Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Seattle at large...Ballard lately
There is no limit to the hubris of Christians.

Can't they wait until a funeral before they push that old mumbo jumbo off on the victims of the mudslide in Oso?

If someone in MY immediate family was disrespected by these Christian gouls as they were being recovered from a muddy grave I would be livid.

My reaction to reports on the telly that clergy was standing by at the site of the disaster to perform some hocus pocus over the dead.

Christians are disgusting.

I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.

I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.


There are some Christians who are trained by organizations to give assistance or help when disasters strike. It came to a church near me and I just couldn't sign up and go without training.

Is this what you are talking about?

If disaster struck, I'd rather them help me than no one.

There is no limit to the hubris of Christians.

Can't they wait until a funeral before they push that old mumbo jumbo off on the victims of the mudslide in Oso?

If someone in MY immediate family was disrespected by these Christian gouls as they were being recovered from a muddy grave I would be livid.

My reaction to reports on the telly that clergy was standing by at the site of the disaster to perform some hocus pocus over the dead.

Christians are disgusting.

I saw something about this too.

Would it kill them to actually HELP?

Instead, they stand around and thump teir bible.

Not saying they're not welcome to their beliefs but the families need real help. Not mumbo jumbo.

OTOH, for some, the mumbo jumbo may well be comforting and the christians can tell themselves they "helped" when in fact, they were mostly just in the way.

Just be glad they didn't bring snakes or something.

I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.


There are some Christians who are trained by organizations to give assistance or help when disasters strike. It came to a church near me and I just couldn't sign up and go without training.

Is this what you are talking about?

If disaster struck, I'd rather them help me than no one.


When I was younger, I volunteered with the Red Cross, went to disaster sites and actually helped. IMO, that's different than just standing around with a book of myths in your hand.
There is no limit to the hubris of Christians.

Can't they wait until a funeral before they push that old mumbo jumbo off on the victims of the mudslide in Oso?

If someone in MY immediate family was disrespected by these Christian gouls as they were being recovered from a muddy grave I would be livid.

My reaction to reports on the telly that clergy was standing by at the site of the disaster to perform some hocus pocus over the dead.

Christians are disgusting.

I saw something about this too.

Would it kill them to actually HELP?

Instead, they stand around and thump teir bible.

Not saying they're not welcome to their beliefs but the families need real help. Not mumbo jumbo.

OTOH, for some, the mumbo jumbo may well be comforting and the christians can tell themselves they "helped" when in fact, they were mostly just in the way.

Just be glad they didn't bring snakes or something.

Some people might want to talk about their grief and you shouldn't be allowed to decide for them.

What they can't do is save the people who already drowned under the mud.

When people need help, one of the things they do is network with different people.

It is admirable that they went to help and you didn't.
it would be so much better if some atheists went and reminded the family members that death is the end of everything and their relatives are simply dead, nothing more to think about.....
Volunteers to help were turned away because it was too dangerous. The Sheriff (Hots was his name I think) got a lot of flack for that and rightly so IMO. There's no link so I am speculating, but if they are Catholic priests there to perform Last Rights on the dead as they are recovered, that is a good thing. It is the final sacrament and the reason hospitals often have Chaplains on hand. It is a comfort, not an insult. If they are Protestants there praying for victims, also a comfort. If they are some sort of Westboro Baptist Church screaming "God hates fags and you brought this on yourselves," they should be shot, IMO. Context would be nice so I know whether to be outraged at them or just roll my eyes at people looking to be offended for the sake of being offended.
Look how tolerant the leftists are of others' beliefs and that they may need clergy.

If people don't want/need the clergy they are free to pass them by. Who the hell are you to tell others what should or shouldn't work for them?

Lefists: tolerant of those who believe as they do. Others? Not so much.

Look how tolerant the leftists are of others' beliefs and that they may need clergy.

If people don't want/need the clergy they are free to pass them by. Who the hell are you to tell others what should or shouldn't work for them?

Lefists: tolerant of those who believe as they do. Others? Not so much.


But they will tell us how and when to bake a cake.
There isn't much difference between today's anti-Christian movement to the 30's Nazis who blamed everything on the Jews.

That's right. Non believers are Nazis. What an imbecile! Maybe we should roll into a discussion as to who was a better human.. Jimmy Jones or Hitler..

Take your fucking bible and shove it up your ass.

I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.

Our church took a feeding truck that can feed 1,000 people an hour and they fed National Guardsmen, police and first responders when it was sent down to New Orleans when it flooded and they sent down a tractor trailer full of supplies.

When 9-11 happened, our church sent a $20,000 check up to New York to help.

People who go to this training program are usually people who are church leaders so you (1) have people who are responsible for and to the church and (2) are responsible for the money going to administer aid. They basically get something like first responder training.

These are the Gouls you are looking for.
The very LAST thing I would want to hear as a relative of a victim of a tragedy such as what occured in Oso is that this was "gods will".

In FACT it was Man's will for overlooking the report that this very thing WAS predicted by engineers and surveyors and greedy stupid people...real estate agents... ignorant county officials use representatatives..all probably "good god fearing" morons. Because apparantly fish runs are more important than human lives when it comes to greed and land use.

Just another reason why people that believe in fairy tales should have no access to power.

God doesn't kill people ...stupid people that believe in god do.

I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.

Our church took a feeding truck that can feed 1,000 people an hour and they fed National Guardsmen, police and first responders when it was sent down to New Orleans when it flooded and they sent down a tractor trailer full of supplies.

When 9-11 happened, our church sent a $20,000 check up to New York to help.

People who go to this training program are usually people who are church leaders so you (1) have people who are responsible for and to the church and (2) are responsible for the money going to administer aid. They basically get something like first responder training.

These are the Gouls you are looking for.

They are.
The very LAST thing I would want to hear as a relative of a victim of a tragedy such as what occured in Oso is that this was "gods will".

In FACT it was Man's will for overlooking the report that this very thing WAS predicted by engineers and surveyors and greedy stupid people...real estate agents... ignorant county officials use representatatives..all probably "good god fearing" morons. Because apparantly fish runs are more important than human lives when it comes to greed and land use.

Just another reason why people that believe in fairy tales should have no access to power.

God doesn't kill people ...stupid people that believe in god do.

Those who believe in fairy tales don't have access to power.

Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

If I had Samson's power, I would be out saving more people. God didn't choose that for me. Believe me, I would love to save people from disaster with superman like powers. You made your choice and now mankind has to live apart from God if you want. You get what you get and you don't get upset.

I lived next to a town that flooded. They lived next to the river and when it flooded, the water overflowed one street and covered cars. A politician made it possible for apartment buildings to be built on an island near where it flooded and based on that flood, I could accurately predict that someone's living room will be six feet under water in the next flood.
People called this politician's office and he went ahead and did it anyway. It is about money. The politician also ran a campaign where he said he cared.

I live in a flood zone. Do you know what? Few people care. We were at a town meeting and those on my block who were in the flood zone had one position and those who didn't live in the flood zone on my block had a different position. Guess who cared? Those who lived in the flood zone cared.
The very LAST thing I would want to hear as a relative of a victim of a tragedy such as what occured in Oso is that this was "gods will".

In FACT it was Man's will for overlooking the report that this very thing WAS predicted by engineers and surveyors and greedy stupid people...real estate agents... ignorant county officials use representatatives..all probably "good god fearing" morons. Because apparantly fish runs are more important than human lives when it comes to greed and land use.

Just another reason why people that believe in fairy tales should have no access to power.

God doesn't kill people ...stupid people that believe in god do.

Those who believe in fairy tales don't have access to power.

Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

If I had Samson's power, I would be out saving more people. God didn't choose that for me. Believe me, I would love to save people from disaster with superman like powers. You made your choice and now mankind has to live apart from God if you want. You get what you get and you don't get upset.

I lived next to a town that flooded. They lived next to the river and when it flooded, the water overflowed one street and covered cars. A politician made it possible for apartment buildings to be built on an island near where it flooded and based on that flood, I could accurately predict that someone's living room will be six feet under water in the next flood.
People called this politician's office and he went ahead and did it anyway. It is about money. The politician also ran a campaign where he said he cared.

I live in a flood zone. Do you know what? Few people care. We were at a town meeting and those on my block who were in the flood zone had one position and those who didn't live in the flood zone on my block had a different position. Guess who cared? Those who lived in the flood zone cared.

Like I said. People that believe in fairy tales are gulible. MOST of the people that lived in Oso were probably "good god fearing people" that prayed that something like this would never happen. They "tricked" themselves into believing that if they went to church and put money in the basket and listened to all that gobbly gook that god would look favorably on them.

Anyone with half a brain and the ability to reason and understand that that hillside had collapsed several times already in the not so distant past ..probably coincidental to above average rainfall...could have looked at a rain gauge and noticed that the recent rainfall was at an all time record and that clearly this incident was not only possible but nearly a CERTAINTY !!!

Lesson..spend less time cramming your head full of nonsense and a little more time on facts and you will live longer.

If any good comes out of this event it should be an eye opener for other communities in a similar geophysical setting.
There is no limit to the hubris of Christians.

Can't they wait until a funeral before they push that old mumbo jumbo off on the victims of the mudslide in Oso?

If someone in MY immediate family was disrespected by these Christian gouls as they were being recovered from a muddy grave I would be livid.

My reaction to reports on the telly that clergy was standing by at the site of the disaster to perform some hocus pocus over the dead.
Next you'll be telling me I can't mourn for the loss of those people, or pray for them and their families.
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