is the point in getting married?

It doesn't matter. Years ago when I worked as a hostess in a popular downtown DC steakhouse, I had the pleasure of meeting a couple in their 80s, who had just gotten married a few days before. No, they were not going to have eight children, but yes, they were very happy to have found each other again after being high-school sweethearts decades earlier. Of course, there are legal reasons for getting married, as well as to make public their commitment to each other. But in the end, it's nobody else's damned business.
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide
Where is the ominous part of the letter ? Clickbait garbage to inspire the lefts constant artificially induced outrage.
The ominous part of the letter stems from the fact that this guy is attempting to tell county clerks that the Obergefell decision does not constitute the law of the country and that the clerks are in danger of doing something unconstitutional if they follow it.

He represents only some members of the clergy in some religious group who contend, without foundation, that the decision somehow compromises their freedom of speech, when they can still say what they want to and no one is forcing them to perform some ritual that they don't want to perform..
Sorry but there is no mention of marriage period in the Constitution which by the Constitution should leave that decision to the states. I don't give a shit who marries who, its none of my business.

The Obergefell decision is an overreach by the fed and should not have been made in the first place. If you people are so keen on the issue do it the right way put up a Constitutional amendment. Anything else is unconstitutional.
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Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic
Using a suddenly discovered "religious" reason for not serving a particular group of people....segregation.
It is pure bigotry just like under Jim Crow
Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with appeasing a customer base that sets gays

Your view is bigotry as well, bigotry against those who follow their religious beliefs.
You are welcome to follow your religious beliefs and hate anyone you wish
Your business is not

Why not? Where in the Constitution does it say you lose your rights when you try to sell something?
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic
Using a suddenly discovered "religious" reason for not serving a particular group of people....segregation.
It is pure bigotry just like under Jim Crow
Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with appeasing a customer base that sets gays

Your view is bigotry as well, bigotry against those who follow their religious beliefs.
You are welcome to follow your religious beliefs and hate anyone you wish
Your business is not

Why not? Where in the Constitution does it say you lose your rights when you try to sell something?
Constitution uses the words......persons

Businesses are not persons
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide
Where is the ominous part of the letter ? Clickbait garbage to inspire the lefts constant artificially induced outrage.

Maybe the part where he threatens them for violating the Tennessee Constitution?
Using a suddenly discovered "religious" reason for not serving a particular group of people....segregation.
It is pure bigotry just like under Jim Crow
Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with appeasing a customer base that sets gays

Your view is bigotry as well, bigotry against those who follow their religious beliefs.
You are welcome to follow your religious beliefs and hate anyone you wish
Your business is not

Why not? Where in the Constitution does it say you lose your rights when you try to sell something?
Constitution uses the words......persons

Businesses are not persons

Persons run businesses. These are not corporations, but small businesses run by small groups of people, or even single persons.

Again, why does a person lose their rights when they try to sell something?
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide
Where is the ominous part of the letter ? Clickbait garbage to inspire the lefts constant artificially induced outrage.

Maybe the part where he threatens them for violating the Tennessee Constitution?

What I think you are failing to understand is that Gay Marriage is a very controversial issue that's going to end up being brought to court. County clerks who collaborate with this abomination will be caught on the wrong side of history.
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide
Where is the ominous part of the letter ? Clickbait garbage to inspire the lefts constant artificially induced outrage.

Maybe the part where he threatens them for violating the Tennessee Constitution?
Threatening them with what, the law ? He's a lawyer with no official standing in the Government the only thing he can do is file a lawsuit, which is constitutional. Still seeing nothing here but more of that artificial outrage.
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide

" It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

-Thomas Jefferson

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