Christian Science

How? God made science, it's a part of religion
God may have made science but he gave no indication as to when and how science was to be used in religion.

God used murder in the creation of his religion and spoke of it...but never gave any of his chosen the commandment of science in the application of his religion.
Creationism is the only true science. It explains how it REALLY happened. There's no question it can't answer no matter how hard you try
Very true. There had to be something ( matter, a particle, atom, etc. ) created to start with, else nothing would be here. The very first atom or particle didn't just appear from absolutely nothing, and expand into what we call the universe. There had to be a first, a start, or something that was the foundation of everything we know to exist. There's no other logical explanation. It's impossible to get something from nothing. There had to be creation of some form in order to for there to be anything. Evolution never explains from "what" everything evolved. What could possibly start the process of evolution? Where did the first particle or atom come from that started the evolution process?

A creator was the source from which everything started. Nothing becomes matter unless there's something that causes the formation of that matter. And, that "something" doesn't just appear from absolutely nothing. Evolution says that everything evolved from basic building blocks of matter. But, evolution never explains where the building blocks came from. What is the building blocks of cells? What are the building blocks of atoms? Now, where did those building blocks come from? Nothing exist in a void, nothing, it's void. What caused a void to be populated with matter, and therefore no longer a void? Does evolution explain infinite time and space? At what point did time start? And, does space have limits? Is there a place where space ends? What's beyond the known universe? Did evolution somehow start time and create what we call space?

In summary, creation is the only common sense and logical explanation considering what man knows at this point in time. Creationists believes that a supreme power started everything. Evolutionists says that something came from nothing, and started everything. Which makes more sense?
Which makes more sense? Magic and supernaturalism, of course,

The gawds did it!
They say it was "random chance"
"Random chance" from what? What was there to cause the reaction that formed matter, the first cell, the first atom, and the first particle? "Random chance" that nothing, absolutely nothing, became something? Good luck explaining that one. It's interesting and entertaining when this conversation comes up, and someone attempts to explain "something from nothing". It's difficult to believe that people actually believe that some form of magic took absolutely nothing, a void, and began the process of matter, life, time, and space. And, what's more amazing, those people are highly educated, intelligent, and many hold high positions in the fields of science and technology. It's almost like they're trying very hard to find an excuse to not believe in a supreme creator, even though their common sense tells them that there had to be a beginning based solely on faith and something beyond science or our limited understanding.
Creationism is the only true science. It explains how it REALLY happened. There's no question it can't answer no matter how hard you try
Very true. There had to be something ( matter, a particle, atom, etc. ) created to start with, else nothing would be here. The very first atom or particle didn't just appear from absolutely nothing, and expand into what we call the universe. There had to be a first, a start, or something that was the foundation of everything we know to exist. There's no other logical explanation. It's impossible to get something from nothing. There had to be creation of some form in order to for there to be anything. Evolution never explains from "what" everything evolved. What could possibly start the process of evolution? Where did the first particle or atom come from that started the evolution process?

A creator was the source from which everything started. Nothing becomes matter unless there's something that causes the formation of that matter. And, that "something" doesn't just appear from absolutely nothing. Evolution says that everything evolved from basic building blocks of matter. But, evolution never explains where the building blocks came from. What is the building blocks of cells? What are the building blocks of atoms? Now, where did those building blocks come from? Nothing exist in a void, nothing, it's void. What caused a void to be populated with matter, and therefore no longer a void? Does evolution explain infinite time and space? At what point did time start? And, does space have limits? Is there a place where space ends? What's beyond the known universe? Did evolution somehow start time and create what we call space?

In summary, creation is the only common sense and logical explanation considering what man knows at this point in time. Creationists believes that a supreme power started everything. Evolutionists says that something came from nothing, and started everything. Which makes more sense?
Which makes more sense? Magic and supernaturalism, of course,

The gawds did it!
Ah, but, they can't explain the magic, nor can they explain the supernatural. It's a never ending circle of nonsense explanations and false logic. What always trips them up, is the "beginning" part. They get lost when the question keeps coming up as to the very beginning of everything. They say evolution was started by some reaction that formed the first matter, cell, or particle. But, they can never explain how that first reaction came about, and what was the make-up of the energy that reacted. In other words, they're lost as to what appeared in the first void, and what caused it to appear in that void.
How? God made science, it's a part of religion
God may have made science but he gave no indication as to when and how science was to be used in religion.

God used murder in the creation of his religion and spoke of it...but never gave any of his chosen the commandment of science in the application of his religion.
It's all based on faith. And, faith is the substance of things hoped for, not yet seen. If there were science involved, man can dispute science. But, how can anyone dispute faith? There was a purpose for not including science. The purpose of religion is to believe in that which can't be explained by limited human mental capacity. In other words, it wouldn't be religion if it could be very easily explained so that all of the dots connected into a perfect picture of understanding. There has to be an element of faith involved in order for it to be a religion. We can not place our limited understanding above that which created everything that we know to exist. That is where science has its own limits. Even science tells us that there are many unknowns. We are limited by our understanding. Yes, even science has its limits.
Evil in the Last Days
1But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,…

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