Christians should back Trump, the Christian candidate

The only thing Trump achieved was a big tax break for himself.

Every person in America that made over $9,235 got a federal income tax break. Under that no one pays federal income taxes. It should be scary to you that I know these amounts cause it should tell you that you are not dealing with a chimp.



Here we go...

With Trump's tax cuts did your federal income tax go down?


I know, I'm very fast with all this. Do not attempt to keep up at home.
Every person in America that made over $9,235 got a federal income tax break. Under that no one pays federal income taxes. It should be scary to you that I know these amounts cause it should tell you that you are not dealing with a chimp.



Here we go...

With Trump's tax cuts did your federal income tax go down?


I know, I'm very fast with all this. Do not attempt to keep up at home.

As I said, Trump tax cuts for you expire next year.

For the tax cut he gave himself, it doesn't.

You are a sucker who can be bought at the expense of bigger national debt.

A leech.

Every stinkin American and their children and their grandchildren and their future descendants were put on the hook for another $8 trillion of debt by Trump.

I'm gonna need to see the math there backed up by a bunch of .gov site data.

So, Trump gave tax cuts to Americans that earn. Slowbama, the half-breed, stuttering muslim gave stimulus cash to all Americans, earners or not. How do both not increase the debt?

And the tax break Trump gave himself and the rest of the one percent doesn't expire. Everyone else's does next year.

That would be horrible and wrong. Please to present supporting evidence of this!

You sure you want to start that game with me?
As I said, Trump tax cuts for you expire next year.

Again, supporting evidence and from a .gov site, not PMSNBC. Do the work!

For the tax cut he gave himself, it doesn't.


You are a sucker who can be bought at the expense of bigger national debt.

And Slowbama's stimulus package didn't do the same?

comeback 1.1.png

It can get worserer. Fu(ktard I am The King of all Trolls. You kids these days thinking you got game.
No "true American" could ever vote for Trump.

Well, I'm an American born and raised in NY. I was done with The Mighty US of A Army basic training when I was still 17 years old. I raised my right hand and swore the Oath 51% cause of patriotism. Because first and foremost I wanted to serve my nation. I am now an Honorably Discharged Veteran. I voted for Trump.

I've raised wonderful children, I pay taxes, I vote, I contribute daily to America, I stand on the shoulders of giants and those that come after me stand on my shoulders.

Nowz when you get busy telling me how I'm not a true American!

Please to be a doll and point out in your link there your exact point cause I ain't reading all that $h!t but still nice start, most don't bother. than k you.

WARNING: It's longer than a tweet,

Here's my one and only tweet...

school 1.1.png

and therefore probably beyond your comprehension.

And then a thing you fu(ked. I've been in this thread a while now and I doubt anyone confusifies me with a tweeter. Please to adjust your weak $h!t replies upwards.
It's about time real Christians stand up and take their religion back from unethical crooks that claim Christianity for political reasons.
The OP is one of many. This stuff is sad and frustrating, and that has nothing to do with politics.

They've been made so desperate that they'll convince themselves that this awful person is a Christian.

Here's the actual bill, rube:

WARNING: It's longer than a tweet, and therefore probably beyond your comprehension.

Do me a solid and point out in that document of yours that my tax breaks shall end and the rich's doesn't and I shall heartily apologize, sing your praises then get busy about the unfairness of it all. I promise. I'm not a dick. It's just I've never heard this. This is an interweb political debate forum and while this thread is mine and I have the watch I'm not beyond accepting being proven wrong.




So after dip$h!t and leech I counted with a killer funny image of my own making and your reply is rube? Think you I don't have WAY more in the bank or what I might come up with? I am The King of all Trolls. Or do I have to do it? Again.
Do me a solid and point out in that document of yours that my tax breaks shall end and the rich's doesn't and I shall heartily apologize, sing your praises then get busy about the unfairness of it all. I promise. I'm not a dick. It's just I've never heard this. This is an interweb political debate forum and while this thread is mine and I have the watch I'm not beyond accepting being proven wrong.
Of course you've never heard of it. Trump and the MAGA propagandists keep you rubes in the dark, like the proverbial mushrooms.
I just realized

After all this time you "just?"

you must be a brain-damaged tard who was in a coma during the Trump years.

As opposed to you being busy in a round room looking for a penny in the corner.

Big blue letters so you are not getting desperate. Bidness Insider, eh? Never heard of it. But then coming from you we are all quite sure it's solid. I would be so embarrassed if I cited anything besides a site or my colossal brain. Nah, I'm not quite there yet to making you some of my fun. Thy harderer!
Of course you've never heard of it.

I think you are getting behind. Your big comeback is that I've never heard of The Bidness Insider so that means I know nuttin? I'm 60 years old, I've been 24/7/365 news cents I been 20. That is correct, I've never heard of it.

How old are you? Do you have children? What should the highest tax rate be and at what income level should that start? Do you run towards the screaming to help people you don't know? Do you hold doors open for women? What are your chromosomes? When your children were little did you take down your punching bag so you could hang a swing in your living room? This very day I made my Dear Mother and my first born guffaw at my jokes. Fu(kin banner day for me. When your children were small did you make it your life's mission to read to them every night? If someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night and says "I'm gonna kill you and take all your $h!t" am I allowed to beat them to death with my fists and feet and enjoy it cause that fu(k wont ever do it again and am I'm doing a service to America? has anyone ever given you cash to teach them how to fight? I can go on. I enjoy asking questions you liberals wont answer. I'm very adept at this. As you see. The more you pester me the more telling questions I shall ask. I don't think you understand that as this is now my thread. The more you type the more stupid you reveal yourself to be. So, by all means, keep typing. That should work for now.
Some people are misguided. Of course the people signing this petition are pro-immigration, no surprise there. Sure is funny to see some of these Dems claim to know the Gospel.

---Thousands Sign Christian Petition Urging Bishops Not to Back Donald Trump---

Trump panders to the religious so I get why they back him. But make no mistake they’re in bed with the devil.
Some people are misguided. Of course the people signing this petition are pro-immigration, no surprise there. Sure is funny to see some of these Dems claim to know the Gospel.

---Thousands Sign Christian Petition Urging Bishops Not to Back Donald Trump---

Trump is not a Christian to begin with. Christianity is being perverted into right wing fascism. If these Bishops back Trump then they are not Christians and they are abandoning God in favor of the devil.

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