Christian Theology Questions


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Jesus said 'if you but look at a woman with lust in your heart, you haev already commited adultery with her.'

Is the 'thoughts can be sinful too' thing generally applied, or just with the specific adultery sin?

One of the weird things about human existence is you can't not think of something until you think of it. As in 'don't think of a woman lustily or you're commiting adultery with her.' Well you can't not do that unless you do it. :) Like "don't think of an elephant." You just thought of an elephant even though I told you not to. :) So how sensible is it to for Jesus to say if you just think of a woman lustily you're commiting adultery?
What you do in your mind and heart define what you are. The mask you present to the world is nothing.
It has to do with entertaining the thought. Jesus says take no thought of these things referring to things you need in life. Key words of taking thought...thoughts come through your mind but holding the thought and meditating on it often prompts the next step to act on it and some things are not beneficial to you to act on certain thoughts. I hope this answers your question
Jesus said 'if you but look at a woman with lust in your heart, you haev already commited adultery with her.'

Is the 'thoughts can be sinful too' thing generally applied, or just with the specific adultery sin?

One of the weird things about human existence is you can't not think of something until you think of it. As in 'don't think of a woman lustily or you're commiting adultery with her.' Well you can't not do that unless you do it. :) Like "don't think of an elephant." You just thought of an elephant even though I told you not to. :) So how sensible is it to for Jesus to say if you just think of a woman lustily you're commiting adultery?

Yes - don't think about a pink elephant if you like to betray your wife. This helps - if you don't want to betray your wife.

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It has to do with entertaining the thought. Jesus says take no thought of these things referring to things you need in life. Key words of taking thought...thoughts come through your mind but holding the thought and meditating on it often prompts the next step to act on it and some things are not beneficial to you to act on certain thoughts. I hope this answers your question

(starts coming out of a reverie) Sorry what? Was looking at your avatar with lust in my heart :)
It has to do with entertaining the thought. Jesus says take no thought of these things referring to things you need in life. Key words of taking thought...thoughts come through your mind but holding the thought and meditating on it often prompts the next step to act on it and some things are not beneficial to you to act on certain thoughts. I hope this answers your question

(starts coming out of a reverie) Sorry what? Was looking at your avatar with lust in my heart :)

I understand very easy what he says - with joy in my heart - although my english is as lousy as the english of a red indian from [¿the?] Mississippi, how you said.

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So much for really wanting an answer. Don't ask questions you have no intentions of wanting a real answer, it just wastes my time explaining it to you
Jesus said 'if you but look at a woman with lust in your heart, you haev already commited adultery with her.'

Is the 'thoughts can be sinful too' thing generally applied, or just with the specific adultery sin?

One of the weird things about human existence is you can't not think of something until you think of it. As in 'don't think of a woman lustily or you're commiting adultery with her.' Well you can't not do that unless you do it. :) Like "don't think of an elephant." You just thought of an elephant even though I told you not to. :) So how sensible is it to for Jesus to say if you just think of a woman lustily you're commiting adultery?

Because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.

It is with the heart that one believes on the Lord Jesus Christ and with the mouth one confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised him on the third day.

Job said he would not look upon a woman with lust in his heart. He would set no evil thing before his eyes. Job is most likely one of the oldest books in the bible and yet we see Satan petitioning God to harm Job because he is furious to see a man after God's own heart who desires to be pleasing to God in all his ways.

If you see a person with a seductive avatar, seductive photos of themselves half dressed and it causes you to sin in your heart put them on ignore. It is better than going to hell over it. As for the person who entices men to sin in their hearts by posting seductive avatars / photos of themselves or an image that would cause men to sin? They will be in hell for it. Jesus makes it clear - woe unto the one who causes others to sin. Woe unto them is a clear indication that they are in danger of the judgment. What judgment? Hell.
So much for really wanting an answer. Don't ask questions you have no intentions of wanting a real answer, it just wastes my time explaining it to you

If you are going to claim to be a Christian? Find an avatar that is not causing men to sin. If you have decided not to be a follower of Christ? You should still find another avatar and stop causing men who look at that filthy picture to sin. You are going to answer to God for what you are doing. Clean up your act or God is going to do it for you. (through His judgment).
It has to do with entertaining the thought. Jesus says take no thought of these things referring to things you need in life. Key words of taking thought...thoughts come through your mind but holding the thought and meditating on it often prompts the next step to act on it and some things are not beneficial to you to act on certain thoughts. I hope this answers your question

You have some nerve telling him this while using the avatar you use to represent yourself. Find an avatar that has some modest clothing. You are a disgrace!!
It has to do with entertaining the thought. Jesus says take no thought of these things referring to things you need in life. Key words of taking thought...thoughts come through your mind but holding the thought and meditating on it often prompts the next step to act on it and some things are not beneficial to you to act on certain thoughts. I hope this answers your question

You have some nerve telling him this while using the avatar you use to represent yourself. Find an avatar that has some modest clothing. You are a disgrace!!
Jesus said ...

Jeremiah, how do you know what was said - is that why you read scriptures ?

stop wasting your time basing your life on what others have written ... just a thought.

Jesus said 'if you but look at a woman with lust in your heart, you haev already commited adultery with her.'

Is the 'thoughts can be sinful too' thing generally applied, or just with the specific adultery sin?

One of the weird things about human existence is you can't not think of something until you think of it. As in 'don't think of a woman lustily or you're commiting adultery with her.' Well you can't not do that unless you do it. :) Like "don't think of an elephant." You just thought of an elephant even though I told you not to. :) So how sensible is it to for Jesus to say if you just think of a woman lustily you're commiting adultery?

Because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.

It is with the heart that one believes on the Lord Jesus Christ and with the mouth one confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised him on the third day.

Job said he would not look upon a woman with lust in his heart. He would set no evil thing before his eyes. Job is most likely one of the oldest books in the bible and yet we see Satan petitioning God to harm Job because he is furious to see a man after God's own heart who desires to be pleasing to God in all his ways.

If you see a person with a seductive avatar, seductive photos of themselves half dressed and it causes you to sin in your heart put them on ignore. It is better than going to hell over it. As for the person who entices men to sin in their hearts by posting seductive avatars / photos of themselves or an image that would cause men to sin? They will be in hell for it. Jesus makes it clear - woe unto the one who causes others to sin. Woe unto them is a clear indication that they are in danger of the judgment. What judgment? Hell.
Ok I see we are going to square off here. If you are going to be an ambassador for Christ at least get it right and do not put words in Jesus mouth.John 3:16 is pretty self explanatory. Bet the thought never crossed your mind that the picture I have may be meant to attract those who would otherwise skip over what I have to say to stop and take note? That it may be inspiring to someone else in a good way that a woman 44 years old with a crippling disease has a God given physical blessing? I am well aware of judgements of the bible texts but you are not considering that Jesus looks upon the heart and motivation of it separating with a two edged sword the bone and the marrow. It is a lesson to be meditated upon before passing your own version of judgement especially in tearing down another follower of Christ.
Let me press you further...did you come to me about this avatar with love in your heart or fleshly condemnation? Were you offended? The bible says take no offense and give none. I am not offended by what you said but you judged my motivation for it by your criteria and from the manner in which you have spoken and judged what you said was not spoken in love as befits a sister/brother in Christ. I admire much that you post but quoting scripture doesn't elevate you spiritually unless you take it into your heart and let it come out with love. Jesus came to bless and be the example of Deuteronomy 30 not bring and preach the curse that the Pharisees judged and condemned with to control the people. You can't attract people to something you believe in without love . This is being said in a loving manner to is your love walk with God and others? Is the blessing overtaking you and causing favor in your life daily?
Ironic that my chapter reading today is from the book of James? I think not!
James 1:26Amplified Bible (AMP)
26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious (piously observant of the external duties of his faith) and does not bridle his tongue but deludes his own heart, this person’s religious service is worthless (futile, barren).
James 1:21-22Amplified Bible (AMP)
21 So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls.

22 But be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth].
Now this one is quite important to this criticism you have laid upon me
James 2:4Amplified Bible (AMP)
4 Are you not discriminating among your own and becoming critics and judges with wrong motives?
ames 2:8-14Amplified Bible (AMP)
8 If indeed you [really] fulfill the royal Law in accordance with the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as [you love] yourself, you do well.A)" data-cr="#cen-AMP-30300A" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;">

9 But if you show servile regard (prejudice, favoritism) for people, you commit sin and are rebuked and convicted by the Law as violators and offenders.

10 For whosoever keeps the Law [as a] whole but stumbles and offends in one [single instance] has become guilty of [breaking] all of it.

11 For He Who said, You shall not commit adultery, also said, You shall not kill. If you do not commit adultery but do kill, you have become guilty of transgressing the [whole] Law.B)" data-cr="#cen-AMP-30303B" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;">

12 So speak and so act as [people should] who are to be judged under the law of liberty [the moral instruction given by Christ, especially about love].

13 For to him who has shown no mercy the judgment [will be] merciless, but mercy [full of glad confidence] exults victoriously over judgment.

14 What is the use (profit), my brethren, for anyone to profess to have faith if he has no [good] works [to show for it]? Can [such] faith save [his soul]?

James 2:25-26Amplified Bible (AMP)
25 So also with Rahab the harlot—was she not shown to be justified (pronounced righteous before God) by [good] deeds when she took in the scouts (spies) and sent them away by a different route?A)" data-cr="#cen-AMP-30317A" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;">

26 For as the human body apart from the spirit is lifeless, so faith apart from [its] works of obedience is also dead.
James 4:11-17Amplified Bible (AMP)
11 [My] brethren, do not speak evil about or accuse one another. He that maligns a brother or judges his brother is maligning and criticizing the Law andjudging the Law. But if you judge the Law, you are not a practicer of the Law but a censor and judge [of it].

12 One only is the Lawgiver and Judge Who is able to save and to destroy [the One Who has the absolute power of life and death]. [But you] who are you that [you presume to] pass judgment on your neighbor?

13 Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a city and spend a year there and carry on our business and make money.

14 Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air].

15 You ought instead to say, If the Lord is willing, we shall live and we shall do this or that [thing].

16 But as it is, you boast [falsely] in your presumption and your self-conceit. All such boasting is wrong.

17 So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.
It has to do with entertaining the thought. Jesus says take no thought of these things referring to things you need in life. Key words of taking thought...thoughts come through your mind but holding the thought and meditating on it often prompts the next step to act on it and some things are not beneficial to you to act on certain thoughts. I hope this answers your question

You have some nerve telling him this while using the avatar you use to represent yourself. Find an avatar that has some modest clothing. You are a disgrace!!

His choice not your choice. The people with a sex-defect in their brainware (men) will listen to him. And for your sex-defect in your brainware I found a solution:


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Let me press you further...did you come to me about this avatar with love in your heart or fleshly condemnation? Were you offended? The bible says take no offense and give none. I am not offended by what you said but you judged my motivation for it by your criteria and from the manner in which you have spoken and judged what you said was not spoken in love as befits a sister/brother in Christ. I admire much that you post but quoting scripture doesn't elevate you spiritually unless you take it into your heart and let it come out with love. Jesus came to bless and be the example of Deuteronomy 30 not bring and preach the curse that the Pharisees judged and condemned with to control the people. You can't attract people to something you believe in without love . This is being said in a loving manner to is your love walk with God and others? Is the blessing overtaking you and causing favor in your life daily?

:LoooL: I see - you don't need defense.

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Thoughts become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become our character.

The adversary tempts us with wicked thoughts all the time. Our thoughts are not us. It's when we start dwelling on and entertaining those thoughts that we sin.
Thoughts become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become our character.

The adversary tempts us with wicked thoughts all the time. Our thoughts are not us. It's when we start dwelling on and entertaining those thoughts that we sin.
Sin was invented by god. It's all good.
There is no need to fight among each other. Christ gave us one person we have responsibility to control, and one person only

He loves us and will help us put off the natural man and repent of our sins if we yield to the enticing of the Holy Spirit

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