Zone1 Christian or allegedly Christian religions that disbelieve in eternal punishment (Hell)

I know more about Jesus than you probably ever will. You only know about Christianity after Luther came along, not one thing about the years before then... which is 1520 years..

lots you don't know.. But hey... Ignorance is bliss..
If you don't know your Bible, you don't know Jesus. You've got dead religion. Good luck. Peace.
If you don't know your Bible, you don't know Jesus. You've got dead religion. Good luck. Peace.
protestants wrote the book on PRESUMPTION

I have read the entire Bible.

If you don't know the Church Christ established, you don't know Jesus. Good luck. Peace.
protestants wrote the book on PRESUMPTION

I have read the entire Bible.

If you don't know the Church Christ established, you don't know Jesus. Good luck. Peace.
Who saves you, your church or Jesus? Ephesians 2:8-10. You are saved through faith in Jesus so you can do good works. Your good works are meaningless unless you are already saved. Meditate on that verse for a while.
Who saves you, your church or Jesus? Ephesians 2:8-10. You are saved through faith in Jesus so you can do good works. Your good works are meaningless unless you are already saved. Meditate on that verse for a while.
You're not the pope. Sorry about that.

I will listen to the 2000+ year old Church, thank you. That is where I found Jesus. And you... you would take me away from Him...

no thanks
You're not the pope. Sorry about that.

I will listen to the 2000+ year old Church, thank you. That is where I found Jesus. And you... you would take me away from Him...

no thanks
The Catholic Church isn't 2000+ years old. Christ's church isn't even 2000 years old until the 2030s.
You're not the pope. Sorry about that.

I will listen to the 2000+ year old Church, thank you. That is where I found Jesus. And you... you would take me away from Him...

no thanks
You just proved my point. You look to a group of people to lead you instead of believing the Scriptures and Jesus. The Pope is just a man, a sinner. He has no more spiritual authority than I do.
Christ is found in the Scriptures.

Since he established his kingdom, he is also found through the witness of believers. I suspect the majority of those witnesses in the last few centuries have not been Catholic.
You just proved my point. You look to a group of people to lead you instead of believing the Scriptures and Jesus. The Pope is just a man, a sinner. He has no more spiritual authority than I do.
and just how do I do that when I don't go to ANY Church at all (at this time)?

again: presumption. The protestants love presumption. They believe what they want to believe. They just KNOW Catholicism AND they know all Catholics without even talking to them more than a few minutes on the internet..

and just how do I do that when I don't go to ANY Church at all (at this time)?

again: presumption. The protestants love presumption. They believe what they want to believe. They just KNOW Catholicism AND they know all Catholics without even talking to them more than a few minutes on the internet..

Is the Pope a sinner?
Do Protestants ask dumb questions?

Sorry, I try to avoid falling into that Gotcha trap set by anti-Catholics
The Bible says "For all have sinned". When you claim to know your Bible, yet can't honestly answer a question, you should examine your beliefs.

Well, look at what the human-founded "christian" religions have cooked up? (no pun intended.. laugh)

I didn't know the 7th Day A disbelieved in Hell. Then there is #6 on this list: Universalists who "argue that if hell exists, the punishment there is meant to correct erring sinners, and will serve as a remedial, and cannot be everlasting punishment." That describes Purgatory but OMG, that's so Catholic-sounding..! Can't have that! No sirreeeBob.. So we'll just tweak the Catholic thing and voila'--perfect doctrine!

These folks don't believe God, who is purported to be Love itself, would allow eternal punishment. Well, that's interesting because a lot of Christian denoms claim to go by the Bible alone and the Bible clearly states that there IS eternal punishment. JESUS used that exact term in Mt 25:31. So yeh, as some of us already knew, a lot of these Bible-alone folks twist and distort the Words in that Book when they find something that doesn't sound right to them. OMG! Eternal misery? No way.. can't be.. We have to "splain" this so we don't lose congregants..

According to the Hebrew Bible, death is sleep. Resurrection equates to salvation, provided you're judged worthy of remaining alive on the day of judgment. The wicked will experience the second death, which is death without recourse. Our first death has a resurrection attached to it, but the second death is truly a death from which there is no return.
The Bible says "For all have sinned". When you claim to know your Bible, yet can't honestly answer a question, you should examine your beliefs.
All have sinned but that doesn't imply unrighteousness. A righteous person can fall into sin but the difference between the righteous and the wicked is that the righteous person gets back up and continues struggling for what is good, in God's service. The wicked remain in the filth and even enjoy it, refusing to repent. They love sin and never feel a need to overcome it. Many of them become nihilistic and hence very destructive.
If anyone actually wants to hear a well thought out reasoning, based on Scripture and historical religious context and content, read the blog linked below please.

For those that will not read it (because you are stubbornly dogmatic in your unyielding belief) , I will post a summary of his position here:

Now, Scripture certainly teaches that the wicked are punished eternally, but not that the wicked endure eternal punishment. The wicked suffer “eternal punishment”(Mt 25:46), “eternal judgment” (Heb 6:2) and “eternal destruction” (2 Thess 1:9) the same way the elect experience “eternal redemption” (Heb 5:9, 9:12). The elect do not undergo an eternal process of redemption. Their redemption is “eternal” in the sense that once the elect are redeemed, it is forever. So too, the damned do not undergo an eternal process of punishment or destruction. But once they are punished and destroyed, it is forever. Hell is eternal in consequence, not duration. The wicked are “destroyed forever” (Ps 92:7), but they are not forever being destroyed.

Along the same lines, Scripture’s references to an “unquenchable fire” and “undying worm” refer to the finality of judgment, not its duration (Isa. 66:24, cf. 2 Kings 22:17; 1:31; 51:8; Jer. 4:4; 7:20; 21:12; Ezek. 20:47–48). If these passages are read in context, it becomes clear that the fire is unquenchable in the sense that it cannot be put out before it consumes those thrown into it. And the worm is undying in the sense that there is no hope for the condemned that it will be prevented from devouring their corpses. These passages teach that the wicked will justly suffer for their sins, but the end result will be their destruction (cf. Lk. 16:19–31; Rom. 2:8; 2 Thess. 1:6).

The author, Greg Boyd, is a well read and historical/biblical theologian. His website has many excellent resources, blogs and pod casts.
Ok, here's my thought on this. I used to be one who believed that you have 1 chance, if you are saved, you go to Heaven and live forever in joy, if you are not saved, then you go to hell and are in unimaginable pain for eternity. I'm starting to question that, and here's why.

If you had a dog that was completely disobedient, just rabid, and bit everyone, and no matter what you did, that dog would not change, would you send that dog to be thrown in a fire pit, and yelped and howled in pain, you'd just let it stay there? or would you just put the dog out of it's misery and put a bullet to its head? Ok, now, ask yourself, would God, who IS love, be any different?

The average life span on earth is...80 years? So, if you are a sinner for 80 years, the "just" punishment is an eternity in a fire, and you will be there in torment and pain? think about an eternity....if you are there for 100 trillion years...that's not even the beginning of an eternity....a further 500 quadrillion years....and still, not even the beginning of an eternity.

So, that is the punishment for an 80 year life of disobedience?

Also, when the world was created, God was with the people, in that, from what I understand, people of that time could see the works of God with their own eyes. Then, Christ came and had his ministry, for about 33 years, and then after he was crucified, that was it, no more presence of Him. What we have is the Bible.

for, 2023 years now, all we've had is the Bible, which has been debated, interpreted, disagreed with, and we have how many different religions, that believe how many different things? For 2023 years, we have lived in a world where the presence of Christ hasnt been apparent, there's no real evidence left that He was even here, except for the Bible.

The part that does give me pause is that God doesn't send us to hell, we send ourselves. That is concerning, however...if this life really is a one and done sort of deal, if our entire eternity of either eternal joy or eternal torment are hinged upon the belief if God, who's presence has been not visible for over 2000 years, and the only thing we have is a Bible that has been debated all this time, if our eternity was that dire, then I would think He would be here, He would be known. Think about how many people have lived and died who have never heard of the Gospel. There are tribes on earth today who still haven't heard the Gospel. Are we to believe that they are going to be subject to eternal punishment when they have never even heard?

Then, you have the idea that, during this 2000 years, Satan has ruled this world, tempting and deceiving, and we are allowed to delve into the sins of this world, and the Bible is just a belief, and we are supposed to live by faith. Again, all we have is the Bible, no real presence of Christ.

Then look at all the disease and problems of this world. All the bad things that happen to people, really bad things and people have no relief. How are they supposed to feel when they do pray and ask God for help, and they never seem to get any. How does that affect what they believe? They are often told "your faith may not have been strong enough" or "maybe it's not in God's plan". That doesn't help people who are suffering.

We are led to believe that we have one chance, then, one day, without warning, Christ will return, and that's it...your eternity is sealed, without ever fully understanding the truth, just what preachers have told you, and you will be sent to either eternal joy or eternal punishment.

I just have a real hard time with that. Again, I would think if it is really that way, that God would have left us with real proof of his existence, rather that a Bible, which the world will try to debunk and interpret in various ways.

What if the truth is much more simple? I know people who attend the Church of God, and they believe that, when you die, you are not going to Heaven or hell, but rather, you will be in the grave, and at some people, everyone, according to their own time, will be resurrected, and Christ's kingdom will be set up on earth, and peoples minds will be opened, and you will then be given a choice, to either obey God, or not. If you choose to obey, then you will live in the new kingdom here on earth, if you choose not to obey, then you will be destroyed, snuffed out of existence, not put in eternal pain and torment.

THAT sounds more like a just and loving God to me, and a just punishment. You can choose the sins of this world and then at the end, you are just removed from existence, or you can choose God, and spend eternity with Him

In my original thought, it would make you wonder if some people got saved out of fear of the consequence, or out of a true change of heart? My last sentiment, to me, would lead me to believe that if your choice was based on eternal joy, or just removed from existence, or, eternal joy and eternal pain in hell, that people would make the choice to serve God, not out of fear, but because they really want to.

please.understand, these are just my own thoughts, and I'm not intending to lead anyone who is trying to find the truth, astray. Do your own dillengence, research, and prayer, and read the Bible. I'm merely trying to convey my own internal thoughts and struggles with the topic at hand.
You just proved my point. You look to a group of people to lead you instead of believing the Scriptures and Jesus. The Pope is just a man, a sinner. He has no more spiritual authority than I do.
wow... how profound!

As if I didn't know that the pope is a sinner!

Glad you all -knowing protestants came along to set me straight... whew! I could have ended up in Hell, had I not read your lovely post here!

all thanks be to God... I mean BSF
Ok, here's my thought on this. I used to be one who believed that you have 1 chance, if you are saved, you go to Heaven and live forever in joy, if you are not saved, then you go to hell and are in unimaginable pain for eternity. I'm starting to question that, and here's why.

If you had a dog that was completely disobedient, just rabid, and bit everyone, and no matter what you did, that dog would not change, would you send that dog to be thrown in a fire pit, and yelped and howled in pain, you'd just let it stay there? or would you just put the dog out of it's misery and put a bullet to its head? Ok, now, ask yourself, would God, who IS love, be any different?

There's a teeny tiny difference.

Man is not dog.

You knew that, right? Man has a soul, can reason (although liberals make you wonder about that). They are made in God's image (though liberals make you wonder...), but do not want to retain that image (by avoiding mortal sin) because that would not be "fun." Man wants to do what he wants... even after seeing all the misery his lawless actions cause to self and others... Jesus came and showed the way and died a hideous, painful death on the Cross so that we could be saved from the wrath of God against all sin and actually get into Heaven, where there is absolutely NO sin or the desire for sin.

But some hate Jesus and commit the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (meaning, they know Jesus is who He says He is but reject Him and Heaven both)

The Word says that God's eyes are too pure to look upon sin. So Jesus looked upon it --sin--and suffered because of it and gave His life to save us from it, and from its eternal consequences. There can not be any sin allowed into Heaven so sin has to go. problem is, most people do not want it to go...

so as Jesus said "there are few who find [the Narrow Way]" - (Mt 7?)
wow... how profound!

As if I didn't know that the pope is a sinner!

Glad you all -knowing protestants came along to set me straight... whew! I could have ended up in Hell, had I not read your lovely post here!

all thanks be to God... I mean BSF
Do you pray with rosary beads? Perhaps burn some incense and sprinkle some holy water and plead to Mary? Weird that I can't find any of that in my Bible as a practice for Christians.
Do you pray with rosary beads? Perhaps burn some incense and sprinkle some holy water and plead to Mary? Weird that I can't find any of that in my Bible.
Do you believe once you are saved, you can never lose your salvation? Weird that I can't find any of that in my Bible.

How about having a personal relationship with Jesus? Weird that I can't find any of that in my Bible

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