Christian fundamentalists are driving our country into the Dark Ages

America will be destroyed from within with these lunatics running the asylum

in an age where a country must compete in math and science the last thing we need are people promoting baboonish magical thinking

Christian fundamentalists are driving our country into the Dark Ages
What is destroying this country are people who have absolutely no fear of God making decisions for others. God will punish the individuals and, when it gets to a certain point, God will punish the nation.

We can have separation of church and state as long as we do not have separation of individual and God. Separation of church and state and the nation run by the godless is what we have now. What good is it if we have a great number of the population with PhD's in mathematics and science if the economy is tanked because the bankers ran away with all the money, after paying off the politicians that is? Looking for God helps one see the big picture. You should try it sometime, Guno.

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