Christians should back Trump, the Christian candidate

Americans are upset about the border, inflation and wars, and democrats want to talk about Biden being more Christian than Trump. We ain't buying.
It's about time real Christians stand up and take their religion back from unethical crooks that claim Christianity for political reasons.
I know. As a Catholic, it infuriates me when a baby-killer claims to be a devout Catholic.
Evasiveness? Trump partied with pedophiles, paid porn stars for sex, and brags about sexual assault.

You seem to think the only other alternative for him is to be a child molester and a grifter.

I'm telling you he's all of that.
Trump never molested. You lied.

Biden showered with his daughter and has been caught on camera saying and doing icky things to young girls who were obviously uncomfortable with it.

Biden accepted graft from foreign countries. Trump never did any of that.

Leftwingers lie. It's what they do.
Evasiveness? Trump partied with pedophiles, paid porn stars for sex, and brags about sexual assault.

You seem to think the only other alternative for him is to be a child molester and a grifter.

I'm telling you he's all of that.
Doesn't matter. Obviously, he has enough support to win the nomination. You guys should try discussing issues. Maybe that will work.
I know. As a Catholic, it infuriates me when a baby-killer claims to be a devout Catholic.

As a Christian, it infuriates me that Catholics think it's OK for priest to rape children, and then murder the babies that result, but abortion to save the life of the mother is wrong.
The largest issue is that Trump isn't qualified to run for office.
Obviously, you're mistaken. He's the front runner and leading Biden in the polls. An honest person would admit that fact and understand that some you win and some you lose, but you're a dishonest lying hack.
Here they are.
The dumbest RWI's

BS Filter
Road Runner
progressive hunter

Ah, I dunno.
I ain't willing to call Spanky's Gang above 'the dumbest'.
That's too simple. It is, after all, a bit more complicated.

After all, some of them are really a single bloke using two or more avatar identities. Same guy --or gal --with two names. Even doing head-fakes with their gender.

I try to tell which is which by how often they use the f-bomb in their postings. Or whine about Zionist assassins killing JFK. Or the number of posts where they use the term "filthy Negro", or "douchebag", or allude to fellatio, sodomy, menstruation, or feces. Some of them use those terms so often it becomes a tell, a marker. You know those folks (or their alter egos) are all QAnon fringies.

Just sayin'
Post #24 is my reply to your post. Your quote is there.
Well, prolific poster BS, I took your advice and read and re-read both your postings and mine....and........and I couldn't find this lie you are alleging my avatar stated.

What's up with that.? Are you trying to fool the forum?
Well, prolific poster BS, I took your advice and read and re-read both your postings and mine....and........and I couldn't find this lie you are alleging my avatar stated.

What's up with that.? Are you trying to fool the forum?
Nope. You're lying.
You're lying.

Explain yourself.
Show us.
It's like this good poster BS, any jackass can make an allegation on a social media site while posting anonymously. No skin in the game.
But real honorable folks, folks with gravitas and integrity.....well, they are able to put their money where their mouth is, they CAN back up their word. Those are serious people who can be taken seriously.

So, BSFilter, let's see if you can qualify for that group.
In short, explain yourself.

Thanx in advance.
Explain yourself.
Show us.
It's like this good poster BS, any jackass can make an allegation on a social media site while posting anonymously. No skin in the game.
But real honorable folks, folks with gravitas and integrity.....well, they are able to put their money where their mouth is, they CAN back up their word. Those are serious people who can be taken seriously.

So, BSFilter, let's see if you can qualify for that group.
In short, explain yourself.

Thanx in advance.
I did explain myself. You're a liar.
Some people are misguided. Of course the people signing this petition are pro-immigration, no surprise there. Sure is funny to see some of these Dems claim to know the Gospel.

---Thousands Sign Christian Petition Urging Bishops Not to Back Donald Trump---

This thread belongs in the comedy section.

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