Christians Aren't Required By Law Now To Go To Hell Forever In Arizona!

I guess i need to find a black baker and demand him to bake me a confederate flag cake.

If the baker provides confederate flag cakes as a normal order of business, then he will not be able to refuse to sell you one based on race, religion, authenticity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, veterans status, etc. (specifics vary by State law).

However, just as a customer in a kosher Jewish Deli can't require them to serve ham if the Deli doesn't stock ham as part of the normal menu.

This law is DOA

Nice to see the hypocrisy of the left in action again only supporting the "rights" of certain groups. Obviously religious people ain't in that group they will defend. Creeping closer and closer to outright rebellion.

The law is DOA

It needs to pass the House an if it does, Governor Boneyfinger will veto it. If by some idiocy, Gov Boneyfinger signs it, Arizona courts or Federal courts will overrule
Not forcing people to go against their religion is the right move for both parties. Being allowed to practice your religion is a right. Equally important is why would any Gay person want someone who is uncomfortable with their lifestyle providing them services? Do you really want someone taking pics at your nuptials or as in a previous case,baking a wedding cake,who is forced by law to be there? No of course not. You want their A game, you want the pics to be great and the cake to be beautiful. Respect the religious folks right to say no the same way you want those who disagree with your lifestyle to allow you to have a legally recognized union.

Which makes you wonder if some gay marriages are staged for political expediency?

Love can't have anything to do with it
Reading this entire thread reminds me why we have the 1st and 14th Amendments.

If we let the reactionary Christian or Muslim dominionists take control of the country, inevitably they would bring the stocks, flogging, and the gallows for those who did not live their understanding of scripture.
If you're stupid enough to want to limit your businesses customer base via discrimination, I for one think you should have the freedom to try.

Just remember that few businesses fail because they have too many customers.
I used to own my own business and my clients payed me to come to their home and decorate. My gay clients had very good taste and some of them knew I was a christian before they hired me. I never treated them any differently than any of my other clients. It never crossed my mind not to take a job from a gay client.
Aww. Had the signs ready to post too.

"No crucifixes or other idolatry"

"If you believe Jesus is L-rd, reread the 1st Commandment while GTFO of my place"

"Sabbath breakers will be stoned on sight. Survivors will be stoned again." :)

You're going to have to start that business in Colorado or Washington.
Reading this entire thread reminds me why we have the 1st and 14th Amendments.

If we let the reactionary Christian or Muslim dominionists take control of the country, inevitably they would bring the stocks, flogging, and the gallows for those who did not live their understanding of scripture.

And what about letting bigoted reactionary atheists take control of the country?
Oh please, has forced integration worked? No. There's segregation now. Did forced busing work? No. What forced busing did was pressure white flight leaving blacks in failed cities. Forcing businesses to participate in homosexual activities will result in fewer facilities available to homosexuals forcing them into doing their business only with those willing to do so.
If I saw a sign on a business that said:
(insert your preferred Groups to Blame Shit On here) Not Welcome to Spend Money In This Establishment!
I wouldn't spend my money there either.

That said, Freedom of Stupidity is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Something worth mentioning is everytime some fundy bashes gay people, they're sinning in the process.

"You may surely reuke a sinner, but not bear a sin on their account."
- Lev 19:17

All about 'rebuking sinners' (and not sinning in the process)
Correcting the Sinner is not ?Being Judgmental.? It is an Essential Work of Charity. « Archdiocese of Washington

This brings up a good point. Should Christians have to bear a sin on the account of gays by participating in same sex weddings?

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