Zone1 Christianity and our founding fathers

I’m talking about the “natural rights” aspect of it. Abortion just happens to be a subject that you have written much about.
Sure you are. Then take that argument and extrapolate it for the new life inside her.
Spoken like a true Communist Nationalist.
Sure you are. Then take that argument and extrapolate it for the new life inside her.
Why would I do that on a thread when we’re talking about the founding generation and their religion. The article I posted explained to you that white protestant Christians at the time of our founding did not consider life to begin at conception. They wrote a constitution and protected life starting at live birth.

You have argued by your reasoning that Catholic law prevails against the natural rights of women to control their own body.

Why do we have to obey Catholic law Saint Ding
Why would I do that on a thread when we’re talking about the founding generation and their religion. The article I posted explained to you that white protestant Christians at the time of our founding did not consider life to begin at conception. They wrote a constitution and protected life starting at live birth.

You have argued by your reasoning that Catholic law prevails against the natural rights of women to control their own body.

Why do we have to obey Catholic law Saint Ding
Because you are bipolar with OCD?
Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•472} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vcaoff inserted these words from Austin Cline: “The most important thing to remember is that freedom of religion, if it is going to apply to everyone, also requires freedom from religion. Why is that? You do not truly have the freedom to practice your religious beliefs if you are also required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religions.” nfbw 240321 Vcaoff00472

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•479} ding Mar’24 Scaoff claims to know that: “……the Founding Fathers of freedom and liberty would have considered Austin Cline to be an enemy of freedom and liberty.” dvng 240321 Scaoff00479 to Vcaoff00472

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•} “Saint Ding’s post Scaoff00479 makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.”
you are bipolar with OCD?

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•472} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vcaoff inserted these words from Austin Cline: “The most important thing to remember is that freedom of religion, if it is going to apply to everyone, also requires freedom from religion. Why is that? You do not truly have the freedom to practice your religious beliefs if you are also required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religions.” nfbw 240321 Vcaoff00472

I am making this argument:

….. freedom of religion, if it is going to apply to everyone, also requires freedom from religion.

Why is that?

You do not truly have the freedom to practice your religious beliefs if you are also required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religions.”

Do you agree that no one has the freedom to practice one’s own religious beliefs if you are required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religions.”
Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•493}
Because it seemed that you were trying to deny you were a Communist Nationalist while still acting like one.

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•495}
In what Post did I act like these early Christians:

All that believed were together, and had all things in common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. (Acts 2:44-45)​

I am more pro-religion than you Saint Ding.

I am a rational theist, as were Washington, Adams, Madison and Jefferson. I am 100% in support of the American civil religion that those founders helped set up in our constitution.

I agree with Washington and Adam’s Freemason idea that all religions are good,

I agree with Adam’s Unitarianism because everyone can be religious without believing in the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

I believe America’s Civil Religion includes every law abiding American whether they are religious or not.

Participation in Americas civil religion merely requires respect for everybody’s religion or non-religion and everything in between without judgment.

Your white Christian nationalism Saint Ding goes against American civil religion.

It is not a valid religion. It is a political ideology meant to impose, one particular religious belief over and above any other, based on lies about what our founding fathers said, and did.

And you are one of that movements greatest liars
nfbw 240321 Vcaoff00495 to dvng 240321 Scaoff00493

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•472} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vcaoff inserted these words from Austin Cline: “The most important thing to remember is that freedom of religion, if it is going to apply to everyone, also requires freedom from religion. Why is that? You do not truly have the freedom to practice your religious beliefs if you are also required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religions.” nfbw 240321 Vcaoff00472

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•479} ding Mar’24 Scaoff claims to know that: “……the Founding Fathers of freedom and liberty would have considered Austin Cline to be an enemy of freedom and liberty.” dvng 240321 Scaoff00479 to Vcaoff00472

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•504} “Saint Ding’s post Scaoff00479 makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.”

Embryos and Personhood 240401 {post•303}
Gee..... That attitude in a secular "civil" society is only one step away from sending inconsequential people to the gas chambers or mowing them down in the streets with stormtroopers.

Christianity and our founding fathers 240401 {post•510}

Oh please just quit with your right wing Nazi projection of your self image onto the Dem Party HQ front door.

A 20 week fetus is not a person . The Nazis exterminated persons who were living outside the womb,


nfbw 240401 Vcaoff00510 to dmgdgl 240401 Seapyz00303
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It is no more a matter of debate than who is my mother. I know it and you don't.
WE have 2000 pages, 118 Founders, 8 years work and the 3 volumes IN THEIR OWN WORDS
by Judge Boonstra dedicated to that topic,just completed less than 2 years ago. And it shows you are wrong.
Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•493}

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•495}

nfbw 240321 Vcaoff00495 to dvng 240321 Scaoff00493

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•472} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vcaoff inserted these words from Austin Cline: “The most important thing to remember is that freedom of religion, if it is going to apply to everyone, also requires freedom from religion. Why is that? You do not truly have the freedom to practice your religious beliefs if you are also required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religions.” nfbw 240321 Vcaoff00472

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•479} ding Mar’24 Scaoff claims to know that: “……the Founding Fathers of freedom and liberty would have considered Austin Cline to be an enemy of freedom and liberty.” dvng 240321 Scaoff00479 to Vcaoff00472

Christianity and our founding fathers 240321 {post•} “Saint Ding’s post Scaoff00479 makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.”

Oh please just quit with your right wing Nazi projection of your self image onto the Dem Party HQ front door.

A 20 week fetus is not a person . The Nazis exterminated persons who were living outside the womb,

View attachment 925376
Cut-and-paste will git ya every time.
Lewis was an intensely lonely man who complained that he never knew the love of his father.
And that leads right into

Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism
by Dr. Paul C. Vitz

"Professor Vitz does not argue that atheism is psychologically determined. Each man, whatever his experiences, ultimately chooses to accept God or reject him. Yet the cavalier attribution of religious faith to irrational, psychological needs is so prevalent that an exposition of the psychological factors predisposing one to atheism is necessary."

Cut-and-paste will git ya every time.
Git me what?

Can an intensely lonely man who never knew the love of his father speak truth to those who know the love of their father?

Fathers who love their kids can lie to them you know.


Perhaps that man’s father lied to him don’t ya think?
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View attachment 925386

Git me what?

Can an intensely lonely man who never knew the love of his father speak truth to those who know the love of their father?

Fathers who love their kids can lie to them you know.

View attachment 925387
Perhaps that man’s father lied to him don’t ya think?
When you say 'perhaps' and then 'don't you think' --- what are you asking me.?
NOTHING in Lewis's actions or your explanations changes the fact that fatherlessness and atheism highly-correlate
Oh please just quit with your right wing Nazi projection of your self image onto the Dem Party HQ front door.

A 20 week fetus is not a person . The Nazis exterminated persons who were living outside the womb,

View attachment 925376

nfbw 240401 Vcaoff00510 to dmgdgl 240401 Seapyz00303


You're the one who brought up Nazi's. There's plenty of other societies since that time who went on quests of cleansing their society of unwanted cultures because they went down the slippery slope your promoting.

If it's not a person then what is it?



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