Christian Vandalism


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
And it horrific history throughout the ages

Christian power grew, and Christians were soon denying freedom of religion to everyone except followers of the Christian faction currently in favour. In the year that the Emperor Constantine inaugurated his new capital at Byzantium, AD 330, he prohibited the performance of rites of other faiths there. In 333, Christian censorship, pillaging, dispossession and judicial killing started in earnest. Not only were works of Arius, but also people who owned such works, to be consigned to the flames. Gold and treasure were removed from Eastern temples. Under Constantine's Christian sons, the trend developed further. More temples were destroyed, and sacrifices were forbidden. Marriages between Christians and Jews were declared illegal, and the crime was punishable by death. Constantius II passed laws against pagans in 341, and in the following years further laws were passed to the effect that all superstition (i.e. other religions) be completely eradicated. Soon, anyone performing traditional sacrifices would be liable to the death penalty. In town and country, temples were demolished or seized and turned into churches. Bands of violent monks were deployed to ensure the domination of the orthodox line. They were sometimes commanded by bishops. As a modern, devout Christian, historian says:

The monks were often formed, or formed themselves, into black-robed squads for the execution of the Church's business, first to smash up pagan temples, later to rampage through the streets in time of doctrinal controversy. Monasticism attracted misfits, bankrupts, criminals, homosexuals, fugitives as well as the pious; it was also a career for raw peasant youths who could be drilled into well-disciplined monkish regiments to be deployed as an unscrupulous bishop might
Christian Vandalism - Bad News About Christianity
The Jews on the other hand were innocent, as shown in the OT and also:

The 4th century Christian historian Paulus Orosius records that the violence so depopulated the province of Cyrenaica that new colonies had to be established by Hadrian:

"The Jews ... waged war on the inhabitants throughout Libya in the most savage fashion, and to such an extent was the country wasted that, its cultivators having been slain, its land would have remained utterly depopulated, had not the Emperor Hadrian gathered settlers from other places and sent them thither, for the inhabitants had been wiped out."[2]

Dio Cassius states of Jewish insurrectionaries:

"'Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan."[3]

The original 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia cited this about the Cyrene massacres:

"By this outbreak Libya was depopulated to such an extent that a few years later new colonies had to be established there (Eusebius, "Chronicle" from the Armenian, fourteenth year of Hadrian). Bishop Synesius, a native of Cyrene in the beginning of the fifth century, speaks of the devastations wrought by the Jews ("Do Regno," p. 2)."[4]

The Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges Dio Cassius's importance as a source, though believes his accounts of the actions at Cyrene and on Cyprus may have been embellished:

"For an account of the Jewish war under Trajan and Hadrian Dion is the most important source (lxviii. 32, lxix. 12–14), though his descriptions of the cruelties perpetrated by the Jews at Cyrene and on the island of Cyprus are probably exaggerated."[5]

Kitos War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Also just after this time in early 400ad they found and took over a Mithraic temple making it a church now called the Basilica of San Clemente. They found the mithraic sickly man on the cross at their altar, so along with the predated Mithraic sickly man on a cross relic found in Ireland and this piece of admission and the hanging story in Talmud and NT we can conclude the crucified christ symbol is pure Mithraism.
Add this to the fact John Apochryphon admits they borrowed much from Zoroaster and we have a Created image that walked the garden of Eden (ancient Persia) warned in Ezekiel 28 regarding the fallen son of perdition who fell by the hands of Rome for claiming to be a god.
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Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...
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Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

You might find this interesting writing taken from same web site:
Christian Authorities - The Old Testament - Bad News About Christianity
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

You might find this interesting writing taken from same web site:
Christian Authorities - The Old Testament - Bad News About Christianity

your citation is a rambling mess----full of baseless assertions----my all time fave is the assertion which states, in sum and substance----'one would logically EXPECT that if the books of the bible were of a divine nature----all would have been perfectly preserved intact'-----the writer seems psychotic. He also likes to claim that he knows what people
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

I am very proud of the history of the jewish people, Penelope-----jewish women ----unlike your fellow ROMAN SLUTS and their
descendant Nazi sluts ------did not moan with ORGIASTIC
PLEASURE as your men incinerated and ripped infants
apart for the glory of your disgusting "gods". The lump of rome
was forced to apologize to the south americans for your FILTH.
Were it not so tragic, it would be comical. The least the LUMP OF
ROME could do now is return the gold stolen from Montezuma to
Mexico------it is a poor country now
And it horrific history throughout the ages

Christian power grew, and Christians were soon denying freedom of religion to everyone except followers of the Christian faction currently in favour. In the year that the Emperor Constantine inaugurated his new capital at Byzantium, AD 330, he prohibited the performance of rites of other faiths there. In 333, Christian censorship, pillaging, dispossession and judicial killing started in earnest. Not only were works of Arius, but also people who owned such works, to be consigned to the flames. Gold and treasure were removed from Eastern temples. Under Constantine's Christian sons, the trend developed further. More temples were destroyed, and sacrifices were forbidden. Marriages between Christians and Jews were declared illegal, and the crime was punishable by death. Constantius II passed laws against pagans in 341, and in the following years further laws were passed to the effect that all superstition (i.e. other religions) be completely eradicated. Soon, anyone performing traditional sacrifices would be liable to the death penalty. In town and country, temples were demolished or seized and turned into churches. Bands of violent monks were deployed to ensure the domination of the orthodox line. They were sometimes commanded by bishops. As a modern, devout Christian, historian says:

The monks were often formed, or formed themselves, into black-robed squads for the execution of the Church's business, first to smash up pagan temples, later to rampage through the streets in time of doctrinal controversy. Monasticism attracted misfits, bankrupts, criminals, homosexuals, fugitives as well as the pious; it was also a career for raw peasant youths who could be drilled into well-disciplined monkish regiments to be deployed as an unscrupulous bishop might
Christian Vandalism - Bad News About Christianity

Penelope is ok----she will claim DA JOOOOOS DID IT
The Jews on the other hand were innocent, as shown in the OT and also:

The 4th century Christian historian Paulus Orosius records that the violence so depopulated the province of Cyrenaica that new colonies had to be established by Hadrian:

"The Jews ... waged war on the inhabitants throughout Libya in the most savage fashion, and to such an extent was the country wasted that, its cultivators having been slain, its land would have remained utterly depopulated, had not the Emperor Hadrian gathered settlers from other places and sent them thither, for the inhabitants had been wiped out."[2]

Dio Cassius states of Jewish insurrectionaries:

"'Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan."[3]

The original 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia cited this about the Cyrene massacres:

"By this outbreak Libya was depopulated to such an extent that a few years later new colonies had to be established there (Eusebius, "Chronicle" from the Armenian, fourteenth year of Hadrian). Bishop Synesius, a native of Cyrene in the beginning of the fifth century, speaks of the devastations wrought by the Jews ("Do Regno," p. 2)."[4]

The Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges Dio Cassius's importance as a source, though believes his accounts of the actions at Cyrene and on Cyprus may have been embellished:

"For an account of the Jewish war under Trajan and Hadrian Dion is the most important source (lxviii. 32, lxix. 12–14), though his descriptions of the cruelties perpetrated by the Jews at Cyrene and on the island of Cyprus are probably exaggerated."[5]

Kitos War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

ROFLMAO ----Christian historian <<<< says it all. In 1945 Christian "HISTORIANS" stationed in Egypt and Syria----having
fled the Nuremburg trials wrote the history of world war II. One of
the best was ARIBERT HEIM. I read his stuff in the 1950s----very much like those roman Christian historians cited by penelope
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

burning Christian churches? you are a bit confused Penelope---you are talking about the ROMAN account of their genocide upon jews
in the LEVANT---- and their RIGHTEOUS JUSTIFICATION FOR MURDERING ANY JEW THEY FIND----even if he is shipwrecked--remember?----- "WE LOVE CHRIST SO IF A JEW GETS SHIPWRECKED MURDER HIM"------it is a very interesting history ---
and describes the dispersal of jews thruout north Africa---away from your shit---and eventually to the Iberian peninsula and France and
the Rhine valley----also toward Arabia----then islam happened
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

burning Christian churches? you are a bit confused Penelope---you are talking about the ROMAN account of their genocide upon jews
in the LEVANT---- and their RIGHTEOUS JUSTIFICATION FOR MURDERING ANY JEW THEY FIND----even if he is shipwrecked--remember?----- "WE LOVE CHRIST SO IF A JEW GETS SHIPWRECKED MURDER HIM"------it is a very interesting history ---
and describes the dispersal of jews thruout north Africa---away from your shit---and eventually to the Iberian peninsula and France and
the Rhine valley----also toward Arabia----then islam happened

You know what , if only you would of behaved yourselves and paid the Roman taxes, you know just like we pay taxes today, and our military is suppose to protect us, but no, Rome really didn't care about Jerusalem, but they kept hearing news of ambushes, and zealots and finally Titus did something about it. I suggest you realize what you are first, an American or a Jew and if a Jew go to Israel and pay taxes there. See you just can't have it both ways. You sound very un American to me. Also since Israel and Judea were never really empires, but always under the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, and then Muslim empires, when you live in someone else's land you follow their laws. That is it.
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

burning Christian churches? you are a bit confused Penelope---you are talking about the ROMAN account of their genocide upon jews
in the LEVANT---- and their RIGHTEOUS JUSTIFICATION FOR MURDERING ANY JEW THEY FIND----even if he is shipwrecked--remember?----- "WE LOVE CHRIST SO IF A JEW GETS SHIPWRECKED MURDER HIM"------it is a very interesting history ---
and describes the dispersal of jews thruout north Africa---away from your shit---and eventually to the Iberian peninsula and France and
the Rhine valley----also toward Arabia----then islam happened

You know what , if only you would of behaved yourselves and paid the Roman taxes, you know just like we pay taxes today, and our military is suppose to protect us, but no, Rome really didn't care about Jerusalem, but they kept hearing news of ambushes, and zealots and finally Titus did something about it. I suggest you realize what you are first, an American or a Jew and if a Jew go to Israel and pay taxes there. See you just can't have it both ways. You sound very un American to me. Also since Israel and Judea were never really empires, but always under the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, and then Muslim empires, when you live in someone else's land you follow their laws. That is it.

you know are shit-----everyone associated with you is shit.---
those of your ilk are barbaric animals ----shit just like you have---in the past 2000 years murdered----TENS OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS for the "pleasure" of sluts like you and the dogs of your disgusting "society". You are, incidentally, thieves and perverts----you and yours have infected the planet with your filth far too long------I suggest you take your fellows and fall into the depths of the cosmic cesspit where you belong.
Your disgusting pope OWES ME an apology FOR YOUR STINK AND FILTH--------it annoys me that the pile of shit is coming to the USA-----his
visit, besides being a STINK -----is an expense to ME. THE FILTH of dog titus was----actually HIS (and your and Adolf's) HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----the empire of shit. You are ---FIRST---second, third, fourth.......a roman whore
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

burning Christian churches? you are a bit confused Penelope---you are talking about the ROMAN account of their genocide upon jews
in the LEVANT---- and their RIGHTEOUS JUSTIFICATION FOR MURDERING ANY JEW THEY FIND----even if he is shipwrecked--remember?----- "WE LOVE CHRIST SO IF A JEW GETS SHIPWRECKED MURDER HIM"------it is a very interesting history ---
and describes the dispersal of jews thruout north Africa---away from your shit---and eventually to the Iberian peninsula and France and
the Rhine valley----also toward Arabia----then islam happened

You know what , if only you would of behaved yourselves and paid the Roman taxes, you know just like we pay taxes today, and our military is suppose to protect us, but no, Rome really didn't care about Jerusalem, but they kept hearing news of ambushes, and zealots and finally Titus did something about it. I suggest you realize what you are first, an American or a Jew and if a Jew go to Israel and pay taxes there. See you just can't have it both ways. You sound very un American to me. Also since Israel and Judea were never really empires, but always under the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, and then Muslim empires, when you live in someone else's land you follow their laws. That is it.

you know are shit-----everyone associated with you is shit.---
those of your ilk are barbaric animals ----shit just like you have---in the past 2000 years murdered----TENS OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS for the "pleasure" of sluts like you and the dogs of your disgusting "society". You are, incidentally, thieves and perverts----you and yours have infected the planet with your filth far too long------I suggest you take your fellows and fall into the depths of the cosmic cesspit where you belong.
Your disgusting pope OWES ME an apology FOR YOUR STINK AND FILTH--------it annoys me that the pile of shit is coming to the USA-----his
visit, besides being a STINK -----is an expense to ME. THE FILTH of dog titus was----actually HIS (and your and Adolf's) HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----the empire of shit. You are ---FIRST---second, third, fourth.......a roman whore

Yes well its too bad, how do you think it felt to you your piece of garbage in our congress with his mouth a yapping nonsense. Pope Francis is a shinning light in this dark world and I'm sure yous just shiver in his presence. Adlolf in case your wondering was an evangelical and were most Germans who fought in WWII. They were no worst nor any better than the others involved in WWII, except for perhaps your Zionist who could careless about the poorer holy jews in Poland who were right in the middle of it all. Why didn't they care well , they wanted good strong men for military service, they sure got the German jews with money out didn't they. The Germans saved as many of the Polish Jews they could but war is war, and typhus and starvation were rapid. Do you forget they were fighting a war.
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

burning Christian churches? you are a bit confused Penelope---you are talking about the ROMAN account of their genocide upon jews
in the LEVANT---- and their RIGHTEOUS JUSTIFICATION FOR MURDERING ANY JEW THEY FIND----even if he is shipwrecked--remember?----- "WE LOVE CHRIST SO IF A JEW GETS SHIPWRECKED MURDER HIM"------it is a very interesting history ---
and describes the dispersal of jews thruout north Africa---away from your shit---and eventually to the Iberian peninsula and France and
the Rhine valley----also toward Arabia----then islam happened

You know what , if only you would of behaved yourselves and paid the Roman taxes, you know just like we pay taxes today, and our military is suppose to protect us, but no, Rome really didn't care about Jerusalem, but they kept hearing news of ambushes, and zealots and finally Titus did something about it. I suggest you realize what you are first, an American or a Jew and if a Jew go to Israel and pay taxes there. See you just can't have it both ways. You sound very un American to me. Also since Israel and Judea were never really empires, but always under the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, and then Muslim empires, when you live in someone else's land you follow their laws. That is it.

you know are shit-----everyone associated with you is shit.---
those of your ilk are barbaric animals ----shit just like you have---in the past 2000 years murdered----TENS OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS for the "pleasure" of sluts like you and the dogs of your disgusting "society". You are, incidentally, thieves and perverts----you and yours have infected the planet with your filth far too long------I suggest you take your fellows and fall into the depths of the cosmic cesspit where you belong.
Your disgusting pope OWES ME an apology FOR YOUR STINK AND FILTH--------it annoys me that the pile of shit is coming to the USA-----his
visit, besides being a STINK -----is an expense to ME. THE FILTH of dog titus was----actually HIS (and your and Adolf's) HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----the empire of shit. You are ---FIRST---second, third, fourth.......a roman whore

Yes well its too bad, how do you think it felt to you your piece of garbage in our congress with his mouth a yapping nonsense. Pope Francis is a shinning light in this dark world and I'm sure yous just shiver in his presence. Adlolf in case your wondering was an evangelical and were most Germans who fought in WWII. They were no worst nor any better than the others involved in WWII, except for perhaps your Zionist who could careless about the poorer holy jews in Poland who were right in the middle of it all. Why didn't they care well , they wanted good strong men for military service, they sure got the German jews with money out didn't they. The Germans saved as many of the Polish Jews they could but war is war, and typhus and starvation were rapid. Do you forget they were fighting a war.

Penelope----when I was a freshman in college-----I was asked to spend a few hours per week doing REMEDIATION ----for people like
you who could not write a cogent sentence. I had to review the writing of some of the STUPIDEST ------but I never came across anything as horrific as your stuff. I would not know where to begin to fix the crap you write. At least reread it-----and realize that besides the fact that you have nothing to express------you cannot even express that nothing clearly. Besides the fact that you write garble, you write it with a flavor of the gutter.
PS---adolf was born to a catholic mother and baptized in the catholic church as an infant. Like people of your ilk ----it is not clear who his
father was. Francis is a pile of shit. I have a sense that someone IN THE CHURCH will get rid of him. It was nice of him to apologize for the filth that the catholic church wrecked on South America.
BTW Penelope----did you know that shit like you ----persons in the process of conquest for the (sic) holy roman empire-----infected Europe
with Syphilis.------I see a kind of "justice" in that fact-----syphilis became
the scourge of that shit of your people. ------and your holy roman empire brought BUBONIC PLAGUE to Europe too-----killing something like more than 2/3 of the population-----JUSTICE
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

I am very proud of the history of the jewish people, Penelope-----jewish women ----unlike your fellow ROMAN SLUTS and their
descendant Nazi sluts ------did not moan with ORGIASTIC
PLEASURE as your men incinerated and ripped infants
apart for the glory of your disgusting "gods". The lump of rome
was forced to apologize to the south americans for your FILTH.
Were it not so tragic, it would be comical. The least the LUMP OF
ROME could do now is return the gold stolen from Montezuma to
Mexico------it is a poor country now
Oh shit! Ancestor wars!
Ahh you got caught busting your former arguments Penelope. You used the word Insurrection which you make an excuse when it's your fellow terrorists.
Notice she compared liberation wars with that of the supressors violence including trying to wipe out their history just like Isis is doing.
Guno found a founding church likeness to what Isis is doing and Penelope fliped out displacing blames..the old " Johny does it to" childs trick....that's so third gradish...

The jew zealots are still burning Christian churches today in Israel and getting away with it. Don't like your history don't read it. Rome was not going to put up with the jewish zealots. I mean you wrote the books on your history.

I am very proud of the history of the jewish people, Penelope-----jewish women ----unlike your fellow ROMAN SLUTS and their
descendant Nazi sluts ------did not moan with ORGIASTIC
PLEASURE as your men incinerated and ripped infants
apart for the glory of your disgusting "gods". The lump of rome
was forced to apologize to the south americans for your FILTH.
Were it not so tragic, it would be comical. The least the LUMP OF
ROME could do now is return the gold stolen from Montezuma to
Mexico------it is a poor country now
Oh shit! Ancestor wars!

learn something-----we all carry some sort of legacy from our ancestors-----read ERICH FROMM

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