Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks

People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Those that believe the Supreme Court is going to rehear Obergefell v. Hodges are fooling themselves as they lack any standing. Those bringing the challenge are going to have to show how the married poofs down the street have harmed them measurably. You're going to need bring more than your hurt feelings, pearl-clutching, and, prognostications of doom if you wish to have the courts even consider the case.

That's certainly a good point. But if you look back at the case of the city of Sodom, where even normative folks like Lot lost his home when Almighty God was pissed at the Gay Community and even lost his wife who was turned into a pillar of sodium chloride.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

Seems to me that today's CRCs are more like Sodomites than any gays are.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.

Just because someone is in the general business of "Baking cakes" doesn't mean that they bake every kind of cake out there. Could a customer force a baker to make a cake like this one? Naughty Adult Birthday Cake, Camo Cake With Boons & Penis | Le Petit Empire DESIGNER CAKES SINGAPORE

There has always been a subdivision of the bakery business that made provocative pastries
Wedding cake is a wedding cake

A Gay Wedding isn't a wedding, its a parody of a wedding.

A real wedding is a sacred, ancient ceremony uniting one man and one broad into holy matrimony
Only for a odd, scared minority who cannot stop sticking their noses in our bedrooms. I bet you believe that those who have civil marriages aren't really married. last thing............."broad"? :20:
This man is the mirror image of the social justice warriors.

I seem to be one of the few here who detests both.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

I will never understand people who believe they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives within our laws.

Yet these are the same people who scream they are the only ones who believe in freedom, liberty and loving the constitution.

It's all a bunch of garbage. If a conservative couldn't lie they wouldn't have much to say.

We are talking legal try to stay on topic....if you can.

Responding to the bolded part, dippy.
Do try to stay on topic, segregationist.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality
What is "marriage equality"? Do libs think a husband and wife aren't coequal?
You are not really this dumb ....are you?
Lefties are.
I know you are...but what am I?

Your replies are so child like
I'm rubber and you're glue
I don't see the "silliness" of this gentleman's move at all. He's just part of the movement to return America to a respect for Normative relations and to eliminate the legal equivalency the libs have set up between LGBTQ "Marriage" and holy matrimony.

Will it be successful? Probably not immediately. The lunch counter protesters at Woolworth's didn't get a chance to stuff their face's with Woolworth's tremendous cuisine immediately either.

But its a social movement to push forth the proposition that Morality Matters.
Yes morality matters to those who don`t support Trump. Do you really believe that homosexuality is a choice and people become gay so they can get beat up and harassed by fake Christians?

Of course Homosexuality is a choice. The wide range of the number of people engaged in it from place to place and age to age would lead to no other conclusion.

And the real harassment goes the other way. Homos insisting that their bizarre ceremonies like LGBTQ Marriage be actually approved of, by normative folks.
Then Heterosexuality would, by default, also be a choice

Not at all. Normalcy , by definition, is indeed Normal.

You have a case of false equivalency here.
Gay marriage is normal for gays getting married....and for most people in this country. Homophobes are a declining minority.

Homos have gotten married to broads since antiquity. Some gals are cool with a queer beau husband.
Indeed it's not equal: heterosexual marriage does nothing about population explosion, which the fundies rely on for fresh victims-scapegoats of their propagandist protection racket.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.

Just because someone is in the general business of "Baking cakes" doesn't mean that they bake every kind of cake out there. Could a customer force a baker to make a cake like this one? Naughty Adult Birthday Cake, Camo Cake With Boons & Penis | Le Petit Empire DESIGNER CAKES SINGAPORE

There has always been a subdivision of the bakery business that made provocative pastries
Wedding cake is a wedding cake
There has to be a WEDDING. Two dudes packing fudge ain't a wedding

People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Its interesting how you are saying that being a homosexual is just like being a black guy.

You should drive to the ghetto or a black bar in your city and chat up some of the young black guys and tell them your theory, that you don't see any difference between being black and volunteering to take it in the caboose.
Are they or aren't they violating the state constitution by issuing marriage licenses to sodomites? It's a reasonable issue and hardly ominous.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

I will never understand people who believe they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives within our laws.

Yet these are the same people who scream they are the only ones who believe in freedom, liberty and loving the constitution.

It's all a bunch of garbage. If a conservative couldn't lie they wouldn't have much to say.

We are talking legal try to stay on topic....if you can.

Responding to the bolded part, dippy.
Do try to stay on topic, segregationist.

Again, responding to a statement.

And what segregation?

You are a nanny state fascist twat.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
People like this bimbo fowler are just plain silly and a gigantic waste of everybody's time. He is too stupid to understand that if he doesn't want to marry somebody of the the same sex, no one is forcing him to, and he is free to find some heterosexual who will have sex with him and impregnate her however many times, as long as she agrees.

Yet he continues to want to stick his nose in everyone else's business. And no one is forcing "ministers" of any religion or cult to perform any ceremonies that they don't want to perform. I take it that people who belong to these sects don't marry someone of their own sex.

But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.

Just because someone is in the general business of "Baking cakes" doesn't mean that they bake every kind of cake out there. Could a customer force a baker to make a cake like this one? Naughty Adult Birthday Cake, Camo Cake With Boons & Penis | Le Petit Empire DESIGNER CAKES SINGAPORE

There has always been a subdivision of the bakery business that made provocative pastries
Wedding cake is a wedding cake

A Gay Wedding isn't a wedding, its a parody of a wedding.

A real wedding is a sacred, ancient ceremony uniting one man and one broad into holy matrimony
Actually, it s as valid as your own wedding
But they do force them to bake cakes.


Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic
I think this man is doing this because there are two new judges on the court. He thinks that those two judges will throw out marriage equality.

Why do people believe they have the right to force everyone to live their way of life and don't have the freedom to choose within outlaws? I mean you people are free to live your life the way you want. Why do you feel you have the right to force everyone to live their lives your way?

No one is hurt by gay couples getting married. Just leave those people alone to live their lives with the same freedoms you enjoy.

Christian Fundamentalist Attorney Sends Ominous Letter to TN Clerks - Out & About Nashville - LGBT news, events and gay guide
How is heterosexual marriage, which can effect procreation, equal to homosexual marriage, which cannot?
Not equal.

So any couple that either choose not to procreate or can't shouldn't be able to get married or shouldn't stayed married?

Are you going to go all over this nation to force couples who don't have children to get divorced?

What makes you believe you have the right to tell anyone if they can get married and who they can marry?

Just who do you think you are?
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Nobody forced anyone to bake a cake. The people cited for violating anti-discrimination and public-accommodation laws already had advertised to the public that they were in the business of baking cakes and that their services were available to the public.
Should have just pulled their business license. Easy Peasy.

Business licenses cannot be denied based on 1st amendment rights unless a compelling government interest is shown and proven, and even then the least restrictive measure of fixing the issue must be used.
Business licenses can most certainly be denied based on not following business laws. I bet you believe that the 1st Amendment protects a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from serving those of another race? another religion? a business that "declares" their religion keeps them from following safety laws? health laws?

Point of sale? Probably not. Contracted services? Probably yes.

The simple solution for an easily replaceable non nessasary service like a wedding cake is to just go to another baker, and let the baker decide who to serve. But the LGBT Gestapo such as yourself won't settle for anything less than capitulation.

None of these requests to refuse service involve point of sale items, so going there i moot. But you will anyway because that's all you have to run to.
Actually, the bakery does not want to be affiliated with a homosexual clientele. Go find another bakery that will accommodate you.

No different than.....We don’t serve negroes here
Negroes can always find another place to patronize

Same logic

Homos, like anyone else can buy a birthday cake, a normative wedding cake, a retirement cake, or a Christmas cake.

Even if someone is Normative, they can't buy a Gay Marriage cake, it isn't part of their catalogue.

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