Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

Christians are more dangerous because they keep piling on lie after lie and think their helping the world.

And no one is putting them in check.


It's clear to me that you don't seem to see anything at all beyond your own nose...
It seems to me that you are a clueless buffoon. Stop and think about how many Biblical Scholars disagree with you. If that doesn't clue you in, then you are beyond hope. Your suffering will be great in Hell.

How many? Let even one step forward and dispute with what is irrefutable.

The fact that you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy or a fairy tale from a historical document shows that you are already in hell.


I reject your hell and the Christian hell.

And I reject your specious lie that everyone who ever lived will enjoy eternal life...

What then?
Christians are more dangerous because they keep piling on lie after lie and think their helping the world.

And no one is putting them in check.


It's clear to me that you don't seem to see anything at all beyond your own nose...
It seems to me that you are a clueless buffoon. Stop and think about how many Biblical Scholars disagree with you. If that doesn't clue you in, then you are beyond hope. Your suffering will be great in Hell.

How many? Let even one step forward and dispute with what is irrefutable.

The fact that you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy or a fairy tale from a historical document shows that you are already in hell.


I reject your hell and the Christian hell.

And I reject your specious lie that everyone who ever lived will enjoy eternal life...

What then?

Its not for you to accept or reject ; its not up to you; God is not asking humans for their permission or belief.

good thing he isn't.
God has used Christianity to deceive the world , the world thinks he used Christianity to help it;

a stunning deception.
The unspoken job of Christianity is to subtract sinners from salvation; now they really can't do that , but they have convinced the world that they can. So they are a mental handicap to the motivation of the world ;

that makes them dangerous.
I had a poster here insult me , and he was not even aware he did it. This is the danger we face in people now , they can mistreat you , but in their view its not mistreating you. They do things they are completely unaware of. Christianity is like that, they misinterpret the bible , but are completely unaware that they do. People are becoming severely selfish and lack responsibility, and its nothing anyone can do about it.

Its called "Deception."
America has no official religion, boy but you can't tell a Christian that. Because in their great pride they must be number one.
Christianity puts the same two whores on the corner every year at this time ; they pimp Christmas and Easter until they pump it dry and drain your purse. They beat these two whores to death every year and ram paganism down the throats of believers.

Are Holidays like Christmas and Easter pagan or Christian?
ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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As I am in the process of exposing yet more lies from a Christian in another thread; you can catch a Christian lying , then they will tell more lies to hide their first one. Simple stuff they are used to getting away with every day.

I like catching them.
Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.
Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.

Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.

Nobody has killed more humans than God.
One of these days believers will start realizing that Revelations 2nd and 3rd chapters is discussing what's going on with churches of God in deception. "Satan's seat" is IN these churches ,meaning the devil is doing and "Inside Job", working from the inside out.

Meaning satan knows how to influence a church of God without them realizing it.
Christianity is dangerous because they are believers in God who are not led by God. But they are convinced that they are led by God.

So Christian evangelism is really "The Blind Leading the Blind." People who think themselves converted , trying to convert a world.
Christianity is more dangerous than Islam , because they believe that they will judge the world themselves.
Christianity is dangerous because they are believers in God who are not led by God. But they are convinced that they are led by God.

So Christian evangelism is really "The Blind Leading the Blind." People who think themselves converted , trying to convert a world.

I think I need more coffee before tackling this do realize you are proselytizing don't you?
Ive read you refer to "we" in regards to beliefs. What exactly do you follow...
Christianity is more dangerous than Islam , because they believe that they will judge the world themselves.

Who has more power to put someone to death:
The Pope of the Catholic Church whose policies are PROLIFE, anti-war, anti-abortion, anti-death penalty.

Or the State of Texas that has sentenced more people to death
and executed more convicts and has LEGAL AUTHORITY to judge guilt or innocence
and whether life should be terminated as punishment for a capital crime.

WHICH "Christians" are you talking about?

Isn't it a function of whether such people operate as INDIVIDUALS
or operate as part of a collective church, cult or GOVERNMENT.

Now it's true that for the crimes threatening lives and safety every day
on the streets of America, these are caused by INDIVIDUALS. How many of them are Christian?

As for the organized traffickers of drugs and humans, that is not only infesting
American cities but Asia and other impoverished regions exploiting women and children especially,

Of the Jihadist genocide in the Middle East spilling into Europe and
terrorist attacks in Africa in addition to the tribal genocides in their history,

NOTE: in the Middle East there are similar complaints that
Jihadists are not law abiding Muslims but war mongering terrorists
as there are complaints that
Zionists and "post-millenial dispensationalist" cults are not law abiding Christians.

Are these Zionists that abuse scriptural authority
the "dangerous Christians" you are talking about?

What about the mass genocides going on in CHINA
is THAT being caused by CHRISTIANS?

Africa, Europe, what other mass killings and cult/terrorist threats
are you talking about that are so dangerous and caused by Christians?

When you put this in perspective with the wars and genocides
that humanity suffers, are you really saying the majority is caused by Christians?
Christianity is dangerous because they are believers in God who are not led by God. But they are convinced that they are led by God.

So Christian evangelism is really "The Blind Leading the Blind." People who think themselves converted , trying to convert a world.

I think I need more coffee before tackling this do realize you are proselytizing don't you?
Ive read you refer to "we" in regards to beliefs. What exactly do you follow...

I don't drink coffee. I believe in the salvation of all humans.
Christianity is more dangerous than Islam , because they believe that they will judge the world themselves.

Who has more power to put someone to death:
The Pope of the Catholic Church whose policies are PROLIFE, anti-war, anti-abortion, anti-death penalty.

Or the State of Texas that has sentenced more people to death
and executed more convicts and has LEGAL AUTHORITY to judge guilt or innocence
and whether life should be terminated as punishment for a capital crime.

WHICH "Christians" are you talking about?

Isn't it a function of whether such people operate as INDIVIDUALS
or operate as part of a collective church, cult or GOVERNMENT.

Now it's true that for the crimes threatening lives and safety every day
on the streets of America, these are caused by INDIVIDUALS. How many of them are Christian?

As for the organized traffickers of drugs and humans, that is not only infesting
American cities but Asia and other impoverished regions exploiting women and children especially,

Of the Jihadist genocide in the Middle East spilling into Europe and
terrorist attacks in Africa in addition to the tribal genocides in their history,

NOTE: in the Middle East there are similar complaints that
Jihadists are not law abiding Muslims but war mongering terrorists
as there are complaints that
Zionists and "post-millenial dispensationalist" cults are not law abiding Christians.

Are these Zionists that abuse scriptural authority
the "dangerous Christians" you are talking about?

What about the mass genocides going on in CHINA
is THAT being caused by CHRISTIANS?

Africa, Europe, what other mass killings and cult/terrorist threats
are you talking about that are so dangerous and caused by Christians?

When you put this in perspective with the wars and genocides
that humanity suffers, are you really saying the majority is caused by Christians?

Christians pervert the word of God , that makes them worse than any sin on earth.
Title of this thread immediately takes a false path. Before discussing it's alleged "danger" ... one would have to pin down what "Christianity" refers to.

The NT revealed Christ is the only "Christ" believed in by the consensus of His followers.

The only "sin" of the NT Christ boils down to His making everyone else look so bad in comparison to Him.

Many just can't forgive Christ for that "sin" .... the "sin" of being uniquely sinless.

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