Christians Stabbed, Beaten With Plank Near Indonesia's Capital

In recent months, they have thrown shoes and water bottles at the church members, interrupted sermons with chants of "Infidels!" and "Leave Now!" and dumped piles of feces on the land.

Such a lovely group of people. Even though they do not represent the majority, they will get most of the attention.
I'm not convinced they don't represent the majority. Generally, if a small faction of a population gets out of control and wreaks havoc, the majority stands up and cries out against them.

That doesn't happen with Islam. You get a bunch of lies, doublespeak, and backdoor justification for this sort of thing.
Once again the lefties get hoodwinked by appeasing those crying "victim". The need of the lefty to "change the world" backs them into confining corners until all they can do is walk away when the shit hits the fan and blame the right for not protecting them.
I'm not convinced they don't represent the majority. Generally, if a small faction of a population gets out of control and wreaks havoc, the majority stands up and cries out against them.

That doesn't happen with Islam. You get a bunch of lies, doublespeak, and backdoor justification for this sort of thing.

Also from the article...

Indonesia, a secular country of 237 million people, has more Muslims than any other in the world. Though it has a long history of religious tolerance, a small extremist fringe has become more vocal in recent years.

It is troubling when people don't speak out against the radicals. However, even in the USA when we have kooks like the pastor wanting to burn qurans and we speak out against it, that is not the headline over there. Instead, they latch onto the whacko as a representative of all, and chant "death to America".
Do yalll really think the left on this board care about a dead Christian?

Of course not. Christians are the enemy of the left. The left despises Christians far more than Muslims. Muslims are the ally of the left. The naive little twits aren't smart enough to realize that muslims are using them and when muslims gain control they will turn on them too.
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Here is the last sentence of the article:

"We know who's behind it," said Maj. Gen. Timur Pradopo, the police chief in Jakarta, without elaborating. "But I don't believe this is an inter-religous conflict."
Here is the last sentence of the article:

"We know who's behind it," said Maj. Gen. Timur Pradopo, the police chief in Jakarta, without elaborating. "But I don't believe this is an inter-religous conflict."

Of course not, because it is just a Peaceful Tolerant Muslim beating on a Evil intolerant Christian. :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. I wonder how long the average Joe in America will put up with this?
2. Seems we have lots of work to do, tearing down buildings of islam, and putting a ban on it.
3. But we sit around doing nothing.

"We know who's behind it," said Maj. Gen. Timur Pradopo, the police chief in Jakarta, without elaborating. "But I don't believe this is an inter-religous conflict."
I don't see why this is in Homeland issues and news, rather than the story--
Six dead after US breakfast killing spree in Kentucky
BBC News - Six dead after US breakfast killing spree in Kentucky

Current events and homeland news.

It's current. But I did ponder where to put it for about 2 seconds.
Here is the last sentence of the article:

"We know who's behind it," said Maj. Gen. Timur Pradopo, the police chief in Jakarta, without elaborating. "But I don't believe this is an inter-religous conflict."

As I said, lies and doublespeak.

It isn't an isolated event. The church is already closed. Muslims have been shitting on the property and throwing shoes and garbage at the church for some time.
Ah Islam....The Religion of Peace.
Ah Christianity....The Religion of Peace.

Woman, 82, Is Beaten on Way to Church -
Attacked Muslim cabbie opposed the Ground Zero Mosque Don Surber
Off-duty police lieutenant assaulted at Staten Island mosque -
BBC News - Inquiry into claims child assaulted at Bolton mosque
Christian Hatred Kills Matthew Shepard
Christian Candidate Assaults Mom, Wants Gays Killed This. That. No Other.
Abortion Doctor Gunned Down at Kansas Church, Suspect in Custody - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

These stories clearly represent all Christians. Everywhere. And let me guess: you think they "don't count" for some reason.

I'm not convinced they don't represent the majority. Generally, if a small faction of a population gets out of control and wreaks havoc, the majority stands up and cries out against them.

That doesn't happen with Islam. You get a bunch of lies, doublespeak, and backdoor justification for this sort of thing.
Except, they DO speak out against it. Google it. Heck just turn on the US news any day of the week and get a feel as to whether you hear more of bad things that happen, or the groups working hard to prevent/repair those bad things. Now imagine coverage from across the world. In your insignificant worldview, doing absolutely no homework on the topic, you expect to hear about groups that are naturally not covered by the media? Where are the groups who speak out against the articles I just posted above? I didn't see them on the news. Should I therefore conclude the criminals of those stories represent all of Christianity? Wake the hell up.

If one MILLION Muslims comprise radical extremists, they would comprise 0.06% of the Islamic world. And yet you're still unsure whether they represent the majority or not? Islam has more honor roll students than America has TOTAL students. What you see, while seemingly constant at times, represents an extremely small minority. They are the KKK of Islam, nothing more.

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