Christians blast Trump in new ad: ‘The days of using our faith for your benefit are over’

What a load of bull shit that is. Trump couldn't care less about ratings.
I know, right? :lol:

She’s doubling down, too!
Listening to Limbaugh right now. This is fucking hilarious. He's saying viewers across the country COULDN'T FIND NBC LAST NIGHT, and when they did, the audio is "garbled". He has some other conspiracies, too, including Tik Tok.

I am not making this up. This is fucking pathetic.
That’s why he ran from the last debate.
He 'ran' from a virtual debate, Biden 'ran' from a face to face debate.
Trump's excuse sounds contrived, but Biden's is plausible. Who wants to share the stage with a super spreader?

Harris and Pence had no problem.


Is Joe allergic to plexiglass?
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

Yeah well you're just slow is all. Here you go, you learned something today: Town Hall Meetings were a special kind of propaganda tonight

Say Synthaholic

I bumped this to help you along. You thought, you were wrong. Here's your chance for an education

Say OP, in case you missed it I bumped this post so you can add some cause to the effect. I understand rational thought is unimportant to PROG-view, but I'm here to help you along.
No one is fooled when Biden and Piglosi claim to be Christians.
You mean no one is fooled when Trump or any of his sycophant supporters claim he, or they, are Christians.
Religion, Sexuality, Race and Gender are 4 main issues in our nation. There are others. Equality maybe a tight line on issues. Perhaps the line gets wider with the tentacles of each issue encroaching on each other. Give and take may work in a nation like ours. Anyway, the democratic Party is not Anti Christian. The Prog Progressive Socialist Wing which controls the Democratic Party, is Anti Christian.
I'm a Trump supporter
No shit? Would never have guessed from your fake patriotism avatar, your location, or your unwarranted arrogance of a username.
Stay away from guessing...get some facts.
Trumpers hate facts. Like the fact that trump allowed 40,000 additional Chinese to come to America AFTER his weak travel ban - and didn’t test or quarantine a single person.
Trump saved 2 million lives, according to the experts.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

No wonder Crazy Uncle is afraid to debate head to head with Vice President Biden. It'l be interesting to see what strategy he employs to get out of the last debate. Hopefully Biden will find a way to force him to show up and help Biden's poll numbers.

Trump pulled out of the second debate, not Biden.

The commission cancelled the second debate, and substituted something to help Crazy Joe
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

You're half right, doll. twitter deserves to be put on the trash pile, and so does facebook, too. They are magnets for criminal identity thefts, airing of private disputes that can go viral and break relationships, bring on cyber bullying and other untoward issues. My mother's generation had a saying about what may be found in public places.

Reported for off-topic trolling. This thread is not about your obsessive hatred for Twitter.

Thank you. I apologize for going off topic, Mr Synthaholic.
Biden has twice the air time (2hrs) vs Trump (1hr)

And Trump is more transparent than any figure in history. He’s infront of cameras hrs everyday.

Joe takes multiple naps in his basement everyday.

I would think more people would be curious to get the small opportunity of actually seeing Biden speak live for once
The basement bull is so old and useless but you have nothing else? Try harder.
Thing is that the more Trump screams while mask-less at crowds about riots in suburbs, the worse his poll numbers go, while old Analog Joe looks like the safe bet. LOL
Early Nielsen estimates give Joe Biden the edge over Donald Trump but the figures don't include West coast or cable viewing.
That’s why he ran from the last debate.

He 'ran' from a virtual debate, Biden 'ran' from a face to face debate.

You people get your talking points from the same source?

having the same argument in another thread
Who refused to participate in the 2nd debate?

This should be an easy one for you, but we’ll see.
Trump wanted the debate to happen as originally scheduled. He didn't participate in the farce the commission came up with to protect Crazy Joe.

Yup. He wanted face to face, not a debate on a computer. Who wants to debate using a computer?? No one.
Crazy Joe. He needs a teleprompter and handlers helping him.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

No wonder Crazy Uncle is afraid to debate head to head with Vice President Biden. It'l be interesting to see what strategy he employs to get out of the last debate. Hopefully Biden will find a way to force him to show up and help Biden's poll numbers.

Trump pulled out of the second debate, not Biden.

The commission pulled out of the second debate.

I love how you guys spin every event to hide Trump's self inflicted black eye.

They rearranged the format due to Trump & Team coming down with Covid and being less then forthcoming on test results.

Debates are done face to face. They cancelled that and set up a farce so that Crazy Joe could use a teleprompter and have his handlers help him.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

No wonder Crazy Uncle is afraid to debate head to head with Vice President Biden. It'l be interesting to see what strategy he employs to get out of the last debate. Hopefully Biden will find a way to force him to show up and help Biden's poll numbers.

Trump pulled out of the second debate, not Biden.

The commission cancelled the second debate, and substituted something to help Crazy Joe

In retrospect, the Trump campaign team probably would have accepted the offer that unless Trump proved he was not contagious both candidates would appear from remote locations.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

The Trump presidential reality show has run its course. Trump is a bore and his character has been revealed to be a fraud. Trump will be dumped as unceremoniously by the American public as Charlie Sheen was dumped from Two and a Half Men.
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Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

Blacks especially - 100 years of the same repeat bullshit and no change yet sticking with the Democrats, after Trump did more in 4 years for Blacks than the Democrats have done in half-a century or more.

View attachment 402449
Charts are for guys with tiny peckers who want to convince others they are well endowed but use a chart to try to prove it instead of whipping it out. Charts, like polls, can easily be misleading, but when election day comes - when its time to 'whip it out', Dems and snowflakes always come up SHORT.


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