Christianity vs. Islam thread

GunnyL said:
Isn't Arab culture grand? I can't figure out how with their refusal to move their minds and bodies out of the 7th century how they haven't become extinct.

Of course, when it comes to modern conveniences for the wealthy few, that rule doesn't apply. Watching some dweeb in his bedsheets climb out of a brand new Mercedes is mind-boggling.

LOL. Marx would love it.

It's not like anyone is asking them to renounce their heritage or whatever. Just admit to the floggings, beheadings and other forms of physical torture, then people might take Arabian et al a little more seriously. Till then they can
(and I mean this in the nicest way) piss off.
Confident said:
Take it easy my friend!!
You didn't like reading those verses because they make you shy then angry!
If not, can you explain them?
Do you know in some Muslim countries the President was a woman?
Do you think Americans will elect a woman as a president one day ?

The answer is:
Neither a Woman, nor a Black!!

Your arguement is based on a prediction? Good one!

You and Arabian are joking about this arent you?

I mean, comparing human rights in muslim countries to human rights in America is like comparing the smell of dog shit (muslim countries) to the fragrence of a rose.

Arguing this is not worth the time. Your demonization by Islam destroys any ability in you to see the truth.

Anyone, ANYONE who wants to try to argue women have basic rights in muslim countries (mercy killings anyone?) is stark raving mad.
GunnyL said:
Isn't Arab culture grand? I can't figure out how with their refusal to move their minds and bodies out of the 7th century how they haven't become extinct.

Of course, when it comes to modern conveniences for the wealthy few, that rule doesn't apply. Watching some dweeb in his bedsheets climb out of a brand new Mercedes is mind-boggling.


I am still wondering why God engineered this whole thing so the oil would be on their land.
I read a book called Princess a couple of weeks ago. It was a biography of a Saudi Arabian princess, wealthy beyond what I could imagine, but poor to hideous indigence when it came to basic human rights. I still have a sick feeling in my stomach over parts of it. If that book was in any way close to the truth... :shocked:
mom4 said:
I read a book called Princess a couple of weeks ago. It was a biography of a Saudi Arabian princess, wealthy beyond what I could imagine, but poor to hideous indigence when it came to basic human rights. I still have a sick feeling in my stomach over parts of it. If that book was in any way close to the truth... :shocked:

That is a good book. Sad too, especially when she spoke her grandmother and the other little girl in Egypt. As terrible as the picture she paints it, I don't think it's far from the truth.
If god dont grow old,,,, and dont die
then how come his son grow old and die ,,,
if the son of the god is god ?????????????????????
God created the Laws of Physics; He is not subject to them. God can be in more than one place at a time.

Jesus was called the Son of God, because no sperm cell from a man went into the making of His body.

God inhabited the human body of Jesus, while still maintaining His presence in Heaven. This body was planted, in its tiniest form, into the womb of a young Jewish girl. It then proceded to develop naturally into manhood.

Since it was a human body, it could, and did, die. Since God's spirit inhabited it, it could, and did, come back to life. God is not dead. Jesus is not dead. That's how we know that He's God.
mom4 said:
God created the Laws of Physics; He is not subject to them. God can be in more than one place at a time.

Jesus was called the Son of God, because no sperm cell from a man went into the making of His body.

God inhabited the human body of Jesus, while still maintaining His presence in Heaven. This body was planted, in its tiniest form, into the womb of a young Jewish girl. It then proceded to develop naturally into manhood.

Since it was a human body, it could, and did, die. Since God's spirit inhabited it, it could, and did, come back to life. God is not dead. Jesus is not dead. That's how we know that He's God.

Perfect. :)
Arabian said:
If god dont grow old,,,, and dont die
then how come his son grow old and die ,,,
if the son of the god is god ?????????????????????

First, Jesus didn't die of old age. He was killed by Roman authorities.

Second, you have to understand the nature of Jesus. He is, at the same time, both fully human and fully divine. So in His human form, while He was on earth, His body matured and developed, just like any other human being. However, after His death and resurrection, He was no longer subject to death, and so He lives forever, both fully human and fully divine.
Arabian said:
If god dont grow old,,,, and dont die
then how come his son grow old and die ,,,
if the son of the god is god ?????????????????????

To FULLY understand that, you would have to be God.

However, it is interesting discussing such things with HONEST people.
But not with people with disengenous motives who dont really want answers. I think the first response is an excellent one.
mom4 said:
God inhabited the human body of Jesus, while still maintaining His presence in Heaven. This body was planted, in its tiniest form, into the womb of a young Jewish girl. It then proceded to develop naturally into manhood.

Since it was a human body, it could, and did, die. Since God's spirit inhabited it, it could, and did, come back to life. God is not dead. Jesus is not dead. That's how we know that He's God.

-part me but everything that start have to end ,, and as long as jesus have a start then he had an end,,,
-and also as long as god is the father of jesus,, then who is the father of god,, and if god has a son then he had a father and if he had a father then he had a start and if he had a start then he should end ,,,
jesus grew old ,, then god should grow old,,

God created the Laws of Physics; He is not subject to them. God can be in more than one place at a time.
and about half and half jop talked about ,,,

-with the same theory ,,, human invented the law of physics ,, human can wear mask and look like lions,,, then a human can marry a lion and give birth a lion and we call IT the son of human ,,,

Jesus was called the Son of God, because no sperm cell from a man went into the making of His body.

now aday the woman can have a baby without having a husband or afather forthe baby,,,
-another view ,, how about eve and Adam ,, Adam didnt have a father or amother and also eve does that mean that the God is the father and mother of Eve and Adam,,,
-another one,, god created you ,, created me me ,,, cant you believe that he could create Jesus without father,,,
-last view,, dont you think that by this way you insult Mary ,, cause by this way she made adultary with God,,,
aha you will say he is the God,, he created her and he could do anything with her ,,, but should i remind you if you said so,, you gave the father the right to rape his daughter cause she is her father he is..........,,, and gave the manager to rape his emplyee cause he is her master and soo on ,,,,,
You aren't getting it - Jesus didn't have a beginning - He/God/Holy Spirit 'always have been'.

You are confused, brother. You can't take Jesus' human birth as the first time Jesus (as a Spiritual Being) existed. The bible is clear Jesus was/is from the Beginning.

Remember the concept of Time is a HUMAN condition - not a GOD condition.
Arabian said:
-last view,, dont you think that by this way you insult Mary ,, cause by this way she made adultary with God,,,

Geting Pregnant is NOT adultry. Adultry is having sex - regardless of the result. As God didn't have sex with Mary, that is - God doesn't have a penis to put inside her, Mary and God most certianly did NOT committ adultry.

God simply 'willed' the fetus of Jesus to grow from within Mary.
Arabian said:
-part me but everything that start have to end ,, and as long as jesus have a start then he had an end,,,
-and also as long as god is the father of jesus,, then who is the father of god,, and if god has a son then he had a father and if he had a father then he had a start and if he had a start then he should end ,,,
jesus grew old ,, then god should grow old,,

and about half and half jop talked about ,,,

-with the same theory ,,, human invented the law of physics ,, human can wear mask and look like lions,,, then a human can marry a lion and give birth a lion and we call IT the son of human ,,,

now aday the woman can have a baby without having a husband or afather forthe baby,,,
-another view ,, how about eve and Adam ,, Adam didnt have a father or amother and also eve does that mean that the God is the father and mother of Eve and Adam,,,
-another one,, god created you ,, created me me ,,, cant you believe that he could create Jesus without father,,,
-last view,, dont you think that by this way you insult Mary ,, cause by this way she made adultary with God,,,
aha you will say he is the God,, he created her and he could do anything with her ,,, but should i remind you if you said so,, you gave the father the right to rape his daughter cause she is her father he is..........,,, and gave the manager to rape his emplyee cause he is her master and soo on ,,,,,

what is the point of this post?
Arabian said:
-part me but everything that start have to end ,, and as long as jesus have a start then he had an end,,,
-and also as long as god is the father of jesus,, then who is the father of god,, and if god has a son then he had a father and if he had a father then he had a start and if he had a start then he should end ,,,
jesus grew old ,, then god should grow old,,

and about half and half jop talked about ,,,

-with the same theory ,,, human invented the law of physics ,, human can wear mask and look like lions,,, then a human can marry a lion and give birth a lion and we call IT the son of human ,,,

now aday the woman can have a baby without having a husband or afather forthe baby,,,
-another view ,, how about eve and Adam ,, Adam didnt have a father or amother and also eve does that mean that the God is the father and mother of Eve and Adam,,,
-another one,, god created you ,, created me me ,,, cant you believe that he could create Jesus without father,,,
-last view,, dont you think that by this way you insult Mary ,, cause by this way she made adultary with God,,,
aha you will say he is the God,, he created her and he could do anything with her ,,, but should i remind you if you said so,, you gave the father the right to rape his daughter cause she is her father he is..........,,, and gave the manager to rape his emplyee cause he is her master and soo on ,,,,,

I think you drink way too much Arabian coffee!..You are losing common sense and logic!After all Islam is not as old as Judism or Christianity...we are still alive and doing quite well...Islam has to resort to suicidal bombers to instill fear and acceptance...go figure! :)
  • Thanks
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archangel said:
I think you drink way too much Arabian coffee!..You are losing common sense and logic!After all Islam is not as old as Judism or Christianity...we are still alive and doing quite well...Islam has to resort to suicidal bombers to instill fear and acceptance...go figure! :)

i guess one could argue this is time of the islamic crusades.....well the second time...they got their asses beat the first time
I now think she is here for much the same reason as Spidey, to bash Christianity. No longer buying the 'search for answers.'
manu1959 said:
i guess one could argue this is time of the islamic crusades.....well the second time...they got their asses beat the first time

and will again! :halo: cause we have the white horses on our side!although I do appreciate a good Arabian horse from time to time!LOL
Arabian said:
-part me but everything that start have to end ,, and as long as jesus have a start then he had an end,,,
-and also as long as god is the father of jesus,, then who is the father of god,, and if god has a son then he had a father and if he had a father then he had a start and if he had a start then he should end ,,,
jesus grew old ,, then god should grow old,,

Either the heat has fried what brain matter God gave you or this is a feeble attempt to ridicule the Christian faith, you lose either way.
dmp said:
You aren't getting it - Jesus didn't have a beginning - He/God/Holy Spirit 'always have been'.

You are confused, brother. You can't take Jesus' human birth as the first time Jesus (as a Spiritual Being) existed. The bible is clear Jesus was/is from the Beginning.

Remember the concept of Time is a HUMAN condition - not a GOD condition.

if he was ,,, then how come Adam was the 1st 'bible says Adam was 1st',,,
if he Was ,, who was his mother ,, cause we can specify the birth date of mary ,, or mary also existing from the begining,,,
he ended and he had a start then he cant be a god,,,

how come jesus is the son of god and he died ,, then he cant be a god

Geting Pregnant is NOT adultry. Adultry is having sex - regardless of the result. As God didn't have sex with Mary, that is - God doesn't have a penis to put inside her, Mary and God most certianly did NOT committ adultry.

God simply 'willed' the fetus of Jesus to grow from within Mary.
then how come the god is the father of jesus and mary is his mother ,, and didnt u say that god can be in any shape and he came in the shape of human 2 mary

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