Christie says Government shut down is irresponsible

Christie: It?s ?irresponsible? to threaten a government shutdown ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Christie is once again showing that he puts his Country above partisan politics. The House Baggers will not heed his warning and will end up shutting down the Government.

Well since you liberals love Christe so much, maybe the Dems will sit down and negotiate something instead of acting like a spoiled teenage girl --demanding a higher credit card limit when her card is maxed out.
Governor Christie has shown himself to be very capable in an emergency situation. He worked with everyone that he needed to to get help and aid for the people of New Jersey. And incurred the wrath of the present radical GOP in doing that. I doubt that in the present political climate, given how far to the right so many in that party are swinging, that he can get the nomination.

I really would like to see a run between him and someone like Hillary. Maybe then we could get a real discussion about sane ways from both sides to solve the problems in this nation. If the GOP nominates some like Cruz or Ryan, there will be little sane discussion at all.
Governor Christie has shown himself to be very capable in an emergency situation. He worked with everyone that he needed to to get help and aid for the people of New Jersey. And incurred the wrath of the present radical GOP in doing that. I doubt that in the present political climate, given how far to the right so many in that party are swinging, that he can get the nomination.

I really would like to see a run between him and someone like Hillary. Maybe then we could get a real discussion about sane ways from both sides to solve the problems in this nation. If the GOP nominates some like Cruz or Ryan, there will be little sane discussion at all.

I loved the race between Hillary and Barack for those same reasons. Once the primary was won, things just got silly between McCain and Palin attempting to steal the show.
Obama said that raising the debt limit was irresponsible and unpatriotic, now he is all for it.

politicians lie, obama lies a lot.

Christie may run on the dem ticket-------he might as well, he has no credibility and that makes him a perfect dem candidate
Governor Christie has shown himself to be very capable in an emergency situation. He worked with everyone that he needed to to get help and aid for the people of New Jersey. And incurred the wrath of the present radical GOP in doing that. I doubt that in the present political climate, given how far to the right so many in that party are swinging, that he can get the nomination.

I really would like to see a run between him and someone like Hillary. Maybe then we could get a real discussion about sane ways from both sides to solve the problems in this nation. If the GOP nominates some like Cruz or Ryan, there will be little sane discussion at all.

bullshit, you want Christie because you think hillary could beat him

got news for you, hillybilly will not be the DNC candidate in 16. the DNC may be stupid but they are not stupid enough to run her.
Pay attention here.

The same Democrats and Liberals who praised and defended Romney in the primaries are the same ones building up, praising and defending Christie.

The result will be the same...another moderate that liberals love, another loss on election day.
bullshit, you want Christie because you think hillary could beat him

got news for you, hillybilly will not be the DNC candidate in 16. the DNC may be stupid but they are not stupid enough to run her.

Every poll everywhere at anytime consistently has Clinton doing the best against any GOP nominee. Why wouldn't the Democrats have Clinton run??? Heck she already has the most money of any candidate (dem or rep) to boot.

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