Christianity today magazine gets it

Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Wonder what their 5 million readers think of the article.
I'm sure those five million readers have known all along that their only rationalization for supporting the anti-abortion president was that he is against abortion.....and maybe that he had, in his own private chambers, asked God's forgiveness for all his past sins. Maybe. But then he gets caught red handed sinning some more and it blows that excuse straight out of the water.

I have always found it amazing that the Evangelicals adore Trump. It is SUCH strange bedfellows. As G-5000 points out, you don't have to support Trump to be a conservative. You just might not have a President to vote for this time around.

They want him to stack the courts with hopes the judges are partisan (and many of them are).
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office


You guys are so cute when you talk about you slaughter babies in the womb....
2A, where does the Bible condemn abortion?
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office


You guys are so cute when you talk about you slaughter babies in the womb....
2A, where does the Bible condemn abortion?
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.
Babies are people but fetuses aren`t. Try claiming a tax deduction for a fetus.
The CIA is the best known of the 17 agencies that comprise the American intelligence community. It has earned itself nicknames like “Catholic Intelligence Agency” and “Catholics In Action”. It’s worth exploring why. Why the CIA Is Called the ‘Catholic Intelligence Agency’

The documents – which are discussed in Steinacher's book Nazis on the Run: How Hitler's henchmen fled justice – offer a significant insight into Vatican thinking, particularly, because its own archives beyond 1939 are still closed. The Vatican has consistently refused to comment.

Steinacher believes the Vatican's help was based on a hoped-for revival of European Christianity and dread of the Soviet Union. But through the Vatican Refugee Commission, war criminals were knowingly provided with false identities.
Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an intelligence gathering agency located in the United States of America. The CIA is the first source for a variety of American intelligence. Agents of the organization work all over the world to monitor situations of interest to the United States Government, from political unrest to environmental hazards. The CIA is an independent agency, not affiliated with any other American intelligence agency, with a Director who reports directly to the President.

Slight changes in the organization of the CIA occurred after passage of the USA Patriot Act in 2001, which mandated reorganization of American intelligence gathering to allow greater inter-agency cooperation. Under the Patriot Act, the Director of the CIA reports to a national Director of Intelligence, to facilitate communication between intelligence agencies and promote the free exchange of information between them.

The CIA often works in conjunction with other intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and others. The CIA is considered the foremost international intelligence gathering agency, coordinating efforts between agents all over the globe. The CIA is not responsible for internal American security, although it may provide information to other agencies to increase domestic security.

The CIA was founded in 1947 by President
Harry Truman, who signed the National Security Act. The CIA initially begun as the Berlin Operations Base, or BOB, during the Second World War.
What is the Central Intelligence Agency? (with pictures)

You guys are so cute when you talk about you slaughter babies in the womb....
2A, where does the Bible condemn abortion?
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.
Babies are people but fetuses aren`t. Try claiming a tax deduction for a fetus.
Who gives a rats ass about whether a babe in the womb gets a tax credit or not it is still a human baby/fetus not an animal fetus and Thou Shalt not kill still applies when a babe is murdered or slaughtered in the womb. Try to split hairs with someone else as it doesn't work with me.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office


You guys are so cute when you talk about you slaughter babies in the womb....
2A, where does the Bible condemn abortion?
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.

Infantacide is illegal in the US.

You guys are so cute when you talk about you slaughter babies in the womb....
2A, where does the Bible condemn abortion?
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.

Infantacide is illegal in the US.
Yet they are doing it daily under the label of "abortion".
2A, where does the Bible condemn abortion?
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.

Infantacide is illegal in the US.
Yet they are doing it daily under the label of "abortion".

Not infantacide,

noun: infanticide; plural noun: infanticides
  1. 1.
    the crime of killing a child within a year of birth.
    "cases of infanticide often involve extreme emotional disturbance"
    • the practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.
      "female infanticide was practiced to reduce the population in times of famine"
  2. 2.
    a person who kills an infant, especially their own child.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
This article really shocked me. I figured evangelicals are as lockstep as the Republican Senate. I expect the blowback against a negative comment about Trump to be as vicious too. But I have faith that real Christians can still tell the sheep from the goats.
It just the editorial decision of one forward thinking Christian publication -- who has enough awareness to know that Trump is not forever....

...and there will be a time when it is not going to be so awesome to be remembered as a Trump supporter....
Ever heard of Thou Shalt not Kill?
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.

Infantacide is illegal in the US.
Yet they are doing it daily under the label of "abortion".

Not infantacide,

noun: infanticide; plural noun: infanticides
  1. 1.
    the crime of killing a child within a year of birth.
    "cases of infanticide often involve extreme emotional disturbance"
    • the practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.
      "female infanticide was practiced to reduce the population in times of famine"
  2. 2.
    a person who kills an infant, especially their own child.
Had to go dig out the old 1800's dictionary. It also includes killing ones own child/babe.

1965 - Life Begins at Conception - Liberty Counsel
Long before the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, along with its companion case Doe v. Bolton, that purported to legalize killing an unborn baby for any reason and at any stage of development, the editors of Life Magazine recognized and documented life in the womb in the April 30, 1965 article, “Drama of Life Before Birth.”

This article, which is an unprecedented photographic feat for the 1960’s, documents the stages of growth of an unborn baby from fertilization to 28 weeks. In the section detailing fertilization, the article states, “The birth of a human life really occurs at the moment the mother’s egg cell is fertilized by one of the father’s sperm cells.”...

Furthermore we now know that a spark of life begins the moment the sperm hits the egg.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Last I know we live in a free country, but with Tramp at the helm and republicans in charge of the Senate its changing.

Yes...the democrats are showing, in public, that they are fascists who will not let the American people decide elections anymore....if the Republicans win, the democrats will use the power of the federal government to over throw the are so right.

I can't stand Evangelicals but they are right. No tramp has all those countries working for him, esp. Putin.
Christianity en masse dies in the early 1970's. Evangelicals have been outsmarted by their own doctrines and now must realize that people with imperfections in their beliefs are their best hope. Progs are not. They prove it over and over.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
This article really shocked me. I figured evangelicals are as lockstep as the Republican Senate. I expect the blowback against a negative comment about Trump to be as vicious too. But I have faith that real Christians can still tell the sheep from the goats.
It just the editorial decision of one forward thinking Christian publication -- who has enough awareness to know that Trump is not forever....

...and there will be a time when it is not going to be so awesome to be remembered as a Trump supporter....

and there will be a time when it is not going to be so awesome to be remembered as a Trump supporter...


if dems and the deep state manage to take control libs can fire trump conservatives, boycott their small businesses, harass them in public, and ultimately put them in jail if they say something you dont approve of

thats the way lefties do it in 21st Century America
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
This article really shocked me. I figured evangelicals are as lockstep as the Republican Senate. I expect the blowback against a negative comment about Trump to be as vicious too. But I have faith that real Christians can still tell the sheep from the goats.
It just the editorial decision of one forward thinking Christian publication -- who has enough awareness to know that Trump is not forever....

...and there will be a time when it is not going to be so awesome to be remembered as a Trump supporter....
and there will be a time when it is not going to be so awesome to be remembered as a Trump supporter...


if dems and the deep state manage to take control libs can fire trump conservatives, boycott their small businesses, harass them in public, and ultimately put them in jail is they say something you dont approve of

thats the way lefties do it in 21st Century America
When people like yourself were calling people like me terrorists and traitors for not believing the Iraq War lie being pushed by the Bush admin...being called a traitor for saying Iraq had ZERO to do with 9/11 -- I said then......there will be a time where it won't be so awesome to be a Bush lover.....

And look at you now.....all pretending that you knew all along Bush was a globalist, blah blah blah......
Thou Shalt Not Kill is about killing people. If you know where babies are being killed why haven`t you called the police? Get off your lazy ass already and do something about it!
Babies are people you ignorant fuck.

Infantacide is illegal in the US.
Yet they are doing it daily under the label of "abortion".

Not infantacide,

noun: infanticide; plural noun: infanticides
  1. 1.
    the crime of killing a child within a year of birth.
    "cases of infanticide often involve extreme emotional disturbance"
    • the practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.
      "female infanticide was practiced to reduce the population in times of famine"
  2. 2.
    a person who kills an infant, especially their own child.
Had to go dig out the old 1800's dictionary. It also includes killing ones own child/babe.

1965 - Life Begins at Conception - Liberty Counsel
Long before the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, along with its companion case Doe v. Bolton, that purported to legalize killing an unborn baby for any reason and at any stage of development, the editors of Life Magazine recognized and documented life in the womb in the April 30, 1965 article, “Drama of Life Before Birth.”

This article, which is an unprecedented photographic feat for the 1960’s, documents the stages of growth of an unborn baby from fertilization to 28 weeks. In the section detailing fertilization, the article states, “The birth of a human life really occurs at the moment the mother’s egg cell is fertilized by one of the father’s sperm cells.”...

Furthermore we now know that a spark of life begins the moment the sperm hits the egg.

I don't care, not everyone thinks like you or the liberty council (a hate group).
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Wonder what their 5 million readers think of the article.
Trump voters think for themselves

The editors of CT are entitled to their opinion and the readers to theirs
"Trump voters think for themselves". When did that start? When he conjured up a ridiculous story about the Bidens they bought it hook, line and sinker. They also believe that most Mexicans are murderers and rapists. Where did they get that idea?
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
A chink in Dumpf's armor. Now the "christians" are starting to run for the hills. If Nancy will keep the damning Articles of Impeachment of the President of the United States away from Moscow Mitch and his over the top cabal foaming at the mouth for acquittal, maybe the big blond pos will resign and save the rest of us the trouble of a Senate kangaroo court.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
This article really shocked me. I figured evangelicals are as lockstep as the Republican Senate. I expect the blowback against a negative comment about Trump to be as vicious too. But I have faith that real Christians can still tell the sheep from the goats.
It just the editorial decision of one forward thinking Christian publication -- who has enough awareness to know that Trump is not forever....

...and there will be a time when it is not going to be so awesome to be remembered as a Trump supporter....
and there will be a time when it is not going to be so awesome to be remembered as a Trump supporter...


if dems and the deep state manage to take control libs can fire trump conservatives, boycott their small businesses, harass them in public, and ultimately put them in jail is they say something you dont approve of

thats the way lefties do it in 21st Century America
When people like yourself were calling people like me terrorists and traitors for not believing the Iraq War lie being pushed by the Bush admin...being called a traitor for saying Iraq had ZERO to do with 9/11 -- I said then......there will be a time where it won't be so awesome to be a Bush lover.....

And look at you now.....all pretending that you knew all along Bush was a globalist, blah blah blah......
You are still holding a grudge from the Iraq war?

Too bad

I’m not going to let you change the subject here

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