Christians - What is your opinion of this?

I am getting tired of you with your Racism and Ignorance. The JEWISH STATE was thought of LONG before WW 2, you moron. The Arabs treated the Jewish people living in their Countries with killings, being deprived of certain " rights" the Arabs had, etc. etc. Israel is a primarily JEWISH Country and will remain so. So shut the Fuck Up, You ignorant Racist Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker. :D

And I'm tired of your racism and ignorance!!! If America declared itself a primarily Christian country and its intention to remain so, you would raise holy heck. Who else in the 21st century has an exclusivist agenda like Israel? Its an archaic remnant of a racist colonialism.

But I have better manners than you, better vocabulary, and WAAAAAY more knowledge.

"So I know you don't like to read,l but now I am wondering if you are illiterate."

Hostility, it's apodictic from the fact that Sally writes that this cannot be the case. And from your several errors in grammar in that one sentence, it's your words which suggest the possibility of limited literacy.

But do go on, Hostility! Your bathetic attempts to bully others into acceding to your 'arguments' are indeed risible, and it's quite amusing. Especially when you claim to have better manners.

Those who were indeed 'to the manor born' generally don't stoop to boasting about anything much. Most of them have a strong sense of the fact that they held a winning hand at birth, and little short of persistent self-destructive behavior on their own part could have taken away the privileges of that 'silver spoon'.

Of course, those of us coming from 'downtrodden minorities' usually don't use that as an excuse, either. I got to watch a full professor of musicology, a student of Lomax', slap down a lazy 'homey' boy who wanted an 'A' on the basis of common skin color. The prof, who'd grown up a barefoot 'pickaninny' on the island of Tobago (his words), wasn't having any of it.....
I am getting tired of you with your Racism and Ignorance. The JEWISH STATE was thought of LONG before WW 2, you moron. The Arabs treated the Jewish people living in their Countries with killings, being deprived of certain " rights" the Arabs had, etc. etc. Israel is a primarily JEWISH Country and will remain so. So shut the Fuck Up, You ignorant Racist Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker. :D

And I'm tired of your racism and ignorance!!! If America declared itself a primarily Christian country and its intention to remain so, you would raise holy heck. Who else in the 21st century has an exclusivist agenda like Israel? Its an archaic remnant of a racist colonialism.

But I have better manners than you, better vocabulary, and WAAAAAY more knowledge.

And I'm tired of your racism and ignorance !!! Why is it O.K to have a Palestinian Country with a NJA / No Israelis Allowed Policy but not a Jewish Country that HAS Arabs? Why is it O.K to have recognized ARAB and MUSLIM Countries, many of them FORBID Jews but not a primarily Jewish one?? Regarding your question about the " 21 st Century" ; Just answered it !!

You have better manners then me?? Too bad you don't condemn your Pro Palestinian Kool - Aid Drinking Friends when they use it. Better vocabulary and better knowledge? Don't think so !!

Like to count the number of times you have asked what Abbas DEMANDS are for a " Palestinian country" to exist ( Two State Solution) BTW,the UN declared Israel be the JEWISH HOMELAND . Don't like it? Too bad, So sad. :D
BBC News - The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm

A Palestinian Christian family that preaches non-violence from a farm in the West Bank is battling to hold on to land it has owned for 98 years. Now surrounded by Israeli settlements, the family is a living example of the idea of peaceful resistance.

On his farm outside Bethlehem, Daher Nassar is picking apples from the ruins of the orchard he planted at least eight years ago. The fruit is scattered across ground freshly opened and imprinted with the tracks of a bulldozer. At the field's edge, branches reach out from inside a mound of earth, the bark stripped and mangled, unripe almonds still clinging to the trees.


He should be able to keep it. Why would he not. Unless you are a fire breathing, hyper-ultra zionist, you would agree.
I would give my opinion - but then I'm not a Christian. So I figured it wasn't welcome.
And I'm tired of your racism and ignorance !!! Why is it O.K to have a Palestinian Country with a NJA / No Israelis Allowed Policy but not a Jewish Country that HAS Arabs? Why is it O.K to have recognized ARAB and MUSLIM Countries, many of them FORBID Jews but not a primarily Jewish one?? Regarding your question about the " 21 st Century" ; Just answered it !!

You have better manners then me?? Too bad you don't condemn your Pro Palestinian Kool - Aid Drinking Friends when they use it. Better vocabulary and better knowledge? Don't think so !!

Like to count the number of times you have asked what Abbas DEMANDS are for a " Palestinian country" to exist ( Two State Solution) BTW,the UN declared Israel be the JEWISH HOMELAND . Don't like it? Too bad, So sad. :D

Ya know, I kind of agree with you. I could possibly support a proposal to go back to the 1948 borders and everybody stay the heck off each other's territory totally for a couple of decades to cool off.
Horrible. They must really want to live in Egypt, then; Well, besides beheading them, burning their churches and humiliating them, there is no risk.

Evil Jooooooooos

But what do you think of this case, not what you suppose may happen to them in another country.
It seems they were doing well for about a hundred years, mostly under a Muslim government, except when the Israelis got to stealing their land.

If you look at History the Jews suffered terribly at the hands of the Muslims. We " stole" their land because of a War the Arabs initiated in 1967 ? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :lol: TOO BAD ! :smiliehug:

We Jews have suffered for 2000 years because of the christer goyim swine

Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism
And I'm tired of your racism and ignorance !!! Why is it O.K to have a Palestinian Country with a NJA / No Israelis Allowed Policy but not a Jewish Country that HAS Arabs? Why is it O.K to have recognized ARAB and MUSLIM Countries, many of them FORBID Jews but not a primarily Jewish one?? Regarding your question about the " 21 st Century" ; Just answered it !!

You have better manners then me?? Too bad you don't condemn your Pro Palestinian Kool - Aid Drinking Friends when they use it. Better vocabulary and better knowledge? Don't think so !!

Like to count the number of times you have asked what Abbas DEMANDS are for a " Palestinian country" to exist ( Two State Solution) BTW,the UN declared Israel be the JEWISH HOMELAND . Don't like it? Too bad, So sad. :D

Ya know, I kind of agree with you. I could possibly support a proposal to go back to the 1948 borders and everybody stay the heck off each other's territory totally for a couple of decades to cool off.

Now, THAT is FUNNY !!!! " 48 Borders" that the Arabs REJECTED ??? DON'T THINK SO !! " borders" that don't give Israelis ANY rights to Jerusalem?? DON'T THINK SO !!! BTW, According to " International Law" Jordan was supposed to let Israelis to have access to E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are but of course didn't. Israel complained to the UN but of course nothing was done. Was that Racist, Naaaaa..... Not by YOUR DEFINITION . Still refuse to explain why it's O.K to have a Palestinian Country, Arab, Muslim Countries with a NJA Policy but not a Jewish Homeland that DOES have Arabs, you Hypocrite. :D
But what do you think of this case, not what you suppose may happen to them in another country.
It seems they were doing well for about a hundred years, mostly under a Muslim government, except when the Israelis got to stealing their land.

If you look at History the Jews suffered terribly at the hands of the Muslims. We " stole" their land because of a War the Arabs initiated in 1967 ? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :lol: TOO BAD ! :smiliehug:

We Jews have suffered for 2000 years because of the christer goyim swine

Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism

You really need some help, All you seem to do is obsess over the Christians when it is the extremist Muslims who are the enemies of the Jews and Christians today. In fact, there was a Jewish philosopher living in Italy in the 15th century who said (regardless of the Inquisition taking place at that time) that the biggest enemy of the Jews in the future would be the Muslims. Now wasn't he prophetic?
No, he wasn't. Watch the videos on the thread about Christians in the Holy Land and then we'll chat.
There are .... on another forum.

This is the Israel/Palestine forum.

Typical Racist Pro Palestinian Response; Similar to condemning a Jewish Homeland with Arabs but not a " Palestinian" homeland with a NJA Policy. Yes, this is lthe I/P Forum and other topics can't be introduced or spoken about in detail. However , there is nothing wrong with acknowledging Muslim atrocities against each other and Christians. :D
Last edited:
There are .... on another forum.

This is the Israel/Palestine forum.

Typical Racist Pro Palestinian Response; Similar to condemning a Jewish Homeland with Arabs but not a " Palestinian" homeland with a NJA Policy. Yes, this is lthe I/P Forum and other topics can't be introduced or spoken about in detail. However , there is nothing wrong with acknowledging Muslim atrocities against each other and Christians. :D

Isn't it nice though that Hamas provides her with a Sri Lankan maid that all she has to do all day is blabber on and on? You and I know that the blabberer is not interested in what her friends are doing to others. One thing you have to give those Muslims credits for. They appear to have a truckload of videos that they drag up all the time, only these videos cover only one tiny portion of the land in the Middle East and nothing else. We really dopn't have to wonder why. It is as obvious as night and day.
Typical Racist Pro Palestinian Response; Similar to condemning a Jewish Homeland with Arabs but not a " Palestinian" homeland with a NJA Policy. Yes, this is lthe I/P Forum and other topics can't be introduced or spoken about in detail. However , there is nothing wrong with acknowledging Muslim atrocities against each other and Christians. :D

But you are implying that the Palestinians are involved/responsible, and of course they aren't.
Isn't it nice though that Hamas provides her with a Sri Lankan maid that all she has to do all day is blabber on and on? You and I know that the blabberer is not interested in what her friends are doing to others. One thing you have to give those Muslims credits for. They appear to have a truckload of videos that they drag up all the time, only these videos cover only one tiny portion of the land in the Middle East and nothing else. We really dopn't have to wonder why. It is as obvious as night and day.

I think if you do right by the Palestinians the rest of your worries across the Muslim world will pretty much go away.
Isn't it nice though that Hamas provides her with a Sri Lankan maid that all she has to do all day is blabber on and on? You and I know that the blabberer is not interested in what her friends are doing to others. One thing you have to give those Muslims credits for. They appear to have a truckload of videos that they drag up all the time, only these videos cover only one tiny portion of the land in the Middle East and nothing else. We really dopn't have to wonder why. It is as obvious as night and day.

I think if you do right by the Palestinians the rest of your worries across the Muslim world will pretty much go away.

Yeah sure, many of those Palestinians are just like the rest of the Muslims who are busy killing in the rest of the Middle East countries. Why don't you contact the clergymen in the Middle East who incites these killers and tell them to have tolerance for those who are non Muslims and Muslims of different sects, and then maybe the fighting will stop and thousands and thousands and thousands of lives would be saved.
Like I said, tell where and who and what. Otherwise I don't know what you are talking about.

You have what is called an idee fixe apparently. Your entire understanding of reality, no matter what is being discussed, is filtered through your obsession with Muslims. And in a vision of Muslims that doesn't even exist ANYWHERE!
Then the bulldozers rolled

‘Tent of Nations’ farm near Bethlehem attacked, orchards destroyed

May 30, 2014

“I would not have believed them,” Rupert Neudeck, founder of the NGO Green Helmets, after Israeli government bulldozers leveled large sections of Tent of Nations,an internationally-known and respected peace project located on the 100-acre Nassar family farm near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Tent of Nations came under apparently unprovoked attack on May 19. Between 1,500 and 2,000 mature, fruit-bearing apricot and apple trees and grape vines were destroyed along with terraced land, according to numerous reports. The land has been in the Nassar family since 1916 and the current owner, Daoud Nassar, 44, works the only hilltop farm between Bethlehem and Hebron in “Sector C” of the West Bank that is not occupied by Israeli settlers.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - News & Announcements - Then the bulldozers rolled

Daoud Nassar - Tent of Nations - YouTube

Ugh. Tinmore, could you start a thread with this story? Its incredible.
Like I said, tell where and who and what. Otherwise I don't know what you are talking about.

You have what is called an idee fixe apparently. Your entire understanding of reality, no matter what is being discussed, is filtered through your obsession with Muslims. And in a vision of Muslims that doesn't even exist ANYWHERE!

It is you who closes her eyes to what is happening in the Muslim world, and so much of the killings have been incited by the different clergy. Get ready for Ramadan. There must be a lot for you to do. After Ramadan is over, start reading up and finding out what is actually happening in the Muslim world. I think the viewers realize that you have a specific mission in life and that is to demonize the Israeli Jews so your new brethren can take over. I can't imagine that you actually think you are fooling the viewers who have the intelligence to see right through you.
Then the bulldozers rolled

‘Tent of Nations’ farm near Bethlehem attacked, orchards destroyed

May 30, 2014

“I would not have believed them,” Rupert Neudeck, founder of the NGO Green Helmets, after Israeli government bulldozers leveled large sections of Tent of Nations,an internationally-known and respected peace project located on the 100-acre Nassar family farm near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Tent of Nations came under apparently unprovoked attack on May 19. Between 1,500 and 2,000 mature, fruit-bearing apricot and apple trees and grape vines were destroyed along with terraced land, according to numerous reports. The land has been in the Nassar family since 1916 and the current owner, Daoud Nassar, 44, works the only hilltop farm between Bethlehem and Hebron in “Sector C” of the West Bank that is not occupied by Israeli settlers.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - News & Announcements - Then the bulldozers rolled

Daoud Nassar - Tent of Nations - YouTube

Ugh. Tinmore, could you start a thread with this story? Its incredible.

First off, you need to know who you are talking to. Tinmore has openly insulted and laughed out, and made jokes about people who have lost their children to Palestinian terrorist, because they are jews and he doesn't care.

You are talking to an extremely evil man. I absolutely will not talk to someone who desperately evil. If you can, fine. But you need to know who it is you are talking to, and where you are getting information from.

As for the case of the Nassars and Israel, there are two sides to every store, and of course Tinmore isn't going to tell you the other side, because again.... he's evil man that laughs at people who have lost children, and he wants to attack Israelis any way he can.

Here's the rest of the story....

The Nassar family has legal Land Registration Documents, stamped by the Israeli Civil Administration, from 1920. These documents give clear proof that the Nassar family legally owns about half of the contested acres of land.

However, the family has been cultivating twice as much land, as they have documented ownership for.

When the case was brought to court, the Nassar Family only provided a hand drawn map. Of course, that's not legal proof of ownership, and never has been.

Under Israeli law, any land without clear title, can be annexed by local governments to expand into. For decades, the land was left alone, but now the local population needs room to grow, and under the law the local authorities have the right to annex that land, which has no clear legal ownership.

Of course the Jew haters have come out to rally around this, as if this is a special case. But it's not. Many Jews have also lost land they didn't have clear ownership of, to the expanding cities. The same happens in America, and I wager all over the world.

Does not make it right, but it certainly doesn't make it a 'special' case, except that people hate jews, and this involves jews, so it's 'special'.

As far as the knocking down of some of his buildings, the demolition orders have been in place since 2006. The fact they have given so much leniency to this case, shows they have not held the Nassars to a higher standard.

Additionally, the whole reason was that the Nassars had erected illegal structures without proper permits. Again, many jews have had their structures knocked down too, when they didn't have proper permits. The Nassars have not been singled out in any way.

Basically, this is just another case that society is messy, and no government gets everything perfect. We have the exact same problems here in the US, and every country does.

But because this involves jews, and we have hideously cruel evil people here on the forum, then this is yet another way they can attack jews.

My opinion? They have a court system, and legal ways to obtain permits. If they really have a case, fight it out in the Israeli court. If they lose, except it and move on with their life. Or they can fight until they die, and just die. If they want to waste their life, that's their choice.
So I know you don't like to read,l but now I am wondering if you are illiterate.

Did you NOT read the sources I have posted several times?!?!?

You are not only ignorant, you are STUBBORN about remaining that way.

1. Ben-Gurion, David & Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. The Land of Israel in the Past and in the Present. The Yiddish version, New York, 1918.

2. Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. Populations of Our Land. Warsaw: The Labor Committee of "Brit Hanoar" and the World Khaluts Center, 1932.

3. Writings of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Vol. no. 5 – Population of the Land of Israel – Tel Aviv: Mitspeh Publishing, 1936 (identical contents to source 2).

4. Ben-Gurion, David. An Inquiry into the Origins of the Fellahin. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

5. Belkind, Israel. Arabs in the Land of Israel. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

6. Misinai, Tsvi. The Road Map to the Third Intifada – The roots and solution to the Problem of the Holy Land. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006.

7. Yarden, Elon. A Common Homeland Not a Disputed Territory. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006. (Contains sources 4 and 5 as appendices).

8. Yarden, Elon. Zion in Justice Shall be Redeemed (An Alternative to the Oslo Accords). Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, Tel Aviv, 2002.

9. Misinai, Tsvi. Brother Shall Not Lift Sword Against Brother. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2007. (The book is a shortened version of source 6, written in a popular style).

10. Writings of Ber Borokhov, Volume 1. Kibbuts Meukhad Publishing, 1955.

11. Oral Telling of Samaritan Traditions, Yitskhak Ben Tsvi, A.B. Samaritan News, Volume 370-371, page 8, October 8, 1985.

12. מבנה ציבור בכפר יטא שבדרום הר חברון – יובל ברוך, רשות העתיקות ירושלים – מחקרי יהודה ושומרון תשנ"ט, כרך תשיעי.

13. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes M. F. Hammer, A. J. Redd, E. T. Wood, M. R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M. A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonne-Tamir PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA(, Volume 67, No. 12, pp 6769-6774, June 6, 2000. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

14. High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews Almut Nebel • Dvora Filon • Deborah A. Weiss • Michael Weale • Marina Faerman • Ariella Oppenheim • Mark G. Thomas Human Genetics, Volume 107, pp 630-641, 2000.

15. The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 69, pp 1095-1112, 2001.

16. Genetics of congenital deafness in the Palestinian population: multiple connection 26 alleles with shared origins in the Middle East. Shanin H, Walsh T, Sobe T, Lynch E, King MC, Avraham KB, Kanaan M. Human Genetics 110(3):284-9, Mar 2002.

17. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, and Jorge Martínez-Laso Human Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001)

18. Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians Robin McKie, science editor, The Observer, Sunday 25 November 2001 Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer

19. The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin Biology Direct Biology Direct | Full text | The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms

20. Bohm, David. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge, 198

Amity, we who are literate would like to read some of these reports online that you have posted in several threads at this site. However, none of the links in your post work. All come up with "404, not found" errors. Please, next time you post this post of yours, fix the links so we can read them.

Thank you.

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