Christian group asks Ted Yoho (R-FL) to resign from its board after calling AOC a "fucking bitch"

Ted Yoho, the misogynist US Representative from Florida who called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "fucking bitch", has been asked to resign from the board of a Christian group fighting world hunger:

"A Christian nonprofit organization that fights world hunger asked Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) to resign from its board after he confronted a female colleague and then reportedly used a sexist expletive after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was out of earshot.
Bread for the World announced Yoho’s resignation in a statement on Saturday, saying that his “recent actions and words as reported in the media are not reflective of the ethical standards expected of members of our Board of Directors.”


AOC is NOT a fucking bitch. AOC is a fucking Commie bitch.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another Western peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff it is a sign of WEAKNESS and NOT a sign of STRENGTH. Also CHARITY begins at HOME, IGNORE the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff. CHARITY begins at HOME, FUCK the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.
That means that Ted Yoho is a pro legal and illegal immigration RINO Neocon like Mitt Romney and Mike Lee.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another Western peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff it is a sign of WEAKNESS and NOT a sign of STRENGTH. Also CHARITY begins at HOME, IGNORE the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.

I'm guessing because its what God would want us to do.
For these Christians to demand a member of God's chosen political party resign his post in congress proves they are neither conservative nor Christian.

Ted Yoho, the misogynist US Representative from Florida who called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "fucking bitch", has been asked to resign from the board of a Christian group fighting world hunger

What makes him a misogynist?

"A Christian nonprofit organization that fights world hunger asked Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) to resign from its board after he confronted a female colleague and then reportedly used a sexist expletive after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was out of earshot.
Bread for the World announced Yoho’s resignation in a statement on Saturday, saying that his “recent actions and words as reported in the media are not reflective of the ethical standards expected of members of our Board of Directors.”

Does not The Bible teach forgiveness?

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff. CHARITY begins at HOME, FUCK the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.
That means that Ted Yoho is a pro legal and illegal immigration RINO Neocon like Mitt Romney and Mike Lee.

Just look at the name of the thing Bread for the World, that tells you EVERYTHING you need to know to NOT get involved with them, it's all Pro-Globalist stuff from them, they are also self-hating White's, basically SJWs who have Pathological Altruism and that it makes them FEEL better to go and feed the Useless Eaters in Africa who are of ZERO BENEFIT to Western Civilisation on ANY level.

WHY would ANY Self-Respecting Conservative want to be involved with a SJW Leftist organisation like the false prophets of Bread for the World, look at the below for example:




^^^^ What a load of SJW Leftist HORSECRAP. Pathetic self-hating Whites HUMILIATING themselves for a crowd who IF God LOVED and TREASURED them would NOT have them in seemingly Perpetual Hunger and Crisis.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another Western peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff it is a sign of WEAKNESS and NOT a sign of STRENGTH. Also CHARITY begins at HOME, IGNORE the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.

I'm guessing because its what God would want us to do.

How do you know its what God would want us to do? Perhaps all these Pathologically Altruistic false prophets are INTERFERING with God's Plan, Mother Nature is responsible for the environmental situations that throughout HISTORY have Thinned The Herd ONLY since the second half of the 20th Century did these Activists appear and begin going around giving free Gibs Me Dat to a crowd who for MANY MANY Centuries were left to Mother Nature.

Now what do we have, we have organisations like The UN for example saying that within the next 20-30 years because Africa is overpopulated and thanks to these Activists will get more overpopulated that they will ALL want to move into Western areas and of course as we have ALREADY seen these Activist types and the other false prophets and ALL the NGOs and ALL the Leftist groups AND the Cuckservatives ALREADY demand that UNLIMITED amounts are airdropped into Western nations.

We have to begin saying NO, we have to begin thinking about the precious resources ESPECIALLY water that OUR future Generations will need. We have to start PROTECTING and PLANNING for our OWN future Generations so THEY can sustain the parts of the Western World that WE are in.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff. CHARITY begins at HOME, FUCK the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.
That means that Ted Yoho is a pro legal and illegal immigration RINO Neocon like Mitt Romney and Mike Lee.

Actually he's not, I just read about his policy positions and so it's bizarro WHY he would have even been involved in something like Bread for the World to begin with. Their Agenda is now there to read, from that excruciating Seeking Racial Justice statement I did the Screen Shot of it is NOT too long before they will literally be DEMANDING that Evil Whitey pays Reparations because of The Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago.
For these Christians to demand a member of God's chosen political party resign his post in congress proves they are neither conservative nor Christian.


Ted Yoho is better off WITHOUT Bread for the World considering they are a SJW Pro-Globalist organisation. This just AGAIN illustrates that ALL Organised Religion and ALL Organised Religion Charitable Organisations should be abandoned, as a Roman Catholic I refuse to listen to The Vatican, I have my Faith, I do NOT need to go into a Church to practice my Faith. ALL Organised Religion is now totally corrupted and ALL Organised Religion Charitable Organisations are also now totally corrupted.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another Western peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff it is a sign of WEAKNESS and NOT a sign of STRENGTH. Also CHARITY begins at HOME, IGNORE the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.

I love it when the right reveals their ethics and their "Christian" values.

Anybody with the brains and the work ethic to get out of a "shithole country" will be a better citizen that a greedy, racist, white supremacist such as yourself. You have NOTHING to offer to your new country whatsoever. The world is rejecting YOU because of your callousness, racism, demands of white privilege.

That you consider faith, hope and charity as signs of "weakness" shows how weak and ineffectual you really are. The only people who worry about appearing "weak", are those who ARE weak. You fear people from the Third World because YOU can't compete with them. YOU are the one with nothing of value to offer to anyone.

People who have the grit, determination, and the work ethic to get out of these countries are highly motivated and resourceful people because just coming up with the price of an airline ticket and navigating the immigration process takes a LOT more chutzpah and strength than you can possibly imagine.

These people are the ones are the ones you consider "disposable". I also find it odd, that the people who decry abortion as murder, are fully prepared to let non-whites die, and think nothing of it. Again, you would find yourself not even able to get into a country like Canada because our Constitution requires that Canadians help others. Your "values", or rather your lack of values, doesn't align with ours.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another Western peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff it is a sign of WEAKNESS and NOT a sign of STRENGTH. Also CHARITY begins at HOME, IGNORE the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.

I love it when the right reveals their ethics and their "Christian" values.

Anybody with the brains and the work ethic to get out of a "shithole country" will be a better citizen that a greedy, racist, white supremacist such as yourself. You have NOTHING to offer to your new country whatsoever. The world is rejecting YOU because of your callousness, racism, demands of white privilege.

That you consider faith, hope and charity as signs of "weakness" shows how weak and ineffectual you really are. The only people who worry about appearing "weak", are those who ARE weak. You fear people from the Third World because YOU can't compete with them. YOU are the one with nothing of value to offer to anyone.

People who have the grit, determination, and the work ethic to get out of these countries are highly motivated and resourceful people because just coming up with the price of an airline ticket and navigating the immigration process takes a LOT more chutzpah and strength than you can possibly imagine.

These people are the ones are the ones you consider "disposable". I also find it odd, that the people who decry abortion as murder, are fully prepared to let non-whites die, and think nothing of it. Again, you would find yourself not even able to get into a country like Canada because our Constitution requires that Canadians help others. Your "values", or rather your lack of values, doesn't align with ours.

"Anybody with the brains and the work ethic to get out of a "shithole country"

Work Ethic? Most of Muh Migrants are Economic Migrants who will end up on Welfare. IF they have these brains you talk about then why NOT stay in their OWN nations and help them to NOT be Shit Holes, you know build up their OWN nations.

"greedy, racist, white supremacist such as yourself."


"You have NOTHING to offer to your new country whatsoever. "

WTF are you babbling about? I have NO new country, I am in the nation I was born in and my family have been born in since approx the 10th Century.

"The world is rejecting YOU because of your callousness, racism, demands of white privilege."


"That you consider faith, hope and charity as signs of "weakness"

No I have Faith and I have Hope but Charity is for the weak, it is to make them feel BETTER about themselves, it is for those of low self-esteem.

"You fear people from the Third World because YOU can't compete with them."

What mindless nonsense you babble. Nobody fears the Useless Eaters. Also I am not in the group who lower types could possibly EVER be in a position to compete with, see my next response below.

"YOU are the one with nothing of value to offer to anyone."

Well as I'm Independently Wealthy then "anyone" is not going to be in my Social Circle.

"People who have the grit, determination, and the work ethic to get out of these countries are highly motivated and resourceful people because just coming up with the price of an airline ticket and navigating the immigration process takes a LOT more chutzpah and strength than you can possibly imagine."

Actually NGOs are giving them the money and the access to the transport to go to Western nations for Gibs Me Dat.

"These people are the ones are the ones you consider "disposable". I also find it odd, that the people who decry abortion as murder, are fully prepared to let non-whites die, and think nothing of it."

Well strange that those who are FANATICALLY Pro-Abortion seem to ignore that MOST abortions are Black.

"Again, you would find yourself not even able to get into a country like Canada because our Constitution requires that Canadians help others. Your "values", or rather your lack of values, doesn't align with ours."

Who would want to go to Canada? America's unsexy cousin.

Why would anyone want to be involved with something like Bread for the World? They are Pro-Immigration from Third World Shitholes for one thing and for another Western peoples should reject all that Kumbaya stuff it is a sign of WEAKNESS and NOT a sign of STRENGTH. Also CHARITY begins at HOME, IGNORE the Third World, let Mother Nature deal with them. They are Useless Eaters.

I used to not think like that, but if you feed them enough to where they grow up? They go to the next village and rape and cut the tits off the women. Who does that?! They do! They also chased all the white people out of Africa, so they can starve for all I care. No spend nothing on Africa. :no_text11:
Live Aid was a mistake. Killing Khaddafi was bad, too.
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LOL Just LOOK at all the Republican Snowflakes all SCARED about AOC!

LMAO!!! Scared little Republicans... go hide under your desks.
Except he never called her any such thing.

Yes, he did. There were witnesses.
Oh! My! Why aren’t you mad at the church group for censoring someone! OMG!

Face it, if it had been your precious Prime Minister telling a Conservative woman the same, you would have defended him like most you liberals did when he insulted the indigenous woman a year or so back.

I’m glad he resigned and the group had every right to ask him to resign. I’m not into AOC politics and I’m sure she is difficult to work with as most Democrats are, however he needs to be civil.
LOL Just LOOK at all the Republican Snowflakes all SCARED about AOC!

LMAO!!! Scared little Republicans... go hide under your desks.

AOC is my favorite Democrat, even better than Pelosi. The Democrats need to keep her and Omar front and center until after the election.

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