Zone1 Christian Gets Kicked Out Of LGBT Church and Assaulted For Preaching The Gospel

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
It's sad that these people truly don't know Christ. Not having women pastors I think was more of a time period thing, but all of this other stuff is blasphemous. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ and if these people truly loved Jesus they wouldn't continue to live in this lifestyle and they wouldn't be treating this poor Christian like this who was only showing them love and concern about them and just trying to ask questions and help them get to Heaven. If it were me I would definitely have called the police if they shoved me right after shoving them right back out of self-defense. He has a whole lot better and bigger heart than me.

I don't do religion but out of curiosity was it a Presbyterian Church ?
It's sad that these people truly don't know Christ. Not having women pastors I think was more of a time period thing, but all of this other stuff is blasphemous. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ and if these people truly loved Jesus they wouldn't continue to live in this lifestyle and they wouldn't be treating this poor Christian like this who was only showing them love and concern about them and just trying to ask questions and help them get to Heaven. If it were me I would definitely have called the police if they shoved me right after shoving them right back out of self-defense. He has a whole lot better and bigger heart than me.

Christians like this one behave like this with Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, etc.

It is all about the answer being with Jesus, instead of learning to let people be.

Christians like this are not wanted or needed amongst people of other religions or beliefs, or being if these Christians are yet to learn to Love their Neighbors and let them be.

Not one of their neighbors need to change anything about themselves. They are not criminals, they have not committed any sins.

Time for Christians like this to learn to mind their lives and go be with Jesus. No one is going to stop them or come to them to try to persuade them otherwise.
Christians like this one behave like this with Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, etc.

It is all about the answer being with Jesus, instead of learning to let people be.

Christians like this are not wanted or needed amongst people of other religions or beliefs, or being if these Christians are yet to learn to Love their Neighbors and let them be.

Not one of their neighbors need to change anything about themselves. They are not criminals, they have not committed any sins.

Time for Christians like this to learn to mind their lives and go be with Jesus. No one is going to stop them or come to them to try to persuade them otherwise.
Why do we have to let people be? Is there a problem with freedom of speech and religion? You sound like Putin's Russia. I just attended a fireside of a senior couple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who gave two years to missionary world in Russia between 2016 and 2018. Only the Russian Orthodox members could talk about their faith and beliefs outside the Church doors. All others that did were thrown in jail and many are still there. The LDS Church bends over backwards to do what the communists want and still get harassed and threatened all the time. The LDS Church does a lot of good helping the poor in Russia by building clean wells for drinking water and much more. The Russian Orthodox does nothing for the poor communities. I would think good people who help people should be heard. What's wrong with you people?
Why do we have to let people be? Is there a problem with freedom of speech and religion? You sound like Putin's Russia. I just attended a fireside of a senior couple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who gave two years to missionary world in Russia between 2016 and 2018. Only the Russian Orthodox members could talk about their faith and beliefs outside the Church doors. All others that did were thrown in jail and many are still there. The LDS Church bends over backwards to do what the communists want and still get harassed and threatened all the time. The LDS Church does a lot of good helping the poor in Russia by building clean wells for drinking water and much more. The Russian Orthodox does nothing for the poor communities. I would think good people who help people should be heard. What's wrong with you people?
There are two issues here.

1) It is people of any faith doing good not only to people of their own fair, but others as well.

2) It is people like this young man in the video who was taught that something was wrong, a sin, and insisted in pushing his views on these people, that only his views were correct. That he needs to show them the way. The right way.

That young man is NOT helping people. He is invading their space and insisting that his views of Jesus is the right way. That only follow the way he knows is the right way.

According to what he has been taught and believes, Homosexuality is wrong and all of those people are sinners and must change and follow Jesus the way only he has decided is right.

Which is exactly what Christians have been doing to Jews since Christianity was founded.

Every other way is wrong, but the Christian way of seeing things.

Children were taken from Indigenous nations from all the Americas and in Australia as well, and put into Christian schools and MADE to become Christians far away from their parents for the rest of their lives. Isn't Christianity great?

Indigenous Children in Canadian schools were mistreated and left to die. Isn't Christianity great?

Jews were usually forced to convert or die? Isn't Christianity great?

Blacks had their names changed and their tribes and cultures destroyed and forced into Chritianity when brought to the Americas. Isn't
Christianity great?

There are two issues here.

1) It is people of any faith doing good not only to people of their own fair, but others as well.

2) It is people like this young man in the video who was taught that something was wrong, a sin, and insisted in pushing his views on these people, that only his views were correct. That he needs to show them the way. The right way.

That young man is NOT helping people. He is invading their space and insisting that his views of Jesus is the right way. That only follow the way he knows is the right way.

According to what he has been taught and believes, Homosexuality is wrong and all of those people are sinners and must change and follow Jesus the way only he has decided is right.

Which is exactly what Christians have been doing to Jews since Christianity was founded.

Every other way is wrong, but the Christian way of seeing things.

Children were taken from Indigenous nations from all the Americas and in Australia as well, and put into Christian schools and MADE to become Christians far away from their parents for the rest of their lives. Isn't Christianity great?

Indigenous Children in Canadian schools were mistreated and left to die. Isn't Christianity great?

Jews were usually forced to convert or die? Isn't Christianity great?

Blacks had their names changed and their tribes and cultures destroyed and forced into Chritianity when brought to the Americas. Isn't
Christianity great?

Is what you are describing what and how Jesus taught 2,000 years ago? Is that the Lord's method of teaching and preaching? Is what those members in that Church any different than the man who did this? Are you any different attempting to force people to believe your way? We know the answer. So, back to the way Jesus taught. He went about his ministry teaching to those that wanted to come and listen. There were those, both Jews and non-believers, who did what this man did to the LGBT church. So, my opinion is that any group saying they are Christians, and commit evil, are their brand of Christians but not followers of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church in the past did horrible things to individual and groups of people. Nothing that Jesus would do. Thus, they call themselves everything but what Jesus referred to His people, "Saints." "Saints" are simply members of the True Church of Jesus Christ in former days or these latter days. Christians can be Saints sometimes. There are good people in most religious organizations. You and I know many of them.

Now, as far as letting people be. I have no problem with that as long as it doesn't affect my life, my family's life or the Nation. For decades, LGBTQ people weren't doing anything to affect these. But, today, they are in a very negative way. Not all of them. Many gays and lesbians don't agree with this trans movement and confusion of who is a man and who is a woman. Now, I do not know how this man got into that church. Did he walk in and was invited in? If he was, was he asked about his beliefs? Was he simply answering a question? Much like Jesus did in the house of ill-repute? And, these homosexuals responded just like the people in the house of ill-repute.
Is what you are describing what and how Jesus taught 2,000 years ago? Is that the Lord's method of teaching and preaching? Is what those members in that Church any different than the man who did this? Are you any different attempting to force people to believe your way? We know the answer. So, back to the way Jesus taught. He went about his ministry teaching to those that wanted to come and listen. There were those, both Jews and non-believers, who did what this man did to the LGBT church. So, my opinion is that any group saying they are Christians, and commit evil, are their brand of Christians but not followers of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church in the past did horrible things to individual and groups of people. Nothing that Jesus would do. Thus, they call themselves everything but what Jesus referred to His people, "Saints." "Saints" are simply members of the True Church of Jesus Christ in former days or these latter days. Christians can be Saints sometimes. There are good people in most religious organizations. You and I know many of them.

Now, as far as letting people be. I have no problem with that as long as it doesn't affect my life, my family's life or the Nation. For decades, LGBTQ people weren't doing anything to affect these. But, today, they are in a very negative way. Not all of them. Many gays and lesbians don't agree with this trans movement and confusion of who is a man and who is a woman. Now, I do not know how this man got into that church. Did he walk in and was invited in? If he was, was he asked about his beliefs? Was he simply answering a question? Much like Jesus did in the house of ill-repute? And, these homosexuals responded just like the people in the house of ill-repute.
Jesus was Jewish. He did not have Christian ideas like you do.

Jews do not proselytize. Jews would never have proselytized to Pagans to become Jews.
They did that only once, when new Christians were threatening Judaism. But a Rabbi told them to stop and it has never been done again.

You can go on being ignorant of anything that comes out in regards to things which have nothing to do with you. It does not change that people do have the right to be who they are, even if before they were not allowed to be it.

There is nothing to discuss with you. You are an extremist, with extremist views.

Jesus did not have extremist views like you and Christian Church insist on having. Too many Jews attacked, injured and murdered because of the supremacy that Christianity feels over others.
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I don't do religion but out of curiosity was it a Presbyterian Church ?
Why would it matter? While I agree with much of what this man says, he is the one that went into their church to call them to repentance. He wasn't invited to do so. We occasionally get drifters into the Church that come in with the same goal. To find people who would follow them out of our Church. When he was finally asked to leave, he should have. Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher and his method is let people know you are going to teach and let people come unto Him. Now, that doesn't mean this guy couldn't walk down the street and ask a missionary type question. Of course he could. But, that is out in the public where a missionary has a right to be and use his free speech and religion.
I know. I saw the documentary about it.

There may still be much more to find in the "New World" in the future.
That's what happens when the government decides to tell the religions and churches what they must do. It's called tyranny. Just what Putin does in Russia. The Spaniard conquistadors were instructed by the king to convert all to their brand of Christianity. If they would not, kill them. The Church was controlled by the king, not the other way around.
That's what happens when the government decides to tell the religions and churches what they must do. It's called tyranny. Just what Putin does in Russia. The Spaniard conquistadors were instructed by the king to convert all to their brand of Christianity. If they would not, kill them. The Church was controlled by the king, not the other way around.
Nothing has changed. Christianity continues to practice proselytizing.

They dare to proselytize Jews in Israel.

And continue to tell people what is right or wrong. About marriage, divorce, this, that, everything.

Stop already.
Nothing has changed. Christianity continues to practice proselytizing.

They dare to proselytize Jews in Israel.

And continue to tell people what is right or wrong. About marriage, divorce, this, that, everything.

Stop already.
So? The fact is, they really don’t. You don’t know what you are talking about. It’s weird that Jews tell Christians what they can and can’t do but the reverse is wrong?
You got nothing from what I wrote. I was agreeing you numbskull.
So? The fact is, they really don’t. You don’t know what you are talking about. It’s weird that Jews tell Christians what they can and can’t do but the reverse is wrong?
You got nothing from what I wrote. I was agreeing you numbskull.
Are you being antisemitic?
Are you telling me that Jews, somehow, control Christians by saying that Jews tell Christians what they can and cannot do?

When have Christians not told Jews what they can do, what jobs they could have, where they could live, how long, etc? How ignorant of Christian history towards Jews you are?

So, post Renaissance, Jews got a little better life, but not much and not for long in Europe. So what?

All the pogroms, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the McCarthy era against the Studios, etc. All because Jews are the ones in control? Telling others what they can do?

I keep getting plenty from what you write.

And I get plenty of your lack of manners in how you treat people.
Are you being antisemitic?
Are you telling me that Jews, somehow, control Christians by saying that Jews tell Christians what they can and cannot do?

When have Christians not told Jews what they can do, what jobs they could have, where they could live, how long, etc? How ignorant of Christian history towards Jews you are?

So, post Renaissance, Jews got a little better life, but not much and not for long in Europe. So what?

All the pogroms, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the McCarthy era against the Studios, etc. All because Jews are the ones in control? Telling others what they can do?

I keep getting plenty from what you write.

And I get plenty of your lack of manners in how you treat people.
Typical judgmental response. The topic was Israel and what Christians can’t do there. Yet, like you, you complain about what you thing Christians make Jews do today. Stop moving the goal posts to old days. Why are Jews so afraid to know their Lord better? By the way, I’m a convert from Judaism. I was 24 when I acted upon the testimony Jesus (Jehovah) gave to me for years.
Typical judgmental response. The topic was Israel and what Christians can’t do there. Yet, like you, you complain about what you thing Christians make Jews do today. Stop moving the goal posts to old days. Why are Jews so afraid to know their Lord better? By the way, I’m a convert from Judaism. I was 24 when I acted upon the testimony Jesus (Jehovah) gave to me for years.
You truly have a comprehension issue.
All the pogroms, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the McCarthy era against the Studios, etc. All because Jews are the ones in control? Telling others what they can do?
Since this group of usurpers tried to take control of Canaan - the Egyptians then put a swift end to it. The re-creators of this Monotheistic cult had been in endless war's and creating/inciting unrest and revolutions with every single surrounding neighbor for a thousand years. Even upon being exiled in Babylon they found ways to instigate coups and revolutions. The Romans then finally put an end to it.
Since then they spread in all winds - and wherever they (specific group of the forefathers of the Ashkenazi) grouped up, they pursued exactly the same malicious system in regards to destabilizing others. Their by far largest triumph was the creation of Communism - thus spreading death and destruction throughout Europe and the entire world.

In 1948 they created their own state (then termed Zionists) - again forcefully and maliciously by attacking and driving out others, and appointing former terrorists as their heads of state. - till today.

And a genetically born malicious hypocrite and Semitic cult member like you, shows up everywhere, to propagate about antisemitism - whilst trying to drag other religions into the dirt. There is a solid reason why the majority of Israeli's despise your kind.

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