Christianity today magazine gets it

Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Last I know we live in a free country, but with Tramp at the helm and republicans in charge of the Senate its changing.

Yes...the democrats are showing, in public, that they are fascists who will not let the American people decide elections anymore....if the Republicans win, the democrats will use the power of the federal government to over throw the are so right.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Last I know we live in a free country, but with Tramp at the helm and republicans in charge of the Senate its changing.

Yes...the democrats are showing, in public, that they are fascists who will not let the American people decide elections anymore....if the Republicans win, the democrats will use the power of the federal government to over throw the are so right.

I can't stand Evangelicals but they are right. No tramp has all those countries working for him, esp. Putin.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
This article really shocked me. I figured evangelicals are as lockstep as the Republican Senate. I expect the blowback against a negative comment about Trump to be as vicious too. But I have faith that real Christians can still tell the sheep from the goats.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Wonder what their 5 million readers think of the article.
I'm sure those five million readers have known all along that their only rationalization for supporting the anti-abortion president was that he is against abortion.....and maybe that he had, in his own private chambers, asked God's forgiveness for all his past sins. Maybe. But then he gets caught red handed sinning some more and it blows that excuse straight out of the water.

I have always found it amazing that the Evangelicals adore Trump. It is SUCH strange bedfellows. As G-5000 points out, you don't have to support Trump to be a conservative. You just might not have a President to vote for this time around.
I suspect Christianity Today, which I have never read, publishes opinion pieces like everyone else.

It's highly doubtful that the evangelists would reject one of the primary forces in power holding the Democrats, who would destroy all religion beyond what they themselves have created just as Hitler had planned for the German church, in check.

In that, socialism and fascism are the same.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Last I know we live in a free country, but with Tramp at the helm and republicans in charge of the Senate its changing.
Ironic your Democrats vow to defend the constitution on one hand yet attempt to take away rights o the citizens on the other hand by force. Plus rules mean nothing to them. Such hypocrites should not be tolerated in public office; and by the looks of things in Virginia the people are rising up to defend their rights against these Democrat fascist scum.

They made laws for unlawful actions would be deemed lawful in Nazi Germany too prior to Hitler's rise to power.

“The law is the law”: Dems threaten to deploy military against cops who refuse to enforce gun laws

Virginia Governor to force people to register firearms. And that's how he'll know what to confiscate.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Matthew 7:15
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

John 10:12
The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.


Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
This article really shocked me. I figured evangelicals are as lockstep as the Republican Senate. I expect the blowback against a negative comment about Trump to be as vicious too. But I have faith that real Christians can still tell the sheep from the goats.

Reality not in step with your assumptions? Shocking.

What did you learn from this?
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office


You guys are so cute when you talk about you slaughter babies in the womb....
2A, where does the Bible condemn abortion?
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!

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