Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

The brother of the victim says that Marin is a "heavy drug user".

Graphic New details released in near-beheading murder of Stillwater teen one in custody

And by the way, he wasn't actually beheaded, although the reports are he was "nearly" beheaded.
look at this Digital Drifter - the article says his brother Jesse said he was practicing witchcraft. It also reads here:

On Wednesday afternoon, officers say they received a 911 call from Marin, saying he had just killed someone.

According to an arrest affidavit, Marin told police, “I murdered someone.”

According to the affidavit, he began “rambling about sacrificing and magic.”

Officers found him walking along State Highway 51 in western Stillwater, covered in blood and carrying a knife.Graphic New details released in near-beheading murder of Stillwater teen one in custody

Sounds to me like a sacrifice to Satan - he was practicing witchcraft - not Christianity - Satanists despise Christians - this is most likely why they included a mention of Christianity - it has nothing to do with christianity - he did this sacrifice to his god - Satan - look at his countenance - he's into witchcraft. No question about it. The sacrifices to Satan start about October 15 - high holy day to Satan is Oct 31 - today - they continue sacrificing humans - murder - bloodshed on up to November 15th according to ex satanists who are now Christians and have revealed this is how they do things. Satan is a liar. We cannot expect his children to speak the truth either.

Yes, good point.
In a grisly murder an Oklahoma college student with strong Christian beliefs nearly decapitates a young man because the victim practiced witchcraft.

Isaiah Zoar Marin, 21, is charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Jacob Andrew Crockett, 19. Marin is accused of using a “long knife or sword” to kill Crockett.

Marin’s Facebook page features many posts professing his love for God, with the latest public post being on Aug. 8 of this year. The post reads:

Tried to take on a demon and God had to help me through the tough parts. Got to be careful with my words and pay closer attention to my emotions. Need to figure out how to keep on speaking when I’m with the presence of the Lord God.

Marin was watching videos on YouTube “related to his Christian beliefs and the Book of Matthew” before the murder, according to the affidavit.

Read more: Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft

It's a good example of why we keep religion and government separate.

How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.

'Religious zealot' Christian student 'decapitated 19-year-old friend because he thought he practiced witchcraft'

Marin was furious at Crockett for his interest in witchcraft, which he saw as contrary to his Christian faith, court records show

College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online

LOL and your point is that Christianity approves of such behavior ? I understand that you hate religion but this is a real stretch. Hide and watch. The guy will be declared insane.

Let's get something straight, goono doesn't hate "religion", he hates Christianity and Christians. That's as far as his hate goes.

Did he say that he hates Christianity and Christians?

Lol ! Did you just get here ? Goono makes it clear every single day of his undying hate of Christians and Christianity. Do a search of the threads he authors, nearly every single one are devoted to bashing of Christians. He hates the very ground they stand on, ask anyone here.
This passed summer my cousin's daughter was sponsored by her church to go to Tanzania. When I first heard about this I thought, 'great! What an opportunity for her! Maybe she'll be staffed at a hospital or a school there. Maybe she will be digging wells so villagers can access fresh clean water. Maybe she'll be engineering roads or irrigation systems or electric distribution grids.'

As it turned out, her church sent her to Tanzania to fight witchcraft. According to her church, there are areas in Tanzania that are in the grips of witchcraft. Her mission was to convince the Tanzanians to eschew witchcraft and convert to fundamentalist Christianity.

They erected a "Demon Tent" where they would sing, pray, perform little skits all in the effort to eradicate witchcraft.

With all the pressing needs of sub-Saharan Africa, this group of fundamentalist Christians identified witchcraft as the most dire. They went to Tanzania to wage a culture war, not to minister to the actual needs of the locals.

Was this Christianity in action? I doubt that very, very much.

Not that you had any credibility to begin with, but is it POSSIBLE to find less legitimate sites?

You know, when the hate site Alternet is you MOST legitimate link. Alternet which falls two levels below Stormfront in sleazy, you KNOW you've scraped the bottom of the barrel...

The shit you'll do for the demon Allah....
It's a good example of why we keep religion and government separate.

How many non christians would be dead now if the christian right had their way and we were a christian theocracy?

I'm not christian. I'm pagan and in the world of those crazy people I'm a witch. So they would kill me.

'Religious zealot' Christian student 'decapitated 19-year-old friend because he thought he practiced witchcraft'

Marin was furious at Crockett for his interest in witchcraft, which he saw as contrary to his Christian faith, court records show

College student and Christian religious zealot Isaiah Marin decapitates pal with a black sword Daily Mail Online

LOL and your point is that Christianity approves of such behavior ? I understand that you hate religion but this is a real stretch. Hide and watch. The guy will be declared insane.

Let's get something straight, goono doesn't hate "religion", he hates Christianity and Christians. That's as far as his hate goes.

Did he say that he hates Christianity and Christians?
And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Maybe not EVERY Muslim murders because of their religion, but I would say it's highly likely that that is the main reason most of the time. And as far as the many beheadings by Muslims, I think it's pretty much all religious motivated.

This guy murdered because the Bible told him so!

“A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.” – Leviticus, 20:27

There is not a Christian clergyman today who advocates that. Do you understand that the Jewish practice of stoning people ended centuries ago ?

I'm just quoting what's in YOUR Bible.

The behavior that you are alluded in the Bible has been condemned and outlawed by Jews and Christians for centuries. Maybe you should stick with the real reason that you hate Christians

Apparently, he didn't get the memo.
Why on HIS religious beliefs if he is a Muslim but not on his religious beliefs if he's a Christian?

Because these are the acts of a crazy person, shortbus. There is no organized support or movement.

I realize that thinking is far beyond your capacity.
Why on HIS religious beliefs if he is a Muslim but not on his religious beliefs if he's a Christian?

Because these are the acts of a crazy person, shortbus. There is no organized support or movement.

I realize that thinking is far beyond your capacity.
But someone else said that if he was a Muslim, it wouldn't be because he was would be because of his religious beliefs. Which is it?
The brother of the victim says that Marin is a "heavy drug user".

Graphic New details released in near-beheading murder of Stillwater teen one in custody

And by the way, he wasn't actually beheaded, although the reports are he was "nearly" beheaded.
look at this Digital Drifter - the article says his brother Jesse said he was practicing witchcraft. It also reads here:

On Wednesday afternoon, officers say they received a 911 call from Marin, saying he had just killed someone.

According to an arrest affidavit, Marin told police, “I murdered someone.”

According to the affidavit, he began “rambling about sacrificing and magic.”

Officers found him walking along State Highway 51 in western Stillwater, covered in blood and carrying a knife.Graphic New details released in near-beheading murder of Stillwater teen one in custody

Sounds to me like a sacrifice to Satan - he was practicing witchcraft - not Christianity - Satanists despise Christians - this is most likely why they included a mention of Christianity - it has nothing to do with christianity - he did this sacrifice to his god - Satan - look at his countenance - he's into witchcraft. No question about it. The sacrifices to Satan start about October 15 - high holy day to Satan is Oct 31 - today - they continue sacrificing humans - murder - bloodshed on up to November 15th according to ex satanists who are now Christians and have revealed this is how they do things. Satan is a liar. We cannot expect his children to speak the truth either.

Again...The defendant’s brother, Samuel Marin, said “in the past Jacob and Isaiah had disagreements because Jacob and Jesse were practicing witchcraft and Isaiah had strong Christian beliefs,” a Stillwater police officer reported in the affidavit.

Try reading the article.
No, it would be equally insignificant if a Muslim was mentally deranged and on drugs. Are you suggesting that all Muslims who do these sorts of things are mentally deranged and or on drugs?

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had a history of drug arrests before converting to Islam.

And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Yeah, some of them do it just because they like it, like the good Christians and Muslims that they are!

Murdering has no place in the Christian religion. Pretending that it does shows your ignorance and desperation.

The kid was practicing witchcraft. You can look at him and tell he is a satanist. Not difficult to figure this story out.

So you condone the murder of that man because he was into witchcraft?

By the way, witchcraft isn't the same as satanist. Witches are pagan priests or leaders. We mostly follow the same religion as Native American Indians. It's the faith that was originally followed by human beings on this earth.

So much for freedom of religion.

I guess anything is ok with you as long as a christian does it to a non christian.

That man who was murdered had all the right in the world to practice witchcraft. The constitution protected him and assured his right to whatever spiritual path he wanted to take. What that christian did was murder and illegal. Yet you try to excuse it by using the man's chosen spiritual path since it's not christian.

I'm a pagan. People like you would call me a witch. Do you want to murder me too? Should my head be almost cut off because I'm pagan? Should the constitution be just thrown out the window since I'm not christian?

It sounds to me like you want to go back to the crusades or inquisition.
No, it would be equally insignificant if a Muslim was mentally deranged and on drugs. Are you suggesting that all Muslims who do these sorts of things are mentally deranged and or on drugs?

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had a history of drug arrests before converting to Islam.

And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Maybe not EVERY Muslim murders because of their religion, but I would say it's highly likely that that is the main reason most of the time. And as far as the many beheadings by Muslims, I think it's pretty much all religious motivated.

This guy murdered because the Bible told him so!

“A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.” – Leviticus, 20:27

If the Bible was his motivation Carla, wouldn't he have you know stoned the guy to death?

I guess he was all out of stones.
Why on HIS religious beliefs if he is a Muslim but not on his religious beliefs if he's a Christian?

Because these are the acts of a crazy person, shortbus. There is no organized support or movement.

I realize that thinking is far beyond your capacity.
But someone else said that if he was a Muslim, it wouldn't be because he was would be because of his religious beliefs. Which is it?

in many countries TODAY----as in NOW----Muslims believe and adhere to Sharia law. THAT is the difference.
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had a history of drug arrests before converting to Islam.

And possibly he's brain damaged from doing them, if that's proven fine.

Not EVERY Muslim who murderers does so because of his religion, we understand that. But neither does every "Christian"

Yeah, some of them do it just because they like it, like the good Christians and Muslims that they are!

Murdering has no place in the Christian religion. Pretending that it does shows your ignorance and desperation.

The kid was practicing witchcraft. You can look at him and tell he is a satanist. Not difficult to figure this story out.

So you condone the murder of that man because he was into witchcraft?

By the way, witchcraft isn't the same as satanist. Witches are pagan priests or leaders. We mostly follow the same religion as Native American Indians. It's the faith that was originally followed by human beings on this earth.

So much for freedom of religion.

I guess anything is ok with you as long as a christian does it to a non christian.

That man who was murdered had all the right in the world to practice witchcraft. The constitution protected him and assured his right to whatever spiritual path he wanted to take. What that christian did was murder and illegal. Yet you try to excuse it by using the man's chosen spiritual path since it's not christian.

I'm a pagan. People like you would call me a witch. Do you want to murder me too? Should my head be almost cut off because I'm pagan? Should the constitution be just thrown out the window since I'm not christian?

It sounds to me like you want to go back to the crusades or inquisition.

you have your religions confused. Go to Iran and see what happens when you profess your paganism.
What would our RW posters say if Marin had been a Muslim?

We would likely blame it on his religious beliefs, because there's a perfectly reasonable reason to do so.
Why on HIS religious beliefs if he is a Muslim but not on his religious beliefs if he's a Christian?

As I mentioned in an earlier post, with fundamental Islamist's, you have an organized doctrine that seeks to destroy western civilization. You don't have that with Christians or Christianity. There are not calls around the world from Christian leaders to kill non-believers. With Islamic militant leaders, they are always calling for us to be destroyed.
So yes, it's much more likely that religion would be at play if this were a Muslim beheading.
According to his Facebook page he likes islam. No doubt he was influenced by recent stories about islamic killers.

From his pictures he looks like a heavy meth user.

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