Christians should back Trump, the Christian candidate

Extreme Biden Cult Fucks should back Trump for office. Think how fun it will be to just blame everything On him. You guys will love it.
Who would any so-called Christian back Trump?

Suuuuuuuuuuure it has.

What else has the cult told you?

Can you show us this "evidence"?

That's right. Run away. You have no choice. After all, if you display honesty and integrity, your fellow cultists will assume you're a dirty liberal, and you'll be tossed out of your liars' cult.
Are you drunk?
maybe securing the border so we dont die and see God before we were intended to motivates some? does me telling you to GFY and eat a bag of dicks mean im not a Christian?
"So we don't die"? Tells me you don't hold yourself responsible for you own safety and security, as maybe not up to it. Maybe you spent too much time collecting dicks.
Nothing in the Bible prohibits abortion. Remember, some of us have read the Bible, so you can't gaslight us with nonsense.

Abortion wasn't even on the radar of most Christians until rich conservatives saw that being pro-racism was a losing political issue. They needed something new to get the backing of evangelicals, so they setttled on pushing abortion as a political issue. Being anti-abortion is a relatively new thing among "Christians".
1. Induced abortion isn't in the bible because it wasn't invented yet.
2. Thou shalt not kill. Seems to cover it.
3. You are the gas-lighter, aka "liar". Religions have always opposed abortions.
Some people are misguided. Of course the people signing this petition are pro-immigration, no surprise there. Sure is funny to see some of these Dems claim to know the Gospel.

---Thousands Sign Christian Petition Urging Bishops Not to Back Donald Trump---

Trump represents the Christo-fascist right well – illiberal, authoritarian, consumed with racism, bigotry, and hate.
Some people are misguided. Of course the people signing this petition are pro-immigration, no surprise there. Sure is funny to see some of these Dems claim to know the Gospel.

---Thousands Sign Christian Petition Urging Bishops Not to Back Donald Trump---

Yeah, because a liar, adulterer and egotistical bore was what the mythical Geezsus was all about.
Russians helped the scumbag racist chaos maker as much as possible.Trump told them in a speech to hack Hillary. How he won! DUHHHH
LIAR. The Mueller Investigation stopped that lie.

What Mueller didn't investigate was Hillary PAYING RUSSIANS for the Steele Dossier, and how the MSM ran with those lies.

DUHHH, yourself coxucker.

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