Christians - What is your opinion of this?

Arafat was printing deeds in Beirut for palestinians, nullifying all sales of land to jews yet not returning the amount the palestinians were paid, let alone interest that would have accrued

Oh, c'mon, this is idiotic Aris. Have some dignity for God's sake.

I think Aris has more creditability than you do, so why don't you have some dignity? Aris would not say something like that if she wasn't aware that it happened.
Posting something ridiculous about Arafat printing deeds in Beirut is definitely scraping the bottom of the cesspit. No retraction.

and Sally, your opinion of me counts as a compliment, believe me.
If you look at History the Jews suffered terribly at the hands of the Muslims. We " stole" their land because of a War the Arabs initiated in 1967 ? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :lol: TOO BAD ! :smiliehug:

Want a source on statement #1.

On statement #2 I think you must assuredly be delusional. There are LOTS of statements made by Moshe Dayan, published in some of his books, clearly admitting that Israel carefully planned and initiated the '67 war ... and that they did it specifically as a land grab.

You are not only delusional you ae a liar. Tell us please why Egypt sent the U.N. Peace Keepers away and why they complied. Why did Egypt close the Straits of Tiran? Why were the Arabs Military Forces increasing along Israel's " 67 Borders?" :lol:

Syrian Front

On May 22, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This blockade cut off Israel’s only supply route with Asia and stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran. The following day, President Johnson declared the blockade illegal and tried, unsuccessfully, to organize an international flotilla to test it.

Nasser was fully aware of the pressure he was exerting to force Israel’s hand. The day after the blockade was set up, he said defiantly: “The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome! We are ready for war.”8

Nasser challenged Israel to fight almost daily. “Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight,” he said on May 27.9 The following day, he added: “We will not accept any . . . ​coexistence with Israel . . . ​Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel. . . . The war with Israel is in effect since 1948.” 10

King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30. Nasser then announced:

The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . ​to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations. 11

Know when a Pro Palestinin lies? When they open their mouth.
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Posting something ridiculous about Arafat printing deeds in Beirut is definitely scraping the bottom of the cesspit. No retraction.

and Sally, your opinion of me counts as a compliment, believe me.

As if Roudy cares what your opinion is of him!!! You can say what you want to about Aris, but I think most of the readers will see her as a credible source no matter what you have to say.
BBC News - The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm

A Palestinian Christian family that preaches non-violence from a farm in the West Bank is battling to hold on to land it has owned for 98 years. Now surrounded by Israeli settlements, the family is a living example of the idea of peaceful resistance.

On his farm outside Bethlehem, Daher Nassar is picking apples from the ruins of the orchard he planted at least eight years ago. The fruit is scattered across ground freshly opened and imprinted with the tracks of a bulldozer. At the field's edge, branches reach out from inside a mound of earth, the bark stripped and mangled, unripe almonds still clinging to the trees.


Jews in Israel and Jews in America are completely incapable of seeing the other sides position on anything so I say Israel, you are on your own.

Zionist nutcases (which accounts for all zionists) have no right to steal their land.

It's not their " land" you moron. " Palestine" didn't exist before 1967 and will never exist. The Uncivilzed Arab World should have thought of this before 1967.

I sure am getting tired of this faux veteran. The Jews arrived from Europe and took land and expelled the people that were living there. That's a fact. NO way around it, no way to justify it, it is fact. So shut up you ignorant faux veteran.
Zionist nutcases (which accounts for all zionists) have no right to steal their land.

It's not their " land" you moron. " Palestine" didn't exist before 1967 and will never exist. The Uncivilzed Arab World should have thought of this before 1967.

I sure am getting tired of this faux veteran. The Jews arrived from Europe and took land and expelled the people that were living there. That's a fact. NO way around it, no way to justify it, it is fact. So shut up you ignorant faux veteran.

Don't you think that many are getting tired of your faux version. I think I will go with the British officials in the area who said the Arabs came in droves from their impoverished surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them, much the same reason we see poor people coming into America, Canada and Europe. Why don't you shut up and keep all this nonsense to tell your other Muslim friends. Leave American veterans out of it.
But Sally, you wont even read a book. So look, take the word of the Israeli genetic researchers, the Palestinians ARE the indigenous people.
But Sally, you wont even read a book. So look, take the word of the Israeli genetic researchers, the Palestinians ARE the indigenous people.

Sure looks like Amity is unable to find anything in a good scientific journal which is discussing this earth-shettering find. Keep on looking, Amity. Your friends are still not going to be able to arrive en masse into Israel to take over.
So I know you don't like to read,l but now I am wondering if you are illiterate.

Did you NOT read the sources I have posted several times?!?!?

You are not only ignorant, you are STUBBORN about remaining that way.

1. Ben-Gurion, David & Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. The Land of Israel in the Past and in the Present. The Yiddish version, New York, 1918.

2. Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. Populations of Our Land. Warsaw: The Labor Committee of "Brit Hanoar" and the World Khaluts Center, 1932.

3. Writings of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Vol. no. 5 – Population of the Land of Israel – Tel Aviv: Mitspeh Publishing, 1936 (identical contents to source 2).

4. Ben-Gurion, David. An Inquiry into the Origins of the Fellahin. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

5. Belkind, Israel. Arabs in the Land of Israel. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

6. Misinai, Tsvi. The Road Map to the Third Intifada – The roots and solution to the Problem of the Holy Land. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006.

7. Yarden, Elon. A Common Homeland Not a Disputed Territory. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006. (Contains sources 4 and 5 as appendices).

8. Yarden, Elon. Zion in Justice Shall be Redeemed (An Alternative to the Oslo Accords). Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, Tel Aviv, 2002.

9. Misinai, Tsvi. Brother Shall Not Lift Sword Against Brother. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2007. (The book is a shortened version of source 6, written in a popular style).

10. Writings of Ber Borokhov, Volume 1. Kibbuts Meukhad Publishing, 1955.

11. Oral Telling of Samaritan Traditions, Yitskhak Ben Tsvi, A.B. Samaritan News, Volume 370-371, page 8, October 8, 1985.

12. מבנה ציבור בכפר יטא שבדרום הר חברון – יובל ברוך, רשות העתיקות ירושלים – מחקרי יהודה ושומרון תשנ"ט, כרך תשיעי.

13. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes M. F. Hammer, A. J. Redd, E. T. Wood, M. R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M. A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonne-Tamir PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA(, Volume 67, No. 12, pp 6769-6774, June 6, 2000. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

14. High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews Almut Nebel • Dvora Filon • Deborah A. Weiss • Michael Weale • Marina Faerman • Ariella Oppenheim • Mark G. Thomas Human Genetics, Volume 107, pp 630-641, 2000.

15. The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 69, pp 1095-1112, 2001.

16. Genetics of congenital deafness in the Palestinian population: multiple connection 26 alleles with shared origins in the Middle East. Shanin H, Walsh T, Sobe T, Lynch E, King MC, Avraham KB, Kanaan M. Human Genetics 110(3):284-9, Mar 2002.

17. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, and Jorge Martínez-Laso Human Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001)

18. Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians Robin McKie, science editor, The Observer, Sunday 25 November 2001 Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer

19. The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin Biology Direct Biology Direct | Full text | The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms

20. Bohm, David. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge, 198
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So I know you don't like to read,l but now I am wondering if you are illiterate.

Did you NOT read the sources I have posted several times?!?!?

I probably have a higher IQ than you have, but I don't try to make myself out as a faux scholar as you do. Show me a scientific journal regarding this genetics shtick you keep posting over and over. That should be a very simple task for you if there was something in one of the reputable scientific journals.
13. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes M. F. Hammer, A. J. Redd, E. T. Wood, M. R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M. A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonne-Tamir PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA(, Volume 67, No. 12, pp 6769-6774, June 6, 2000. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

14. High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews Almut Nebel • Dvora Filon • Deborah A. Weiss • Michael Weale • Marina Faerman • Ariella Oppenheim • Mark G. Thomas Human Genetics, Volume 107, pp 630-641, 2000.

15. The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 69, pp 1095-1112, 2001.

16. Genetics of congenital deafness in the Palestinian population: multiple connection 26 alleles with shared origins in the Middle East. Shanin H, Walsh T, Sobe T, Lynch E, King MC, Avraham KB, Kanaan M. Human Genetics 110(3):284-9, Mar 2002.

17. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, and Jorge Martínez-Laso Human Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001)

So let's see now, the National Academy of Sciences, the Journal of Human Genetics ... one top notch source after another. What part of this are you not getting?

Jews in Israel and Jews in America are completely incapable of seeing the other sides position on anything so I say Israel, you are on your own.

So, Sealybobo, are you incapble of seeing what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East about which the Pope is very concerned. Or do you just worry about what is happening in Israel when so many Christians are being killed in other Middle East countries? Perhaps you should tell the Christians in the Middle East that they are on the own when it comes to Muslims murdering them? Meanwhile, I have a great idea; why don't you ask Freddie how the Christians are faring in his own country?

As a white guy I am not stupid enough to go walking down the streets of Detroit in the middle of the night. I would also not live in the middle east being that I am not a muslim.
Jews in Israel and Jews in America are completely incapable of seeing the other sides position on anything so I say Israel, you are on your own.

So, Sealybobo, are you incapble of seeing what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East about which the Pope is very concerned. Or do you just worry about what is happening in Israel when so many Christians are being killed in other Middle East countries? Perhaps you should tell the Christians in the Middle East that they are on the own when it comes to Muslims murdering them? Meanwhile, I have a great idea; why don't you ask Freddie how the Christians are faring in his own country?

As a white guy I am not stupid enough to go walking down the streets of Detroit in the middle of the night. I would also not live in the middle east being that I am not a muslim.

As a " White Guy" he is not " stupid enough" to walk in Detroit the middle of the night yet if a Black Guy was jumped in a " White Neighborhood" it would be considered " Walking while Black" ? :D. Is being Forbidden to live in the ME unless you're a Muslim racist? Naaaaa .... Is having a " Palestinian country" with a NJA Policy racist? Naaaaa . Is a primarily Jewish Country in the ME " racist?"

Of course it is! Leave it to the Irish " Catholic". :D. :lol: to display his bigotry and Racism.
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Jews in Israel and Jews in America are completely incapable of seeing the other sides position on anything so I say Israel, you are on your own.

So, Sealybobo, are you incapble of seeing what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East about which the Pope is very concerned. Or do you just worry about what is happening in Israel when so many Christians are being killed in other Middle East countries? Perhaps you should tell the Christians in the Middle East that they are on the own when it comes to Muslims murdering them? Meanwhile, I have a great idea; why don't you ask Freddie how the Christians are faring in his own country?

As a white guy I am not stupid enough to go walking down the streets of Detroit in the middle of the night. I would also not live in the middle east being that I am not a muslim.

What has this to do with Christians living in the Middle East and being harassed and murdered for their religious beliefs plus their churches burned down. These are the descendents of the early Christians. Don't you think they should be able to practice their beliefs in peace?
Either kick the Israeli Arabs out of the West Bank, or strengthen that damn wall and impose unilaterally a two-state solution with the Israelis controlling Palestinian security.
There are no Israeli Arabs in the West Bank. Israeli Arabs (so called) are inside Israel.
So, Sealybobo, are you incapble of seeing what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East about which the Pope is very concerned. Or do you just worry about what is happening in Israel when so many Christians are being killed in other Middle East countries? Perhaps you should tell the Christians in the Middle East that they are on the own when it comes to Muslims murdering them? Meanwhile, I have a great idea; why don't you ask Freddie how the Christians are faring in his own country?

As a white guy I am not stupid enough to go walking down the streets of Detroit in the middle of the night. I would also not live in the middle east being that I am not a muslim.

What has this to do with Christians living in the Middle East and being harassed and murdered for their religious beliefs plus their churches burned down. These are the descendents of the early Christians. Don't you think they should be able to practice their beliefs in peace?

Not going to get a response from the " Irish Catholic". :lol: He was taught well. :smiliehug:
Zionist nutcases (which accounts for all zionists) have no right to steal their land.

It's not their " land" you moron. " Palestine" didn't exist before 1967 and will never exist. The Uncivilzed Arab World should have thought of this before 1967.

I sure am getting tired of this faux veteran. The Jews arrived from Europe and took land and expelled the people that were living there. That's a fact. NO way around it, no way to justify it, it is fact. So shut up you ignorant faux veteran.

I am getting tired of you with your Racism and Ignorance. The JEWISH STATE was thought of LONG before WW 2, you moron. The Arabs treated the Jewish people living in their Countries with killings, being deprived of certain " rights" the Arabs had, etc. etc. Israel is a primarily JEWISH Country and will remain so. So shut the Fuck Up, You ignorant Racist Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker. :D
I am getting tired of you with your Racism and Ignorance. The JEWISH STATE was thought of LONG before WW 2, you moron. The Arabs treated the Jewish people living in their Countries with killings, being deprived of certain " rights" the Arabs had, etc. etc. Israel is a primarily JEWISH Country and will remain so. So shut the Fuck Up, You ignorant Racist Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker. :D

And I'm tired of your racism and ignorance!!! If America declared itself a primarily Christian country and its intention to remain so, you would raise holy heck. Who else in the 21st century has an exclusivist agenda like Israel? Its an archaic remnant of a racist colonialism.

But I have better manners than you, better vocabulary, and WAAAAAY more knowledge.
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