Christians should back Trump, the Christian candidate

Sure is funny to see some of these Dems claim to know the Gospel.

They don't. But they'll try and in the trying expose their ignorance. They shouldn't bother.

It's about time real Christians stand up and take their religion back from unethical crooks that claim Christianity for political reasons.

approved 1.2.png

Sure is funny to see “christians” lining up behind the guy who paid pornstars for sex.

Christians aside, of which I are one, what is wrong with paying for sex? See George Carlin.

I notice Mr./Mrs./whatever corn that you are sporting the Star of David in your avatar. So a Jew joke...

Hawaii 1.1.png

I've always said the fu(kin second the stupid Arab terrorists stop walking by Jewish Soldiers to seek out and blow up Jewish Children I'll listen to their cause. Meanwhile Hamas is holding Jewish Children hostage. The Jewish Children are probably all dead by now, by starvation or worse. Raped to death? Dead of thirst? Tortured to death? Hassan Chop's little brother just got dead by Jew so go take out the rage on a child? This can get worse.


See? You start with the OP and get busy. Apparently from recent experience by me this is called "thread derailing."

I call it a Friday.
Trump never molested. You lied.

Biden showered with his daughter and has been caught on camera saying and doing icky things to young girls who were obviously uncomfortable with it.

Biden accepted graft from foreign countries. Trump never did any of that.

Leftwingers lie. It's what they do.
Biden did nothing of the sort.

But you are a hypocrite, a coward who hides behind the Bible and his Church, a despicable man just like Trump.

You know what you do is wrong. You know that you are condemned by the Lord unless you repent.
And you're voting for him again why exactly?

Because outta the gate he lowered taxes, made NATO start ponying up their agreed upon share, put it upon Russian proxies in the middle east, started building a wall, made the Chinese pay the same tariffs they put on us, went Head and Shoulders after American energy independence, put together American bidness and American Mother government to come up with, wicked fast a Covid pre-therapeutic (so not a vaccine,) didn't stomp on any Constitutional right that I can think of and has never paid too much for a muffle.

I'm sorry, (?)corn, I doubt you were looking for an actual list but I can extend that. The fu(k is up with this sub-forum 'Politics?' See that list there? There it is, lefties. Get busy on that. Tell me "bu-bu-but Trump is a Fascist" then I'll demand you define Fascism.

What thread is this? What time is it? Where are my pants? I've been told that this exact behavior by me constitutes thread derailing.

I am the greatest tread derailer of all time!

Who's next?
Some people are misguided. Of course the people signing this petition are pro-immigration, no surprise there. Sure is funny to see some of these Dems claim to know the Gospel.

---Thousands Sign Christian Petition Urging Bishops Not to Back Donald Trump---


Jesus knows Trump is a man close to God. Here he is with some vestal virgins and a high priest:


Here is one of the worshipers in Trump's temple, filling the collection plate with her Social Security money.


But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6




  • "Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed, and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good.
"You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good." - Donald Trump

  • "I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married!" - Donald Trump
  • "You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
"Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." - Donald Trump
Abortion is killing a human being. You're delusional.
Yup, and You probably have Family and Conservative Friends that have committed this sin.

How do you view them?
Or are you actually gonna suggest that no such thing has EVER happened to ANY of your friends or family.
Sure is funny to see “christians” lining up behind the guy who paid pornstars for sex.

It always confirms that these folks don’t have principles...they have hobbies.t
Christians don't care about Trump's Christianity. Trump protects the rights of Christians. He opposes those who want to destroy. Christianity. He doesn't have to be a Christian for that.
Biden... has been caught on camera... doing icky things to young girls who were obviously uncomfortable with it.

Biden did nothing of the sort.

Mr. Horses, do you have Daughters? I can spend seconds searching the net and show you videos of SlowJoeBiden being creepy with girls. Go ahead, pretend it doesn't exist. I know you. When I get busy on you you flee or tell me I'm funny like that pacifies me. This is you moment. I'm now 22 years in at this interweb political debate forum thing and I say I am undefeated. I'm crushing this thread. But then it's a Friday. For as long as I desire this is my thread. It shall be the same as always. I'll stay busy on this thread until it's just me. Come on you fu(ks, refute/rebuke me with anything other than I'm a f@g or "Limbaugh."

Should I continue from where I left off on first page, jump hither and yon, or my fancy?

Say fancy!
Christians don't care about Trump's Christianity.

I don't see Trump as a Christian. I'm a Christian.

Trump protects the rights of Christians.

And every fu(kin other walk of life.

He opposes those who want to destroy. Christianity.

Trump couldn't care less about Christians. It's an American thing.

He doesn't have to be a Christian for that.

You gots that right.
Because outta the gate he lowered taxes, made NATO start ponying up their agreed upon share, put it upon Russian proxies in the middle east, started building a wall, made the Chinese pay the same tariffs they put on us, went Head and Shoulders after American energy independence, put together American bidness and American Mother government to come up with, wicked fast a Covid pre-therapeutic (so not a vaccine,) didn't stomp on any Constitutional right that I can think of and has never paid too much for a muffle.

I'm sorry, (?)corn, I doubt you were looking for an actual list but I can extend that. The fu(k is up with this sub-forum 'Politics?' See that list there? There it is, lefties. Get busy on that. Tell me "bu-bu-but Trump is a Fascist" then I'll demand you define Fascism.

What thread is this? What time is it? Where are my pants? I've been told that this exact behavior by me constitutes thread derailing.

I am the greatest tread derailer of all time!

Who's next?

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.


We need Trump back so he can run up another $8 trillion of debt, alienate our allies, prove his utter incompetence in a crisis, hand Ukraine over to his favorite lover KGB Putin, and hire even better criminals and grifters than last time.

Oh, and who never tires of his "Repeal and Replace Obamacare" schtick? That never gets old! :lol:
The POS OP author is clearly trolling.

1 Samuel 8

I know that none of these fake "Christians" know what that says.

Fu(k I'm a Christian and I had to look it up...

And it came about when Samuel was old that he appointed his sons as judges over Israel. 2 Now the name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judging in Beersheba. 3 His sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.

If I were to cite $h!t I would go head and cite it. Now that I did that which you did not do what's your point?
Because outta the gate he lowered taxes, made NATO start ponying up their agreed upon share, put it upon Russian proxies in the middle east, started building a wall, made the Chinese pay the same tariffs they put on us, went Head and Shoulders after American energy independence, put together American bidness and American Mother government to come up with, wicked fast a Covid pre-therapeutic (so not a vaccine,) didn't stomp on any Constitutional right that I can think of and has never paid too much for a muffle.

I'm sorry, (?)corn, I doubt you were looking for an actual list but I can extend that. The fu(k is up with this sub-forum 'Politics?' See that list there? There it is, lefties. Get busy on that. Tell me "bu-bu-but Trump is a Fascist" then I'll demand you define Fascism.

What thread is this? What time is it? Where are my pants? I've been told that this exact behavior by me constitutes thread derailing.

I am the greatest tread derailer of all time!

Who's next?
The only thing Trump achieved was a big tax break for himself.

Trump failed to pass a promised infrastructure bill. Biden got it done.

Trump failed to repeal and replace Obamacare with something "beautiful".

He failed to build the wall, and he failed to get Mexico to pay for it.

He failed to grow the economy by the promised 4 to 6 percent.

He failed to achieve his promised $4,000 pay raise for workers.

He failed to eliminate the deficit as promised.

He failed to bring down drug prices as promised.

He utterly failed to drain the swamp, and enlarged and widened it instead, creating the most corrupt Administration since Harding.

He failed to provide maternity leave, as promised, to women whose employers didn't provided that benefit.

He failed to bring back coal jobs as promised.

He failed to release his tax returns as promised.

He failed to protect American steel jobs as promised.

He alienated our allies and sucked up to communist dictators and thugs.

He doubled the federal deficit.

He added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, contributing to the current inflation.

He widened the trade deficit with China and Mexico to record levels.

His far left protectionist tariffs cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers.

He blew off Covid as a hoax, and ignored it until it could no longer be ignored. He said Covid would magically go away and refused to enact testing and contact tracing, allowing Covid to spread completely unhindered at the most critical period in the beginning of the pandemic.

He spent more time golfing than Obama, despite saying he would "not have time to go golf" during the campaign. He spent nearly a third of his term golfing.

He lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. An achievement not seen since the last businessman president, Herbert Hoover.

And of course, he staged a coup when the American people kicked his incompetent game show host balls over the moon.

Worst. President. EVAH!

I am STUNNED you needed to be reminded of this!
Christians don't care about Trump's Christianity.
Christians who support Trump aren't practicing Christians.
Trump protects the rights of Christians.
He mocks their religion
He opposes those who want to destroy. Christianity.
How does his actions support Christianity? What lesson is he teaching by cheating on his wives, paying porn stars for sex, bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Sounds to me like he's assaulting the values that actual Christians want to engender.
This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.

Welcome to my thread! You brought me what Trump said. I don't care what any of these Swinging Richards say. I care about what they did. Again...

Because outta the gate he lowered taxes, made NATO start ponying up their agreed upon share, put it upon Russian proxies in the middle east, started building a wall, made the Chinese pay the same tariffs they put on us, went Head and Shoulders after American energy independence, put together American bidness and American Mother government to come up with, wicked fast a Covid pre-therapeutic (so not a vaccine,) didn't stomp on any Constitutional right that I can think of and has never paid too much for a muffle.

Trump should not have said any of that. Happy? Who are you? g5000. I shall NOT type the first joke that came to mind, after all I am upstairs. Don't get me wrong I have buku problems with Trump's attitude, his tone, his disrespect for the office, his game show host/used car salesman take, all of it but when the rubber meets the road every single stinkin American that pays federal income taxes got a tax break under Trump. Do you have a problem with workers gettin to keep more of what they earned?

What is more impotent to the American economy?
Welcome to my thread! You brought me what Trump said. I don't care what any of these Swinging Richards say. I care about what they did. Again...

Trump should not have said any of that. Happy? Who are you? g5000. I shall NOT type the first joke that came to mind, after all I am upstairs. Don't get me wrong I have buku problems with Trump's attitude, his tone, his disrespect for the office, his game show host/used car salesman take, all of it but when the rubber meets the road every single stinkin American that pays federal income taxes got a tax break under Trump. Do you have a problem with workers gettin to keep more of what they earned?

What is more impotent to the American economy?
Every stinkin American and their children and their grandchildren and their future descendants were put on the hook for another $8 trillion of debt by Trump.

And the tax break Trump gave himself and the rest of the one percent doesn't expire. Everyone else's does next year.

Or at least anyone but Biden.

But there is one fatal flaw in your statement that gives a complete pass to the Far Left: they are not in anyway "True Americans."

True Americans don't campaign against making America great or putting its problems first.
Left wingers should be kneed in the groin on sight.

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